Paul Nervy Notes
“Jokes, poems, stories, and a lot of philosophy, psychology, and sociology.”

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Philosophy, ethics, importance.  ---  .This section is about the concept of importance.  Topics include: ( ) Importance.  ( ) Urgency.  ---  1/24/2006

Philosophy, ethics, importance.  ---  (1) For any individual in any situation, (2) there are things that are important to, important not to, and unimportant either way, (3) to think, say, do, and experience.  There are also important and unimportant non-human factors in the situation.  ---  12/30/1992

Philosophy, ethics, importance.  ---  (1) How important is x, and why?  (2) How important is x relative to y, and why?  ---  12/30/1992

Philosophy, ethics, importance.  ---  (1) Important things demand attention(?).  (2) Make a list of what's important for me and why.  (3) Mistakes in determining importance.  (4) Objective importance vs. subjective importance.  (5) Perception of importance shifts with perspective.  (6) Potential effects of x determines its importance?  (7) Priorities = chronological importance.  ---  12/30/1992

Philosophy, ethics, importance.  ---  (1) Many things are perfectly good in and of themselves.  Yet other things may be more important.  Thus importance is a key concept in ethics.  (2) Priority and urgency has to do with temporal importance.  Priority means "important to do first".  Urgency means "important to do soon".  ---  5/2/1999

Philosophy, ethics, importance.  ---  (1) Theoretical importance: how important is the idea to the structure of knowledge?  (2) Practical importance: how important is the idea in your situation?  ---  12/30/1992

Philosophy, ethics, importance.  ---  (1) What is important, and why; (2) for me, and for everyone; (3) to know, do, own, experience?  ---  12/30/1992

Philosophy, ethics, importance.  ---  (1) What makes x important?  The stakes: like health and other needs.  (2) Mistakes in perception of what is important: overestimation and underestimation.  ---  12/30/1992

Philosophy, ethics, importance.  ---  (1) What things are commonly under estimated, and viewed as being unimportant when they are actually important?  (2) What things are commonly over estimated, and viewed as being important when they are actually unimportant?  ---  6/8/2004

Philosophy, ethics, importance.  ---  (1)(A) My view of what is most important for me.  (B) My view of what is most important for the world.  (2)(A) Society's view of what is most important for me.  (B) Society's view of what is most important for the world.  ---  11/13/2004

Philosophy, ethics, importance.  ---  Business is as important as medicine.  But being a doctor is tougher, and fewer people can do it.  It takes more work to gain the knowledge.  So being a doctor is more valuable.  ---  12/30/1992

Philosophy, ethics, importance.  ---  Changes in what is important due to change in you, or change in your life situation.  ---  12/30/1992

Philosophy, ethics, importance.  ---  For more ideas related to the concept of urgency, see Psychology, drive, motivation.  ---  10/23/2005

Philosophy, ethics, importance.  ---  How does one's view of what is important change throughout life?  ---  6/8/2004

Philosophy, ethics, importance.  ---  How important is x?  Important for who, and for what?  ---  12/30/1992

Philosophy, ethics, importance.  ---  Importance (priorities, urgency).  To say something is important is to say it is valuable.  ---  12/30/1992

Philosophy, ethics, importance.  ---  Importance and urgency matrix.  Important and urgent.  Important but not urgent.  Urgent but not important.  Not important and not urgent.  ---  5/15/2004

Philosophy, ethics, importance.  ---  Importance depends on situation and perspective.  ---  12/30/1992

Philosophy, ethics, importance.  ---  Importance due to needs to survive and grow (psychological, physical, and  financial needs).  ---  12/30/1992

Philosophy, ethics, importance.  ---  Importance of a "thing" depends on one's needs.  Needs depend on the situation.  ---  12/30/1992

Philosophy, ethics, importance.  ---  Importance of x thing, in a situation, in order for you to get a goal.  ---  12/30/1992

Philosophy, ethics, importance.  ---  Importance of x, vs. value of x.  If x is important is it valuable?  If x is valuable is it important?  ---  12/30/1992

Philosophy, ethics, importance.  ---  Importance theory is an important yet under recognized area in ethics.  (1) Important does not mean the same as good or evil.  (2) If everything is important, which it is, is everything equally important?  (3) One must know why a thing is important.  (4) One must know what things are more important that other things.  (5) Significance is another word for importance.  ---  11/13/2004

Philosophy, ethics, importance.  ---  Importance theory.  Most important things to know and do given (1) Who you are.  (2) What your goals are (general and specific).  (3) What your situation is.  ---  08/15/1994

Philosophy, ethics, importance.  ---  Importance.  In ethics, just as important as determining whether events and actions are good or bad is determining the meaning and importance (significance) of events.  Was x event important or unimportant?  How important was x event?  ---  8/20/2004

Philosophy, ethics, importance.  ---  Important means we should devote resources to it: time and energy, thought and action.  ---  6/8/2004

Philosophy, ethics, importance.  ---  Most important.  (1) What is most important in the world?  How to achieve these goals?  (2) What is most important in my life?  (Psychological and physical health.  Financial stability.  Love/sex.  Creativity).  How to achieve these goals?  (3) Importance lists are one of the major ways of organizing information (besides chronological, alphabetical and logical) but which is often under-utilized.  ---  2/17/2000

Philosophy, ethics, importance.  ---  Saying something is "important" means we "value" it.  So notes on "importance" (Philosophy, ethics, importance) can be moved to the "value" section (Philosophy, ethics, value).  (6/27/2004).  However, some things are important in that they are big problems that have a big negative impact on life.  These are examples of important things that we do not necessarily attribute positive value to.  So importance remains distinct from value.  ---  12/14/2004

Philosophy, ethics, importance.  ---  Seemingly insignificant, seemingly inconsequential, seemingly unimportant, yet important nonetheless.  For example, items that are "linchpins".  For example, items that are "maintenance".  ---  6/8/2004

Philosophy, ethics, importance.  ---  So much is unimportant.  So many unimportant things.  There are those people who would hurl their unimportant wares at us.  There are those people who would sell the unimportant as important.  We are aflood with the unimportant.  The unimportant surrounds us.  Pity those people who are overwhelmed by the unimportant and drown in the unimportant.  They could not tell the important from the unimportant, and thus they fell into the unimportant and were lost.  ---  8/11/1999

Philosophy, ethics, importance.  ---  Things that are important to think, feel, and do.  ---  12/30/1992

Philosophy, ethics, importance.  ---  Three more views of importance.  (1) To say something is important is to say it is valuable?  Importance is just an ascription of value?  (2) To say a person is important is to say they are powerful.  Importance is an ascription of power.  (3) To say a procedure is important is to say it is crucial or critical.  Importance is an ascription of criticality.  ---  8/26/2000

Philosophy, ethics, importance.  ---  Three views of importance.  (1) To say that nothing is important.  Nothing matters.  Everything is a joke.  It does not matter what you do.  (2) To say that everything is equally important.  One thing is as important as another.  It does not matter what you do.  Two variants: (A) Its all good.  (B) Its all bad.  (3) To say that you are not important.  You are incapable of having an affect on anything.  So it does not matter what you do.  ---  8/26/2000

Philosophy, ethics, importance.  ---  To say one idea is more important than another idea is to say that one idea trumps another idea, or to say that one idea takes precedence over another idea.  People's minds are a melange or stew of ideas, arranged by importance.  Another issue is what ideas appear into your consciousness, which is due to memory or attention?  ---  1/16/2006

Philosophy, ethics, importance.  ---  To say something is important is to say it has value.  See also notes on value.  ---  10/4/2002

Philosophy, ethics, importance.  ---  To some degree you should rank things in terms of their importance.  Its an existential triage.  Yet every person has some type of importance, or rights, that are not to be compromised.  ---  7/15/2006

Philosophy, ethics, importance.  ---  Urgency.  (1) Deadlines, time limits.  (2) Prioritization.  (3) What you want to get done.  (4) How long it will take vs. how much time you got.  (5) Urgency = chronological priorities, temporal importance.  ---  12/30/1992

Philosophy, ethics, importance.  ---  What is important to remember, think about, and do?  (1) Stay healthy physically and psychologically.  (2) Your career.  (3) The worlds problems (actual and potential) and suffering.  ---  12/30/1996

Philosophy, ethics, importance.  ---  What is important?  It depends on your situation.  Next thing you need to learn or do in order to keep healthy (psychological health, physical health, and economic health).  ---  12/30/1992

Philosophy, ethics, importance.  ---  What is important?  What is important to me?  Mind, thinking, and learning.  Behavior and action.  ---  12/30/1992

Philosophy, ethics, importance.  ---  What is most important in life?  Money, possessions, power?  No.  Sex, drugs and rock n' roll?  No.  Truth and justice?  Yes.  ---  6/8/2004

Philosophy, ethics, importance.  ---  What is most important?  (1) What is most important for the environment?  To save the earth.  (2) What is most important for society (macro-level)?  Communication.  (3) What is most important for the individual person (micro-level)?  Personal information technology in order to find out things and figure out things.  (A) Find out things: each individual having an all-digital "e-library" consisting of books, magazines, newspapers, visual arts, music, and movies.  Get everyone a computer with web access to educational learning modules.  (B) Finding out things: everyone doing their own notes in order to develop the ability to analyze arguments, and to develop the ability to generate alternative viewpoints.  (4) Thus, the most important things are environmental technology, communication technology, and information technology.  ---  1/25/1999

Philosophy, ethics, importance.  ---  When we say important we often mean either valuable, useful or meaningful.  (See sections on value, utility and meaning).  ---  10/30/2004

Philosophy, ethics, importance.  ---  Why are things important?  Things are related.  Things affect each other.  Things affect us.  ---  12/30/1992

Philosophy, ethics, importance.  ---  Why is importance important?  Because there are many good things to do, and an individual cannot do them all, for lack of time, so an individual must decide which good things are more important to pursue.  There are many bad things (problem situations), and an individual cannot work on solving them all, for lack of time, so an individual must decide which bad things are more important to solve.  ---  11/13/2004

Philosophy, ethics, importance.  ---  Why is it so easy to loose track of the important?  (1) It is easy to forget the important.  (2) We are surrounded by the unimportant.  (3) Things that we think are important often turn out to be unimportant.  ---  8/11/1999

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Paul Nervy Notes. Copyright 1988-2007 by Paul Nervy.