History, relationship history. --- .This section contains ideas for methods of historical analysis of the interpersonal relationships in one's life. --- 12/30/2003
History, relationship history. --- .This section is about analyzing the history of a person's social relationships. --- 10/25/2004
History, relationship history. --- .This section is about history of relationships. Topics include: --- 1/24/2006
History, relationship history. --- (1) Area of life. (2) Person involved. (3) Policy: say to them, do to them. Treat them as friend, neutral, foe. (4) Reasons for above based on what event, what ethical area, or what Paul ethical principle. --- 12/30/1992
History, relationship history. --- (1) Due to this action towards me or others, (2) I think this person is this way (personality trait), and (3) therefore I will take this general or specific attitude and action towards them in the future (get 1 down on paper to help you figure out 2 and 3). --- 12/30/1992
History, relationship history. --- (1) Forced to interact with who, when, where, how, how much, why. (2) Not forced to: choose to vs. choose not to. --- 12/30/1992
History, relationship history. --- (1) Record past and present, (2) analyze past and present, and (3) plan for future. --- 12/30/1992
History, relationship history. --- (1) Things that happened, and why. (2) Things to do, and why (goals, strategies and tactics, and reasons). (3) Things I should of and should not of done, and why (problems and mistakes). (4) Things I learned or figured out. (5) Things I did right vs. wrong. (6) Things to do next time: in general, in certain specific types of relationships, and in specific actual relationships. --- 12/30/1992
History, relationship history. --- (1) Want to interact with vs. don't want to. (2) Should interact with? Shouldn't? --- 12/30/1992
History, relationship history. --- (1) Who was/am/will be me? (2) Who was/is/will be she? (3) What was/is/will be my relationship to her? (4) What should my relationship to her be? (5) What I want, what she wants, and what's objective best for both. --- 12/30/1992
History, relationship history. --- An interaction or an event with them. --- 12/30/1992
History, relationship history. --- Analyzing a relationship. (1) The attitudes (thoughts and emotions) you had about each other. (2) The words you said to each other. (3) the actions you did to each other. (4) The above three factors interact. Your attitudes affect your words and actions. The words and actions create new attitudes. (5) The above three factors change through time. A relationship, like all other historical entities, is dynamic, not static. --- 6/6/2004
History, relationship history. --- Analyzing a relationship. Secondary events. The words you said about each other to other people (i.e., gossip). --- 6/6/2004
History, relationship history. --- Analyzing a relationship. The relationship has a history. Analyze how you feel about each other currently vs. how you felt about each other in the past. --- 6/6/2004
History, relationship history. --- Causes and effects. --- 12/30/1992
History, relationship history. --- Cross relationships. Effect x relationship has on y relationship, and how, and why. --- 12/30/1992
History, relationship history. --- Ideal state approach. Great relationships: (1) Learning and growing naturally. (2) Enjoying the process, having fun. (3) Minimize pain and ethical injustices. --- 12/30/1992
History, relationship history. --- Include important quotes by you or them. --- 12/30/1992
History, relationship history. --- Interaction type, duration, frequency, and intensity. --- 12/30/1992
History, relationship history. --- Interaction with who, when, where, how, why. --- 12/30/1992
History, relationship history. --- Me vs. other: what we thought, said, and did. --- 12/30/1992
History, relationship history. --- My choices and their choices. --- 12/30/1992
History, relationship history. --- Nail down the biographical data and the philosophy/attitudes of the people you know. --- 12/30/1992
History, relationship history. --- Past relationship, present relationship, and future relationship. --- 12/30/1992
History, relationship history. --- Problems approach. Problems with others. Work on and resolve them. People cause problems for other people, intentionally and unintentionally. --- 12/30/1992
History, relationship history. --- Questions for analysis and judgment. (1) Who is x? What is their belief system? (2) How do they think, speak, and act in general? (3) How do they think, speak, and act towards me? --- 12/30/1992
History, relationship history. --- Relationship with them. (1) What is my past and current relationship to them objectively? (2) What do I think it was, is, should be, and why? (3) What do they think it was, is, should be, and why? --- 12/30/1992
History, relationship history. --- Relationship: (1) Where's it going and why? (2) Where do you want it to go and why? (3) How to get from a to b? --- 12/30/1992
History, relationship history. --- Relationships I'm involved in, and relationships I'm not involved in. --- 12/30/1992
History, relationship history. --- Relationships with. (1) Individuals and groups. (2) Opposition, neutral, and friends. (3) Knowns and unknowns (strangers). (4) Areas: women, work, blood, others, strangers. --- 12/30/1992
History, relationship history. --- Specific relationships. Audrey makes me feel satisfied, safe, peaceful, calm, and healthy. --- 10/05/1997
History, relationship history. --- Strategies for dealing with people. (1) Get closer, or move away. (2) Block their blows, hit them yourself. (3) Which you pick for who and why. (4) Which would objectively be best and why. --- 12/30/1992
History, relationship history. --- Them, you, and you and them together. History, current time of event or interaction, and future prospects. --- 12/30/1992
History, relationship history. --- Total interaction (see system theory). Interactions with things (natural things and manmade things) and social interactions. --- 12/30/1992
History, relationship history. --- Where is the relationship headed? Where do you want it to head? --- 12/30/1992
History, relationship history. --- Writing a complete personal history as you live life, an autobiography in progress, inevitably involves trying to get inside other people's heads to imagine what they were thinking. Good luck with that! --- 10/31/2001
History, relationship history. --- You like them? They like you? --- 12/30/1992