Paul Nervy Notes
“Jokes, poems, stories, and a lot of philosophy, psychology, and sociology.”

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Philosophy, ethics, development.  ---  .This section is about the development of ethics.  Topics include: ( ) Individual.  ( ) Society.  ( ) Humankind.  ( ) Evolutionary ethics.  Animal social behavior.  ---  1/24/2006

Philosophy, ethics, development.  ---  (1) As you grow up your needs change, and thus your values change.  (2) As you grow up your ethical reasoning ability develops.  (3) As you grow up your emotions develop, which aids your ethical abilities (ex. empathy etc.).  ---  4/29/2001

Philosophy, ethics, development.  ---  (1) Creation of an ethical system.  (2) Change in ethical systems: causes of and effects of.  ---  12/30/1992

Philosophy, ethics, development.  ---  (1) Developing a metatheory of ethics is very important.  A procedural personal code.  (2) Development of a code of ethics is also very important.  A substantive personal code.  ---  12/30/1992

Philosophy, ethics, development.  ---  (1) Development of an individuals ethical system.  (2) Development of my ethical system.  (3) Development of society's ethical system.  ---  12/30/1992

Philosophy, ethics, development.  ---  (1) Development of ethics in societies.  Simple societies versus complex societies.  Complexity in terms of greater number of people.  Complexity in terms of greater diversity of cultures.  Complexity in terms of greater number of actions possible to do, due to advanced technology.  (2) Development of ethics in individual persons.  Simple persons versus complex persons.  Complexity in terms of number of thoughts.  Complexity in terms of number of memories.  Complexity in terms of number of emotions.  Complexity in terms of number of attitudes.  (3) Greater complexity of a society or an individual requires a more complex, refined ethical system.  A society that contains complex people becomes a complex society.  Education helps create complex people.  Critical thinking helps create complex people.  The anti-intellectuals are unethical who want everything to be simple and easy, and who engage in gross oversimplification and dumbing down.  ---  11/13/2005

Philosophy, ethics, development.  ---  (1) Ethics a person is indoctrinated with.  Due to preaching without reason.  (2) Ethics a person is taught, and by who.  Teaching with reason.  (3) Ethics a person picks up by osmosis.  (4) Ethics a person figures out for themselves.  ---  12/30/1992

Philosophy, ethics, development.  ---  (1) The development of ethical reasoning abilities in animals.  (2) The development of ethical reasoning abilities in humans.  Before language developed, and after language developed.  Before the writing of laws, and after the writing of laws.  Notions like sharing, reciprocity, cooperation and conflict resolution.  PART TWO.  Animals.  Most animals can resolve conflicts over resources, like food, mates, territory and social status, without killing the other animal.  Some animals can even resolve conflicts without physical violence (for example, with warning behaviors).  PART THREE.  Humans.  Development of taboos.  Development of norms: unwritten; many exceptions made.  Development of laws: rules applied to all people; for every act x, y results.  PART FOUR.  Individual humans.  Development of ethical reasoning in individuals from birth to death.  Kohlbergs stages of ethical development is a simplistic model that leaves out much.  ---  6/8/2004

Philosophy, ethics, development.  ---  Babies have minds, yet babies are amoral.  Ethics ability comes in degree; it is not an on/off all or nothing phenomena.  Ethical development is as important in adults as it is in children.  ---  4/28/2001

Philosophy, ethics, development.  ---  Ethical development depends on development of one's (1) Reasoning, emotion, memory, and other psychological factors.  (2) Social development, and people skills.  (3) Philosophical development.  ---  12/30/1992

Philosophy, ethics, development.  ---  Ethical development involves  (1) Refinement of cases.  Differentiation skills.  (2) Expansion of scope.  (3) Development of general principles.  (4) Development of ethical epistemology or ethical reasoning.  ---  12/30/1992

Philosophy, ethics, development.  ---  Ethical development involves the areas of reason, emotion and memory.  ---  12/26/1997

Philosophy, ethics, development.  ---  Ethical development, in thought and action.  Evolution, stagnation, and devolution (especially momentary breakdowns).  ---  12/30/1992

Philosophy, ethics, development.  ---  Ethical development.  (1) Of individual, or of society.  (2) Depth (of situations considered).  Breadth or scope (of situations considered).  (3) How simple or complex is it?  (4) How just are they?  ---  12/30/1992

Philosophy, ethics, development.  ---  Ethics is something you figure out over time.  By experiencing first or second hand a variety of situations, and mulling them over in your head.  ---  12/30/1992

Philosophy, ethics, development.  ---  Ethics of (1) Past: what was, and what should have been.  (2) Present: what is.  (3) Future: what should be.  ---  12/30/1992

Philosophy, ethics, development.  ---  History current future.  Ethical refinement over the centuries.  Little things matter more and more.  Where does this end?  Reductio absurdum?  ---  4/20/1999

Philosophy, ethics, development.  ---  History current future.  History of ethics.  Many people say ethics come from religion.  I disagree.  Man's ethical nature preceded man's religious nature.  The ideas of pain and pleasure, happiness and sadness, goodness and badness, health and unhealth, are simpler than the more complex, abstract religious ideas such as "god".  In human history, the development of simple ethical notions preceded the development of more complex religious notions.  (All this in addition to the evidence of animal ethics, sociobiology, etc.) The reason most people think ethics comes from religion is that most (not all) surviving written records of an ethical nature are religious records.  ---  3/30/1998

Philosophy, ethics, development.  ---  History current future.  Sociobiology and ethics.  Animals feel, think, and communicate (especially social animals like chimps and baboons).  They experience fear, avoid bad things, and have survival drive.  These are the rudimentary components of ethics.  These animals have hard-wired altruistic, cooperative behavior.  Much human behavior has evolved from animals over billions of years and is hard-wired into us.  Most people, most of the time do not deliberate but rather work on instinct.  ---  5/30/1998

Philosophy, ethics, development.  ---  History current future.  The future of ethics.  (1) Human evolution.  (A) Evolution by natural selection (slow).  (B) Evolution speeded up by conscious human selection.  (C) Evolution speeded up by genetic engineering.  (2) One culture: the Americanization of the world.  (3) One government: the United Nations.  (4) Quicker education.  The Internet puts everybody in the loop.  Everyone can hear and speak.  (5) The environment becomes a player.  We care about the environment like we care about ourselves.  ---  3/30/1998

Philosophy, ethics, development.  ---  History current future.  The past of ethics.  (1)  Animals.  Chimpanzees are egalitarian forest dwellers, while baboons are authoritarian plains dwellers.  However chimpanzees do hunt and eat monkeys as Jane Goodall observed.  (2)  Early humans.  (3)  Religion.  Began 25,000 years ago?  (4)  Early civilizations.  Egyptian, Greek, Roman.  ---  3/30/1998

Philosophy, ethics, development.  ---  How do people develop shit ethical systems?  (1) Unintelligent, or lack data.  (2) Not considering all sides and ideas.  (3) No thinking, or wrong reasoning.  (4) No emotion, no empathy.  ---  12/30/1992

Philosophy, ethics, development.  ---  Humankind is slowly becoming more ethical.  We outlawed slavery.  We are well on our way to recognizing minority rights.  We are beginning to recognize animal rights.  ---  4/28/2001

Philosophy, ethics, development.  ---  Primitive ethics systems.  An eye for an eye.  Double pay back.  Vendetta, revenge.  Mob rule, lynching, no due process.  ---  11/18/2003

Philosophy, ethics, development.  ---  Some people do not have well developed ethical systems.  For example, simple yet good people.  And smart yet evil people.  ---  12/30/1992

Philosophy, ethics, development.  ---  What are the forces that determine which set of morals an individual or society adopts?  Which forces are strongest?  How do the forces operate?  How does moral change take place?  ---  12/30/1992

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Paul Nervy Notes. Copyright 1988-2007 by Paul Nervy.