Arts, literature, history of. --- .This section is about the history of literature . Topics include: --- 1/24/2006
Arts, literature, history of. --- (1) School, movement, period. (2) Author: bio data. (3) Works: major and minor. (4) Elements types used most often. --- 12/30/1992
Arts, literature, history of. --- (1) The battlefield of ideas. (2) The marketplace of ideas. --- 12/30/1992
Arts, literature, history of. --- Art-writing (literature as fine art): the great artists and their works. --- 12/30/1992
Arts, literature, history of. --- Author. Bio data: birth, death. (2) Type of writing they did. (3) Major works, when written, analyze by elements. (4) How new and how far ahead were they? --- 12/30/1992
Arts, literature, history of. --- By subject, genre, area, language, writing system, time period. --- 12/30/1992
Arts, literature, history of. --- Development of a literature tradition: new subjects, new themes, new forms. --- 12/30/1992
Arts, literature, history of. --- Everything ever written. What's best and why? Why and how they did it? --- 12/30/1992
Arts, literature, history of. --- First in the world. First in a culture. --- 12/30/1992
Arts, literature, history of. --- History. (1) History of a language. (2) History of literature (broadest definition). (3) History of art literature. (4) History of literary criticism. --- 12/30/1992
Arts, literature, history of. --- Intellectual cutting edge vs. popularizers. Can popularization be done without reduction? Yes, broadly. --- 12/30/1992
Arts, literature, history of. --- Know everything ever written, how good was it and why. --- 12/30/1992
Arts, literature, history of. --- Stolen vs. invented. --- 12/30/1992
Arts, literature, history of. --- Strong literature tradition means having many, diverse, high quality works, over a long time period. --- 12/30/1992
Arts, literature, history of. --- What is it? How old is it? Who wrote it? When? Where? Why? How? --- 12/30/1992
Arts, literature, history of. --- Who develops a style vs. who perfects a style. Same for subjects, and all other elements. --- 12/30/1992
Arts, literature, history of. --- Worlds most important works on all subjects and why. --- 12/30/1992