Psychology, behavior, criticism. --- .This section is about criticism of behavior. --- 1/24/2006
Psychology, behavior, criticism. --- (1) Behavior and mind: effects on each other. (2) Behavior and society: effects on each other. --- 12/30/1992
Psychology, behavior, criticism. --- (1) Evaluate it. (2) Compare it: to what you could, and want to do. (3) Improve it. --- 12/30/1992
Psychology, behavior, criticism. --- Analysis of a single behavior (an act). Analysis of behaviors in a time period. How much time and energy do you spend doing what and why? Reasons you think vs. actual reasons. --- 12/30/1992
Psychology, behavior, criticism. --- Analysis. How ethical was is it? How smart (ethical acts can be stupid in wrong situation)? How effective, efficient, productive? --- 12/30/1992
Psychology, behavior, criticism. --- Are you getting anything done? Accomplishing anything? What you wanted to? --- 12/30/1992
Psychology, behavior, criticism. --- Criticism: analysis and judgment. Determine what you're doing, how, how well, why. --- 12/30/1992
Psychology, behavior, criticism. --- Observation, analysis, classification, judging. --- 12/30/1992
Psychology, behavior, criticism. --- Situation analysis. (1) In a situation things happen to you by nature, and by others. (A) Things you want them to start and stop doing. (B) Things they want you to start and stop doing. (2) Things you do to change (start doing, stop doing) as a result of "A" and "B". --- 12/30/1992
Psychology, behavior, criticism. --- What did you do? How did you do it? Why did you do it? --- 12/30/1992
Psychology, behavior, criticism. --- What do I (1) mentalize, (2) communicate, and (3) do mostly about. --- 12/30/1992
Psychology, behavior, criticism. --- What doing, how, how well, and why? (1) Compared to your previous best. (2) Compared to your potential. (3) Compared to any one else. (4) Compared to anyone else in your class. --- 12/30/1992
Psychology, behavior, criticism. --- Why is or isn't person x doing y act? (1) Emotions: fear, lack of desire. (2) Drives: or lack of. (3) Thoughts. (4) Memory: repressing it. (5) Attitude: mix of above. --- 12/30/1992
Psychology, behavior, criticism. --- Why is x doing: hurtful, or non-helpful? Why isn't x doing: helpful? Most often it is due to a screwed up or absent thought or attitude. --- 12/30/1992