Law, areas. --- .This section is about areas of law. Topics include: ( ) Constitutional law. ( ) Criminal law. ( ) Procedural law. ( ) Property law. ( ) Tort law. ( ) Business law. --- 1/24/2006
Law, areas. --- Administrative law. (1) Judicial review of public administration decisions. (2) Substantial vs. procedural. (3) Set up of administrative agencies. Purpose, structure and mechanism. Power, freedom, and rights. Duties, obligations, and responsibilities. (4) Law making process. (5) Execution of laws. (6) Create, change (expand or contract), or kill an agency or its polices. --- 12/30/1992
Law, areas. --- Business law. Corporate law. Corporations today have too much power. --- 11/12/2005
Law, areas. --- Constitutional law. (1) How run the state: what do, how do it? (2) What kind of government are we going to set up and why? Structure and mechanisms. (3) What are our ideals and why? --- 12/30/1992
Law, areas. --- Constitutional law. Civil rights. Rights of specific groups of people. Women, racial minorities, religious minorities, children, aged, homosexuals, and handicapped. Rights as accused and accusers. --- 12/30/1992
Law, areas. --- Constitutional law. For each section of the constitution. Problems or issues and famous cases. Spectrum of positions: totalitarianism vs. anarchism. --- 12/30/1992
Law, areas. --- Constitutional law. What kind of (1) Power, rights, and freedoms. (2) Duties, obligations, and responsibilities. (3) Will we give each branch and level of government? --- 12/30/1992
Law, areas. --- Crime list. (1) Assault, battery. (2) Burglary and robbery: bank, house, hi-jack, mug. (3) Petty theft: shoplift, pickpocket, looting. (4) Larceny: petite and grand, grand theft auto. (5) Plagiarize, forge, fraud, kidnap. (6) Homicide, manslaughter, suicide. (7) Illegal commerce, drugs, prostitution, gambling. (8) Loansharking, extortion, arms, fencing, smuggling. (9) Bootlegging. (10) Child abuse, spouse abuse, slavery, torture. (11) Sex crimes like rape, molestation, prostitution, porn peddling, illegal consensual acts (homo and hetero), sex discrimination, pediophilia, sodomy. (12) Destruction of property: arson, vandalism. (13) Drugs: taking, selling, making/growing. (14) Alcohol: selling to minor, drinking under age. (15) Driving: with out license, insurance, recklessly, dwi, leaving scene of accident. (16) Guns: selling illegally, owning illegally. (17) Lying, cheating, stealing. --- 12/30/1992
Law, areas. --- Crime. Criminal law (see also psychology, sociology, ethics, and politics). --- 12/30/1992
Law, areas. --- Crime. Establish motive, means, and opportunity. Incriminating evidence and proof (the standards). Defenses. Penalties. Best ways to commit them, and avoid capture. Best way to prevent or capture them. Degrees of severity: ethical vs. unethical, legal vs. illegal, misdemeanors and felonies, 1,2,3 degrees. --- 12/30/1992
Law, areas. --- Crime. What is the percentage of people convicted for crimes who are actually innocent? What is the percentage of criminals who are not caught and convicted? --- 4/8/2001
Law, areas. --- Crimes and torts, spectrum of positions. No public crimes and all private torts vs. all public crimes and no private torts. --- 12/30/1992
Law, areas. --- Environmental law. The environment is under-represented in the legal system today. --- 11/12/2005
Law, areas. --- Marriage law. Extremes views on marriage. (1) Marriage is mandatory. (2) Marriage is illegal. --- 9/2/2005
Law, areas. --- Other. (1) Torts : types and defenses. Who sue? Compensatory vs. putative damages. (2) Business law: in general, in USA, in NY. Credit and debt, bankruptcy, and taxes. Forms of money and transactions, forms of business, insurance, real estate, contracts, agency, sale, warranty, guarantee, anti-trust. (3) Family law and inheritance/succession law. Marriage, divorce, custody. Wills, estates, trusts, succession, inheritance. (4) Transportation law. Who can go or take what, where, how, when, why. Air, water, land. (5) Communication law. Freedom of speech vs. fcc regulations, obscenity and porn, truth in advertising. (6) International law. Government vs. government, government vs. non-citizens. International areas, possession and border disputes, treaties, war, political asylum seeking, relationships to international politics and trade. --- 12/30/1992
Law, areas. --- Procedural areas of law. (1) In civil law vs. criminal law. (2) Procedure: stages, people, papers. --- 12/30/1992
Law, areas. --- Procedure. Evidence. Admissible vs. inadmissible. Weight it carries. Precedence before or after other evidence. --- 12/30/1992
Law, areas. --- Procedure. How to try a just case. Opening arguments, present evidence, summary arguments, sentence. --- 12/30/1992
Law, areas. --- Property law. Extremes views on property. (1) Everything is private property. If everything is private property then there cannot be taxes. If everything is private property then no one can tell you what you can do on your land, and thus there is no law. Extreme private property is anarchy and injustice. (2) Nothing is private property. (A) Its all the governments property. (B) Its all the groups property. Communal. No one owns anything. No one owns the land. All food is shared. --- 9/2/2005
Law, areas. --- Property law. Types of property, and types of laws on them. Types of property rights recognized. Types of ownership, and types of transfer of ownership. --- 12/30/1992
Law, areas. --- Property, spectrum of positions. (1) All public and no private property. Government can take and do anything with any property. (2) All private and no public property. Do anything you want with your property. --- 12/30/1992
Law, areas. --- Questions for any specific area of law. (1) Problems or issues. (2) Famous cases. (3) History vs. state of art disputes vs. future directions. (4) Process in any system. Definitions, standards, components, and degrees. Proof or evidence. Defenses. (5) Factors, variables, principles, and techniques. (6) Levels in USA. What aspects are uncontrolled and why? What aspects are federal, state, and locally controlled and why? What are the past and current decisions that decided above? --- 12/30/1992