Paul Nervy Notes
“Jokes, poems, stories, and a lot of philosophy, psychology, and sociology.”

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Psychology, emotion.  ---  .Introduction or sum up of emotion.  (1) Purpose or function of emotions.  (A) Personal function of emotions.  Emotion as an aid to drives (survive, reproduce, food, water, warmth).  Emotion as an aid to memory.  Emotion as an aid to thinking.  (B) Social nature of emotions.  Emotions as an aid to communication with other people.  Do other social animals have emotions?  Do social animals have emotions more so than solitary animals?  (2) How do emotions work?  (3) How did emotions developed in humans?  Did emotions develop in humans before, coincident or after drive, memory and thought?  Are emotions a vestige of the animal world?  Are emotions a hindrance to thinking?  Are emotions an aid to thinking?  Did emotions evolve as thinking evolved.  ---  5/17/2002

Psychology, emotion.  ---  .Introduction or sum up.  (1) Emotion as personally useful information vs. emotion for social communication.  (2) Expressing emotion to other people vs. observing emotions of other people.  (3) Specific emotions for specific situations vs. generalized emotions (moods).  ---  6/23/2002

Psychology, emotion.  ---  .This section is about various other thoughts on emotion in general.  Topics include: ( ) Apathy.  ( ) Causes of emotions.  ( ) Control of emotions.  ( ) Development of emotions (in individual, society or humans).  ( ) Effects of emotions.  ( ) Emotional knowledge.  ( ) Emotional overload.  ( ) Empathy.  ( ) Ideal emotional response.  ( ) Mood.  ( ) Language of Nature Emotions (LNE).  ( ) Problems with emotions.  ( ) Techniques for emotions.  ( ) Thought and emotion.  Memory, sense, personality and emotion.  ( ) Time and emotions.  ( ) Types of emotions.  ( ) What is emotion.  ( ) Who says we feel?  ---  1/24/2006

Psychology, emotion.  ---  (1) Emotion as a bio-chemical phenomenon (neurotransmitters and hormones).  The "one chemical per emotion" theory vs. the "combination of chemicals per emotion" theory.  (2) Emotion as a bio-electrical phenomenon.  (3) Emotion as energy theory.  Low energy levels can cause depression.  High energy levels can cause a high.  Hyperactivity as happiness.  Emotion and its link to sugar and ATP.  (4) Emotion as a physical, body-oriented phenomenon.  ---  5/17/2002

Psychology, emotion.  ---  (1) How do you make someone feel?  How do you cause an emotional reaction in people?  (2) How do you make someone feel with words?  How do you cause an emotional reaction by using only words?  ---  7/31/1999

Psychology, emotion.  ---  (1) Its a mistake to let things bother you too much.  Its a mistake to get overwhelmed and burnt out.  (2) At the other extreme, its a mistake to not let things bother you at all.  Its a mistake to ignore and avoid the problems of the world.  To be unmoved.  To not care.  To care only about oneself and one's family.  To limit oneself.  (3) Being bothered by things means to risk feeling pain, anger, fear and depression.  (4) You can confront things and work to improve the situation without being unduly bothered by things.  Maintain focus, energy and hope, even in seemingly hopeless situations.  ---  7/30/2005

Psychology, emotion.  ---  (1) List each emotion.  (2) For each emotion:  (A) What are the associated physical sensations?  (B) At what point does the emotion become a problem, or a sign of a problem?  (C) Techniques to deal with the emotion.  (3) When I say to list each emotion, that is inexact.  Because we never feel the same emotion exactly the same way twice.  Every emotion is unique.  (4) Emotional mix.  We hardly ever feel emotions one at a time.  Usually emotions come in groups.  (5) How do I feel now?  Calm, happy, motivated.  ---  8/21/1998

Psychology, emotion.  ---  (1) Positive emotions and their physical feelings.  Feel warm and fuzzy.  Muscles feel warm and relaxed.  Can sleep.  (2) Negative emotions and their physical feelings.  Feel cold.  Feel tense.  Can't sleep.  ---  4/29/2003

Psychology, emotion.  ---  (1) Some people will be happy even if things are going wrong in their life, and even if they are doing the wrong thing, because they are happy people, due to either positive thinking or brain biochemistry or a combination of factors.  (2) Some people will be unhappy (depressed, anxious, angry) even if things are going well in their life, and even if they are doing the right thing, because they are unhappy people, due to either negative thinking or brain biochemistry or a combination of factors.  ---  4/30/2004

Psychology, emotion.  ---  (1) There will always be something to be sad about, or be angry about, or be fearful about, or be discontent about.  Whether it be in the past, the present, or in the future.  Whether it be about evil that we ourselves did, or whether it be about evil done to us by others.  (2) And the opposite is also true.  There will always be something to be happy about.  There will always be something to be satisfied about.  (3) Thus it is your choice whether to be happy or upset.  Content or dissatisfied.  What do you want to focus on?  The greater quantity?  ---  4/25/1999

Psychology, emotion.  ---  (1) Things that felt great in my life.  The best I ever felt.  Pursuing and getting a great job, girl, ideas, books.  (2) Things that felt crappy.  The worst I ever felt.  ---  07/22/1993

Psychology, emotion.  ---  (1) To be unemotional is to be repressed.  It is easy to get into that mind-set.  (2) When you experience an emotion it brings up all past memories of situations where you had a similar emotion.  So emotional workouts (ex. art) are also memory workouts.  ---  08/17/1997

Psychology, emotion.  ---  (1) Unemotional people.  People who don't feel much.  People who don't show what they feel.  (2) Emotionally balanced people.  (3) Overly emotional people: hysterics.  People who feel too much.  People who express too much.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, emotion.  ---  (1) We have emotions 24 x 7.  Thoughts, however, come and go occasionally.  (2) Some emotions have names but most emotions do not have names.  We refer to unnamed emotions by saying "You know, the way you feel when...such and such event occurs".  (3) Most of the time we do not feel single emotions one at a time.  Rather, we feel complex combinations of various unnamed emotions.  (4) Emotions are not static and discrete things.  Emotions are dynamic and analog.  Emotions surge and vary.  ---  4/19/2000

Psychology, emotion.  ---  (1) Why are women more emotional than men?  Testosterone?  (2) Why are children and old people more emotional than adults?  (3) Why do we become emotional when tired?  Because when we think better, we rely less on emotions, and when we are too tired to think, we must rely on emotions and thus get more emotional.  (4) How do emotions help us?  They help us relate better to others (sympathy and empathy).  They help us make moral decisions.  ---  09/15/1994

Psychology, emotion.  ---  (1) You can feel happy, content and still be inspired to do more.  (2) You can also feel calm yet excited.  (3) These are the healthiest and most productive mental states.  (4) Better than feeling that you have to be unhappy and discontent in order to be motivated.  (5) Better than feeling tense and yet still lethargic and immobilized.  ---  3/28/2000

Psychology, emotion.  ---  (1) You can not react against everything.  What to put up with?  What should you and should you not put up with?  When to take action?  When to let it slide?  (2) What can you feel (notice, discern) (sensitivity) vs. what you do not notice or feel?  Are you too sensitive, or not sensitive enough?  (3) What bothers you, on principle, and how much?  Vs. what does not bother you at all?  Vs. what breaks you down, or reduces your performance?  How fragile are you?  ---  07/03/1994

Psychology, emotion.  ---  After his suicide, do I have the right to allow myself to feel happy ever again?  Do I have the right to feel guilt-free ever again?  ---  04/24/1997

Psychology, emotion.  ---  An experience: change in your emotion response to it over any time period.  Feeling better or worse about it.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Apathy.  Is apathy an emotion or a lack of emotion?  ---  4/28/2001

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Apathy.  Lets talk about apathy.  Apathy can be defined as a lack of emotion.  Apathy can be defined as a lack of empathy.  Apathy can be defined as not caring, which makes caring an important emotion because apathy is deadly.  To say "I care about what is going on" means to not ignore, not repress, not feel hopeless, and not feel indifferent.  ---  9/4/2000

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Are more things going right than wrong in the world?  (1) On a natural biological level.  (2) On a social level.  (3) On any individual level in my life.  (4) So should I feel pain or pleasure overall?  ---  9/29/1998

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Attitude = emotion + thought.  Negative emotional states lead to negative attitudes.  Positive emotional states lead to positive attitudes.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Better to categorize emotions broadly into "positive" and "negative" emotions.  (2) Sometime negative emotions are helpful.  When working correctly, the emotion of fear can help keep an organism alive.  (3) Sometimes positive emotions are unhelpful.  For example, sometimes the feeling of bliss can prevent a person from recognizing problem areas in need of improvement.  ---  2/10/2007

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Bother.  Some people say, "I'm not going to let anything bother me."  What an odd thing to say.  To say that you will not let anything bother you at all is an exercise in denial and repression.  To say that you will not let anything bother you at all is as bad an extreme as saying you will let everything bother you a great amount.  There ought to be a balance of bother.  Let each thing bother you just as much as it ought to.  Don't be bothered too much by trivial things.  Let important things bother you enough to motivate you to thought and action.  ---  12/21/2006

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Causes of emotion.  (1) Emotions are caused by the physical body.  Emotions are a result of the physical body.  (2) Emotions are caused by thoughts.  Emotions are the result of thoughts.  (3) It is more accurate to say that the mind and body affect each other.  The mind and body are inextricably linked in an two-way connection.  (4) It is also more accurate to say thought and emotion affect each other.  Thought and emotion are inextricably linked in a two way connection.  ---  11/29/2005

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Causes of emotions.  (1) A thought: new vs. memory.  (2) An experience: done by you, done to you.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Causes of emotions.  (1) Drives.  (2) Physical states: Low energy.  Low t, low food, low sleep, tired from work (mental, physical).  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Causes of emotions.  (1) Mental causes: thought, memory.  (2) Experiential causes: Setbacks, opposition, failures, bad luck vs. wins, good luck, etc.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Causes of emotions.  (1) One view is that events cause emotions.  (2) Another view is that our thoughts about events cause emotions; that is to say, our thoughts cause our emotions.  (3) There is an interplay between thought and emotion.  There is a back and forth between thought and emotion.  Thoughts cause emotions.  Emotions color thoughts.  (4) Another view says that thought and emotion are inseparable.  There is no thought.  There is no emotion.  There is only thought-emotion.  ---  11/29/2005

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Confidence = bravery.  Hope = optimism.  Can I condense four categories into two?  ---  2/28/2002

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Conscious emotions and thoughts are better than unconscious, because at least they can be dealt with.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Control of emotions.  Controlled vs. uncontrolled emotion.  Or better yet, call it managed vs. unmanaged emotion.  There are two types of uncontrolled emotion, physically uncontrolled emotion and psychologically uncontrolled emotion.  For example, let's say a person gets angry and then physically loses control of their anger and tries to put their fist through a brick wall.  That physically uncontrolled anger was a result of psychologically unmanaged anger.  And so it is with all emotions (anger, sadness, anxiety, etc.)  There are two levels of loss of emotional management, the psychological level and the physical level.  ---  11/13/2004

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Control of emotions.  Emotion feeling and emotional expression.  Controlled vs. uncontrolled.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Control of emotions.  Emotional control: should we, how much, how?  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Control of emotions.  Emotions do not have to be passive, uncontrolled responses to thoughts.  Emotions can be more active, more willful.  A person can decide which emotions they will and will not take.  Completely uncontrolled emotions are as bad a completely controlled emotions.  ---  9/12/2005

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Control of emotions.  Feeling out of control, overwhelmed vs. in control of self and of situation.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Control of emotions.  Limits.  There is a limit to how bad (sad, angry, guilty, regretful, grief and self-pity) I will let myself feel.  Limits for intensity and duration of these emotions.  The limits one could set include: (1) Having ANY effect on job and personal relationships (this is perhaps too repressed).  (2) Making one lose job or personal relationships.  (3) Making one kill self.  (4) The limits I set are to the point where you lose job and personal relationships (see 2), and to the point where you kill yourself (see 3).  For example, I limit how much I will let a song make me feel sad.  ---  5/12/1999

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Control of emotions.  We should have some degree of self control over our emotions so that we do not run amok and injure others or ourselves.  But we shouldn't have 100% degree of self control over our emotions, nor can we.  There is something about the nature of emotions that is beyond our complete control.  ---  11/13/2004

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Desire and anger are better than frustration, anxiety, and fear.  No wimps.  No fear.  ---  07/01/1994

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Desire.  (1) Desire for sex: lust.  (2) Desire for money and stuff: greed and avaricious.  (3) Desire for love: good?  (4) Desire for knowledge: good?  (5) We have words for unhealthy desires, but not for healthy desires.  ---  9/26/1998

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Development of emotion in humans.  Evolution of emotion.  Two alternate viewpoints.  (1) Emotions developed prior to thought.  vs.  (2) Emotions evolved side by side with thought.  (3) If emotions evolved prior to thought then we would expect to see an animal with fully developed emotional capability and with no thought capability.  Do any such animals exist?  No.  Animals have a mix of emotional capability and thought capability.  Thus, emotions developed side by side with thought.  ---  5/28/2005

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Development of emotions (subtlety and distinctions), and development of emotional knowledge (awareness).  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Development of emotions in animals.  (1) Which animals feel which emotions?  At what point on the evolutionary ladder, in what species, do the various emotions appear?  (2) How can you tell if an animal is feeling an emotion?  By its behavior.  Or perhaps a universal facial expression in animals as well as humans.  By CAT scan of the brain.  By changes in biochemistry, emotions being the result of chemical changes.  (3) Animals have brains.  Animals feel emotions.    Animals think thoughts.  Animals have rights.  ---  11/29/2005

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Development of emotions in humans.  (1) Development of emotions in the human species and other animals.  (2) Development of emotions in human individuals.  ---  12/30/2003

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Development of emotions in humans.  (1) Did the strongest emotions develop first in humans?  What is a strong emotion?  Is it a strongly felt emotion?  Is it a singular, simple emotion?  (2) Did subtle emotions develop later in humans?  What is a subtle emotion?  Is it a barely perceptible emotion?  Is it a nuanced mix of many emotions?  ---  6/23/2002

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Development of emotions in humans.  Humans feel emotional pain about situations that limit or hinder our potential to survive and reproduce.  Humans feel emotional pleasure about situations that increase our potential to survive and reproduce.  How well does the human emotion system work?  How often does the emotion system lead to excess and addiction?  ---  6/23/2002

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Development of emotions in humans.  When is emotional maturity reached?   Emotional wisdom cannot be separated from thought wisdom.  Once you learn which emotion is warranted, the next step is to actually feel the emotion when warranted.     PART TWO.  Emotional strength defined as: (1) Ability to produce a positive emotional state in self.  (2) Not caving into emotions.  Emotional control.  Not being overwhelmed by emotions.  Emotional weakness defined as the opposite.  ---  6/23/2002

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Development of emotions in humans.  Which emotions are we born with?  How does emotional development occur?  What is the height of emotional development in humans?  Artists?  ---  5/17/2002

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Development of emotions in humans.  Which experiences merit which emotional responses?  Which thoughts of experiences merit which emotional reactions?  ---  6/23/2002

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Development of emotions.  (1) Children are pure emotion and drive.  If an adult were purely emotional they would be like a child.  If your thinking gets knocked out you are left with only emotion and drive.  You are left like a child.  This is a neurotic.  (2) If your emotion and drive were knocked out and you were left with only thought that would be neurotic too.  ---  3/25/2000

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Development of emotions.  (1) Emotional development in humans.  Drives and instincts are baser than emotions, which are baser than thoughts.  Reptiles have instincts.  Dogs have emotions.  Humans have thoughts.  (2) Emotional development in individuals.  Children cry easily and throw tantrums.  Adults have better control of their emotions?  ---  9/29/1998

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Development of emotions.  Change and development of emotional responses through life (evolution, stagnation, devolution).  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Development of emotions.  Emotional maturity is based on knowledge and thought.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Development of emotions.  Learning emotions.  In one sense, emotions are supposed to be innate, as evidenced by how babies seem to be born with a basic set of emotion (ex. happy and unhappy).  In another sense, when we interact socially, we often ask our friends for an emotional reality check when we ask them, "Did I have a right to feel this way?  Was I justified in feeling this way?  Was it wrong for me to feel this way, when so and so person did such and such action toward me?"  Thus, apparently we learn to fine tune our coarse, innate emotional ability.  And apparently we decide, as individuals and as a society, that we should or should not feel one way or another.  And yet that is not always the way we do feel.  ---  11/20/2001

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Development of emotions.  PART ONE. How did emotions develop?  Animals have emotions.  Primitive nervous systems evolved early in the animal kingdom.  First the nervous system senses the environment.  Then the nervous system develops the ability to determine if the environment is painful or pleasurable, helpful or harmful, good or bad, healthy or unhealthy.  The ability of primitive nervous systems to make judgments about the environment is probably the basis of  the development of emotions.     PART TWO.  Why did emotions develop?  Emotions are in-between instinct and thought.  Emotions are quicker than thinking but slower than pure instinct.     PART THREE.  In what order did the emotions develop?  First, a simple "pain - pleasure" duality.  Likes and dislikes.  At some point a "fight or flight" mechanism developed, and with it the associated emotions of anger and fear.     PART FOUR.  How are the emotions of pleasure and pain related to physical pleasure and pain?  ---  5/15/2001

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Development of emotions.  The development of the ability to recognize emotions in other people's faces, voices and words depends on your personal emotional knowledge.  ---  4/10/2001

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Development of likes and dislikes, enjoy and don't enjoy, and tastes.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Development of pleasures and pains through life.  Child: enjoy candy.  Adult: enjoy sex.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Development.  Learning of emotions.  You learn fear.  We learn to fear specific things, and we learn the fear of things in general (anxiety).  Babies have no fear.  Wild animals that have never seen man have no fear of man.  We learn fear.  And we learn, or develop, all emotions.  ---  7/31/1999

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Does emotional feeling precede and cause physical feelings?  Or, on the other hand, do the physical symptoms precede and cause the emotional feelings?  Or do the emotional feelings and the physical feelings coincide and reinforce each other, perhaps caused by something prior?  Yes.  Can a person have emotional feelings without physical feelings?  Yes.  Can a person have physical feelings without having emotional feelings?  Yes.  ---  1/7/2004

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Effects of  (1) Pain: can make or break you.  (2) Pleasure: can inspire or spoil you.  (3) How do they affect character development?  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Effects of emotion.  (1) On mind: on thinking, on memory.  (2) On body: can cause physical pain or pleasure.  ---  4/10/2001

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Effects of emotions.  (1) People in general, personality types, specific individuals, me.  (2) Emotions in general, specific emotions.  (3) Effects on other mental areas.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Effects of emotions.  Behaviors influenced: healthy and unhealthy.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Effects of emotions.  Justified, legitimate, founded, called for vs. unjustified, illegitimate, unfounded, uncalled for.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Effects of emotions.  Positive and negative effects of emotions on thought and behavior.  For example, on sleep or appetite.  ---  6/10/2004

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Effects of emotions.  Responses in emotion, in thought, and in action.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Emotion and thought and experience and biochemistry.  One relationship between them all is that any experience or thought can change your brain biochemistry in a positive or negative way, and thus change further emotions and thoughts in a positive or negative way.  ---  10/25/1994

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Emotion for thing in general (see attitude), and for a specific thing.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Emotional communication through words (spoken and written), through non-verbal facial expression and bodily gesture.  Saying how you feel vs. showing how you feel.  ---  6/4/2002

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Emotional detachment.  (1) Emotional detachment from someone or from something is like physical isolation : "i don't care", "stay away".  (2) How much detachment is necessary to do x healthy?  (3) Detachment is a way to stay sane, to stay an individual, and to maintain soul.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Emotional expression (outer): if, when, how, why.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Emotional feelings and physical feelings.  How is the feeling of being unsure, doubtful or skeptical related to the physical feeling of being unsteady and teetering?  ---  11/16/2004

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Emotional health involves not only the type and degree of emotions, but also the thoughts that produce the emotions.  One cannot separate emotional health from thinking health.  ---  11/16/2004

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Emotional knowledge is composed of the following:  (1)(A) Firsthand knowledge of emotions.  Experiential knowledge of emotions.  Knowing which bodily sensations to associate with which emotions.  Emotions cause bodily sensations.  Often one can tell what emotion they are feeling by how their body feels.  But this correspondence needs to be learned over time through experience.  (B) Book learning.  Knowing the mechanisms of emotion.  Functional knowledge of emotions.  Knowing how emotions work.  Knowledge of the human biochemistry of emotion.  (2)(A) Knowing all the types of specific emotions.  Knowledge of the diversity of emotions.  (B) General knowledge of emotions.  Knowing why emotions are important.  Knowing when emotions can help and hinder.  ---  3/29/2000

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Emotional knowledge: Experience with an emotion.  Knowledge about an emotion.  Knowing what causes an emotion, and knowing how to deal with an emotion.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Emotional lives of animals.  Which classes of animals have which emotional capabilities?  What is the evidence?  ---  5/28/2005

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Emotional overload: extreme anger, extreme depression or extreme anxiety, for extended periods of time, in the unconscious or conscious mind, can burn out a person.  ---  6/10/2004

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Emotional overload.  A combination of negative emotions that incapacitates an individual.  Emotional overload can appear as a "nervous breakdown".  ---  5/15/2004

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Emotional relativity: (1) Feel different emotions when one individual repeats same situation.  (2) Two individuals feel different emotions in same situation.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Emotional relativity.  An event or thought causes one emotion in one person and another emotion in another person.  Who is right?  ---  3/25/2000

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Emotional relativity.  Given the same stimulus.  (1) Same person feels different when things twice experiencing it.  (2) Different people feel different emotions for same thing.  (3) Which is healthier and truer?  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Emotional sensitivity and insensitivity.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Emotional stability (strength, control), and instability.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Emotional strength and weakness.  Feeling strong (not tough) means feeling driven (not lazy), directed and focused (not distracted), clear (not confused), hopeful (not pessimistic), confident (not anxiety ridden), energetic (not weak).  ---  12/30/1995

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Emotional strength and weakness.  To be angry is to be strong.  To be sad is to be weak.  To be active (physically and mentally) is to be strong.  To be inactive (physically and mentally) is to be weak.  ---  12/01/1993

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Emotional strength and weakness.  To be strong is to let yourself feel.  Many people mistakenly think that strength means feeling no emotion.  Feeling no emotion is a weakness.  ---  6/4/2002

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Emotional strength and weakness.  Toughness or callousness.  Things don't affect you emotionally so strongly.  Good and bad points.  How to develop it and get rid of it.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Emotional strength vs. emotional weakness.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Emotional uniqueness.  Every person is unique.  Every situation is unique.  Every feeling is unique.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Emotional variability.  Emotional variation for same subject from person to person.  Emotional variations for same subject in same person.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Emotional variability.  Relativity of emotions.  Coming down off of highs causes pain.  Small pleasures in terrible states cause great joy.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Emotional variability.  Variation of emotion.  In a steady state we can fluctuate between pleasure and pain moods.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Emotions are about chemicals.  ---  4/21/2000

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Emotions are fallible.  Emotions are not infallible guides to how to live.  The emotion a person feels in a situation may not be appropriate nor optimal.  ---  2/10/2007

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Emotions are not as important as dealing justly with situation (ex. paybacks a bitch).  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Emotions are sometimes not the best guide to estimating the importance of an event in your life.  Example, (1) You get in an everyday fight and feel much emotion, vs. (2) You stumble across a book or idea that will slowly change the way you look at the world, and barely think twice about it initially, let alone have any emotional reaction.  The second ends up being more powerful than the first.  Even if you remember and think about the first one more.  ---  09/01/1994

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Emotions as information.  (1) When properly functioning, a negative emotion is a warning signal (ex. red flag) and a positive emotion is a signal to proceed (ex. green light).  (2) An emotion is a quick guess about a situation.  (3) These views presuppose that emotions have an important useful purpose in both animals and humans.  (5) These views presuppose that emotions are somewhere between instinct and thought.  ---  12/23/2000

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Emotions can snowball or spiral.  Positive emotions can have positive spirals.  Negative emotions can have negative spirals.  Manic depression is perhaps due to uncontrolled emotional spirals.  ---  12/10/2004

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Emotions function primarily as a means of social communication.  ---  7/31/1999

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Empathy.  (1) Total empathy requires a strong imagination.  (2) Total empathy means becoming the other completely.   (3) Total empathy means you disappear.  ---  4/4/2001

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Energy levels and emotion.  To what extent does energy level effect emotion?  (1) Low energy levels.  Emotions: calm or else depressed and apathetic.  Thinking: little thinking occurs.  (2) High energy levels.  Emotions: excited, happy and manic, or else anxious and tense.  Thinking: distracted, hyperactive, much thinking.  ---  9/7/1999

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Energy levels are based on food and sleep.  Low energy, hungry and tired, produces one set of emotions.  High energy, nourished and rested, produces another set of emotions.  ---  11/16/2004

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Ethics and emotion (see ethics).  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Ethics.  Sometimes doing something good, vs. doing nothing, vs. doing something evil, all feel the same.  I realize intellectually that I did good or bad, but there is no extreme emotional happiness or sadness to reinforce it.  And so I do not pursue one and avoid the other, because they both feel the same.  ---  08/17/1997

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Event.  Initial emotion.  Secondary emotion: after any amount of time, or after any amount of thinking.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Excessive anxiety, depression and anger are emotional problems.  The answer is not to have no emotions.  The answer is having greater emotional knowledge, understanding and facility.  ---  6/15/2004

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Fear and anxiety.  Depression and sadness.  Anger, disgust and contempt.  Acute and severe.  Chronic and mild.  Negative emotions can "fry" the brain and reduce thinking ability and creative ability and writing ability.  Negative emotions can immobilize one and reduce action.  ---  12/15/2002

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Feeling bad about the situation vs. feeling good about my actions in the situation.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Feeling not to do something.  Is it depression or intuition?  How can you tell?  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Feeling overwhelmed and out of control (of self or situation) vs. feeling underwhelmed and in control.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Feelings before and after an action or event.  (1) Feeling bad before, but good after.  This is like working out, or doing your studies.  (2) Feels good before, and bad after.  For example, pathological sex.  (3) Feels bad before, bad after.  For example, something you know from experience that you will hate.  (4) Feels good before, good after.  For example, healthy sex.  ---  04/12/1994

Psychology, emotion.  ---  For all emotions, we can feel that emotion toward a specific thing, or we can feel that emotion as a generalized state or mood.  For example, we can feel a specific sadness toward an event, or we can feel a generalized sadness toward life.  We can feel a specific anger toward an event, or we can feel a generalized anger toward life, or even toward we know not what.  For the painful emotions (i.e., sadness, anger, fear, etc.) it is best not to let them become general feelings toward life.  But for the positive feelings (i.e., happiness, peace, hope, etc.) it is perhaps best to let them become general feelings toward life.  ---  3/29/2000

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Generalized emotions.  Free floating emotions.  Free floating fear.  Free floating anger.  Free floating depression.  Is there such a think as free floating or generalized happiness?  How can we generalize our positive emotions and yet limit our negative emotions to whatever caused them?  ---  5/15/2004

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Great solemnity (produced by profound thoughts) and a great sense of humor offset each other well.  One without the other is bogus.  Most people have neither.  ---  10/05/1994

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Healthy and unhealthy, pains and pleasures.  In many cases (1) For healthy things (like exercise).  Positive effects are not immediately or obviously.  Painful effects are immediate and obvious.  (2) For unhealthy things (like drugs, sugar etc.).  Pleasures are immediate and obvious.  Negative effects are not immediate or obvious.  (3) Thus these cases are a tough problem.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Hopes and fears.  We hope, and we fear our hopes will be unrealized.  However, if we try our best in thought, word and action, in all areas, then that puts both our hopes and fears to rest.  ---  2/9/2004

Psychology, emotion.  ---  How are our emotions related to our likes and dislikes?  Our likes and dislikes can be purely thought-based, rational, and without much emotion.  Our likes and dislikes can also be purely sense-based, for example, when we like the taste of one food better than another.  Emotional likes and dislikes usually apply to people we like or dislike.  Sense-based, emotion-based, and thought-based likes and dislikes are how our brain evolved to make "go / no go" or "approach / avoid" decisions to keep us alive and reproducing.  ---  4/6/2001

Psychology, emotion.  ---  How do emotions work?  How should we study our emotions?  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, emotion.  ---  How much can we trust our emotions to guide us?  How can we tell if it is the best emotional response?  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, emotion.  ---  How x emotion are you going to let yourself get over your situation, why, and for how long?  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, emotion.  ---  How you feel vs. how society expects you to feel.  ---  08/02/1993

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Ideal emotional state.  Balance, appropriateness.  (1) Without repressing.  Without emotionally under-reacting.  Cold fish.  (2) Without getting carried away.  Without emotionally over-reacting.  Hot head.  ---  11/16/2004

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Ideals.  Best emotional state.  Alert, calm, even (not to high or low), stable, fresh, aware of situation, intense, loose.  Worst emotional state: opposite of above.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, emotion.  ---  If emotions come from the reptilian part of the brain then emotions precede thoughts in everyday life.  ---  4/21/2000

Psychology, emotion.  ---  If life is half good and half bad, and if life leaves us feeling half happy and half sad, what is the net result?  A blank, dazed expression.  A neutral, far off stare.  If positive and negative cancel each other out then the net result is zero or nothing.  ---  4/6/2001

Psychology, emotion.  ---  If there were only a dozen emotions then we would quickly be bored by music.  ---  4/25/2000

Psychology, emotion.  ---  If your thoughts are in disarray and unorganized.  If your thinking skills are rusty.  If you are repressed.  The mind then defaults to emotion as a guide.  You are then subject to your emotions, and that is not always pleasant.  Your emotions can play havoc, run amok, and go on a rampage.  Thoughts mediate and mitigate emotions.  ---  8/10/2006

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Important emotions that have no names in English, and that need names.  (1) The feeling of wasting time.  I.e., the feeling of wasting life.  (2) The feeling of not doing what you want to be doing.  The feeling of not doing what you need to be doing and what you ought to (should) be doing.  (3) The feeling of being psychologically lost.  The feeling of being without direction in life.  The feeling of being aimless.  The feeling of being psychologically lost can be as painful as the panic, terror, and despair of being geographically lost in the wilderness.  This is why working on developing goals and working toward the goals you develop is so important.  (4) The feeling of losing sight.  The feeling of figuratively "Not being able to see clearly".  Mental fog.  ---  11/13/1999

Psychology, emotion.  ---  In all areas of my life, in general and specific terms, what makes me feel good and bad, best and worst, and why?  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, emotion.  ---  In my entire life, not just now, (1) What causes negative emotion in me?  (A) Of these, which are "my fault", that is, bad things that I did that I am responsible for.  (B) Which of these things were done by other people or by nature?  Perhaps easier to deal with because its "not my fault" or its "beyond my control" because I could not do anything about it.  (2) What causes positive emotions in me?  (A) Of these, which are due to my efforts, that is, which are "to my credit".  (B) Which are due to other people or due to natural luck, that I can not rightfully take credit for, but that I can still enjoy?  ---  5/23/2001

Psychology, emotion.  ---  In the same situation, you can be happy, energized, and visionary one moment, and depressed, lazy, unmotivated, with no vision, the next minute.  Why?  What can be done?  ---  02/07/1994

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Internet and emotion.  (1) In order to stay healthy, people need more mental stuff than they do physical stuff.  (2) Of the mental stuff, people need more emotional stuff than they do information (i.e. pure knowledge) stuff.  (3) This is why people make such a big deal about "love" (caring, friendship, etc.).  (4) How to deliver emotion over the Internet?  That is a big question.  (5) The opposite, more common, and wrong view is that people need more physical stuff than mental stuff, and of the psychological stuff information is needed more than emotion.  I do not agree with that view anymore.  ---  8/5/2001

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Internet and emotion.  Delivery of emotion on the Internet.  How would you deliver the following emotions online?  (1) Love.  (2) Belonging.  (3) Comfort.  (4) Admiration.  (5) Hope.  ?  Delivering emotion via the Internet will help keep people happy, healthy and productive.  ---  8/5/2001

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Just as important in animals as the "flight or fight" response is the "approach or avoid" response.  For example, an herbivore encounters a plant and has an "approach or avoid" response that is based on whether the plant is edible or inedible, but the herbivore does not have a "flight or fight" response occurring in that situation.  That being said, we can say that, in humans, just as important as the emotions associated with "flight or fight" responses (i.e., fear and anger) are the emotions associated with "approach or avoid" responses.  What are the emotions associated with "approach or avoid" responses?  Our "likes and dislikes" are the emotions associated with "approach or avoid" responses.  "Approach or avoid" responses are just as important as "flight or fight" responses.  Likes and dislikes are just as important fear and anger.  ---  11/16/2004

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Like and dislike.  Liking and disliking refer to emotions.  We like things that give us pleasure.  We dislike things that cause us pain.  ---  6/8/2002

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Looking back, much of the emotional highs and lows were needless tinsel.  Superfluous emotional expression.  ---  8/10/2006

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Me and emotions.  Most important subjects and most important (best and worst) emotional responses about them.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Me.  I feel more, therefore I need more catharsis.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Mechanism.  How do emotions work (happen)?  Do they all happen the same way, using the same parts of the brain?  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Memory and emotion.   (1) We can feel new emotions that we never felt before.  This is emotional creativity.  (2) We can remember feeling old emotions, which often can cause us to feel them again.  There a difference between remembering that you felt an emotion at one time in the past and feeling that emotion again.  (3) We can feel old emotions in new situations, although one could argue whether this is an old emotion or a new emotion.  (4) One view holds that every instance of an emotion is an new emotion.  Every situation, every moment, is different and thus every emotion attached to a situation is different.  (5) We have the ability to remember both thoughts and emotions (or both), although there is no clear dividing line.  ---  2/10/2001

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Memory and emotions.  (1) Memory of emotions.  You can remember the way you felt in the past.  (2) Emotions that raise memories.  Feeling an emotion can remind you of past events.  ---  9/30/2002

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Mood = most dominant and durable emotion in emotion complex.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Mood.  (1) Mood and its relation to personality.  (2) Mood as hard-wired and life-long.  (3) Change in mood over lifetime.  (4) Self control of mood.  (5) Strong moods vs. weak moods.  (6) Stable moods vs. variable moods.  ---  6/4/2002

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Mood.  Are you getting optimal work done?  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Mood.  Causes and effects of moods on behavior.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Mood.  Changing mood.  Self caused: change emotion by changing thought, especially a new thought, especially a better thought (truer, healthier).  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Mood.  Frame of mind.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Mood.  It is up to you to get yourself out of bad, unhealthy, unproductive moods.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Mood.  Should you, can you, control emotions and moods? Why or why not?  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Mood.  What is a mood?  Persistent, dominant emotional state.  An emotional state that is not subject specific?  An emotional state that is not environment or situation specific?  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Moodiness = shifting emotions.  Emotional stability vs. emotional instability.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Morale.  Morale of the individual or society.  Keep up your morale in the fight.  ---  10/30/1993

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Most important ideas about emotions.  (1) Negative emotions can have a big negative impact on your life.  Healthly, positive emotional state should be pursued.  (2) Emotional intelligence and knowledge can be developed, thought and learned.  Self emotional knowledge (feelings of self), and emotional knowledge of others (reading another's emotions).  ---  11/30/1997

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Most important ideas.  (1) Emotions can help us think.  (2) Emotions can also interfere with thinking.  They can cripple and kill us.  Especially negative emotions.  ---  10/30/1997

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Most people would say that feeling safe and comfortable are positive emotions.  Yet progress often requires risk and discomfort, and thus, a desire to remain completely safe and comfortable at all costs can actually impede personal and societal development.  ---  2/10/2007

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Nature sights, sounds and smells evoke emotions more so than they evoke thoughts.  People who are drawn to nature are booting up their emotions and sorting out their emotions.  That is, they are learning an emotional language and they are speaking an emotional language.  When you "commune with nature" you are getting in touch with the primal, emotional part of your brain (circa 200,000 years ago).  When you exist in the state of nature you are living low on the brain stem.  ---  12/30/2000

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Nature.  Language of Nature Emotions (LNE).  We have a list of names for social emotions.  However, we have no names for nature emotions.  Thus, we are unable to talk about our nature emotions by name.  Thus, human culture contains relatively little verbalized expressions of our emotional connection to the natural environment.  We have few words for nature emotions.  We have little folk psychology for nature emotions.  We should develop them.  Emotions related to the seasons, time of day, plants, animals, landscape, weather, etc.  Perhaps humans have little language for nature emotions because as social animals we form strong bonds with other humans.  We don't form strong bonds with our environment.  There is an in-between state, we do form bonds with pets.  ---  2/1/2001

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Nature.  The Language of Nature Emotions.  (1) In humans, there is a "language of emotions (LE) that is akin to Fodor's "Language of Thought" (LOT).     (2) Like the language of thought, the language of emotion is an innate ability that we are born with, and that we continue to develop and strengthen throughout life through the process of learning.     (3) Like the language of thought, the language of emotion is not composed of English words, nor is it composed of the words of any spoken language.     (4) The "language of nature emotions" (LNE) is a subset of the language of emotions that has to do with how we experience and understand our natural surroundings and ourselves through the complex emotions that nature produces in us.     (5) The language of nature emotions is very strong in animals other than man.  Animals other than man rely primarily on the language of nature emotions and rely very little on the language of thought.     (6) The "language of social emotions" is another subset of the language of emotions that deals with the emotional language experienced when human animals interact with each other socially.     (7) People who are outdoor enthusiasts are people who have a strong, well developed  language of nature emotions.  These people, who sense that the "whispering pines" and "babbling brooks" have something to say to us, are people with a highly developed language of nature emotions.  People who are emotionally moved by a change in the slanting afternoon light, or who are even emotionally moved by a change in the temperature or humidity, are people with a highly developed language of nature emotions.  People who care about the environment are people who tend to have a highly developed language of nature emotions.     (8) The language of nature emotions is not about nature-lore or factual knowledge of nature.  The language of nature emotions is about the feelings that nature perceptions produce in humans.  Emotion being, as cognitive scientists say, a cognitive ability that speeds animals toward their goals faster than thinking can alone.  ---  11/15/2000

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Neutral emotional state.  There is no such thing as a neutral emotional state.  (1) If you look closely, what feels like an emotionally neutral state is often feeling good.  (2) Sometimes what appears to be an emotionally neutral state is merely the individual being too tired to think or feel.  (3) Other times, what appears to be an emotionally neutral state is merely many low level emotions of various types.  (4) Other times, what appears to be an emotionally neutral state is several opposing strong emotions that are balancing each other out.  (5) Other times, when people report feeling an emotionally neutral state, they are merely repressing thoughts and emotions that then simmer in their subconscious.  ---  11/28/2005

Psychology, emotion.  ---  No feeling anymore.  No pangs.  No urges.  No dreams, hopes, or visions.  No mysticism, wonder, awe, or rapture.  Just calm practical reality.  ---  07/30/1993

Psychology, emotion.  ---  One emotion affects another.  They mix like oil paints.  They layer like a layer cake.  ---  8/7/2000

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Pathetic is a mixture of pity and contempt.  ---  8/22/2002

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Physical and emotion.  Emotions have a lot to do with energy levels, metabolism, and body type.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Physical feelings caused by emotions.  List emotion and associated physical feeling.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Physical pleasure and its emotional counterparts.  Emotional pleasure and its physical counterparts.  ---  4/10/2001

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Problem.  (1) Emotion that paralyzes.  (2) Emotion that causes pathological psychology.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Problem.  (1) Feel too much vs. feel too little.  (2) Feeling without thinking.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Problem.  PART ONE.  Four emotional problems: (1) Hypersensitive to pain (i.e., misery).  (2) Hyposensitive to pain (i.e., callous).  (3) Hypersensitive to pleasure (i.e., addict).  (4) Hyposensitve to pleasure (i.e., dull).     PART TWO.  If you do not feel pain you are less likely to kill yourself.  However, if you do not feel pain you are perhaps more likely to be killed by something else, and more likely to kill someone else.  ---  10/19/2001

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Problems with emotions.  (1) Pressure, tension, stress.  How stressed you feel subjectively.  Is it an emotion?  (2) Worry and anxiety, anger, sadness and grief.  Depression, pessimism, and negative thinking.  All these things can demotivate, distract, break focus and concentration, and stop one from thinking clearly.  ---  11/30/1997

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Problems.  (1) Not feeling: unconscious, conscious.  (2) Feeling wrong(?) emotion for a cause.  (3) Excess or not enough of right(?) emotion.  (4) In control vs. out of control.  (5) Taking out emotions on innocent non-cause target.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Problems.  (1) Repression of emotions of pain and pleasure.  (2) Emotional overdrive, excess emotion.  (3) Attributing emotion to wrong cause.  (4) Feeling wrong emotion for a stimulus.  (5) Not feeling at all.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Problems.  (1) When does emotion become a problem?  Emotion is a problem when emotion becomes debilitating.  Emotion is a problem when emotion interferes with living.  Emotion is a problem when it is unjustified, unrealistic or inappropriate.  (2) When is emotion a small problem and when is emotion a large problem?  ---  12/2/2005

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Problems.  Emotion that causes pathological psychology or sub-optimal paralyses.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Problems.  Emotional problems.  (1) Rage.  Uncontrolled anger.  Misdirected anger.  (2) No empathy.  No caring.  (3) Fear of future.  Regrets about past.  (4) Envy.  Jealousy.  ---  8/5/2002

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Problems.  Emotional turmoil, emotional confusion.  Don't know what I'm feeling.  Don't know what's causing it.  Don't know what to do about it.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Problems.  Not feeling right emotion: feeling wrong emotion, or nothing.  Feeling wrong amounts.  Feeling for wrong reasons.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Problems.  Over-emotional.  People who get so emotionally excited about a problem till it incapacitates their thinking and action, or till they have a breakdown or make bad mistake.  What to do?  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Related subjects.  Pathological.  (1) Repression of emotions causes emotional confusion, neurosis, and psychosis.  (2) Biochemical emotional disturbances.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Related subjects.  Social norms of what to feel about what.  Norms of emotional expression.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Related subjects.  Social.  When society tells you what to feel, it can screw you up.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Scientists have not enough emotion in their thinking.  Artists have too much emotion in their thinking.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Security: everything is going to be o.k.  False sense of security.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Sensitive.  (1) Sensitive.  Ability to feel your own emotions.  Ability feel other's emotions.  Ability to heed your own and other's emotions.  (2) Insensitive.  Can't feel emotions yourself.  Can't see how other person feels.  Ability to ignore their own and other's emotions.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Sensitive.  Don't feel the pain so much.  Get strong and tough.  You are too sensitive in the bad sense (weak).  ---  06/30/1993

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Solutions and truth makes us happy.  Problems make us pissed off and depressed.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Stress is an emotional response, to a perceived threatening or adverse situation, that interferes with thought and memory, and that also causes physical symptoms.  Move all stress notes to emotion.  Stress reactions: shock, depression, frustration.  ---  8/15/1998

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Techniques for how to deal with it.  Realize feeling, acknowledge feeling, and sort out feeling.  Figure out true causes.  Determine best action to get catharsis and justice.  Blowing of steam by solving problem vs. not solving problem.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Techniques.  (1) Concentrate on negatives and you are bound to get depressed, and then you are bound to lose control.  The bigger and more important the obstacles, the more depressed you will become.  Learn to deal better with obstacles, frustration, and depression.  So you become less depressed and anxious, and lose control (of behavior and thinking ability) less often when you do become angry, anxious, and depressed.  (2) Angry, anxious, and depressed, all at once.  The triple killer.  Example, you get stressed, panic, and can not study, you fear failure and thus fail.  Do not get discouraged or psyched out, above all.  And do not give up either.  ---  03/20/1994

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Techniques.  Are you in pain?  You can either cure it, temporarily mask it, do nothing, or increase it.  Best to worst techniques against pain: (1) Solve the specific problem.  (2) Brave "fu*k it" attitude.  (3) Think of positive side.  (4) Think of other good things in past, present, future.  (5) Knowledge principles.  (6) Catharsis by other means.  (7) Solve other problems.  (8) Numb self.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Techniques.  Best and worst ways to cheer yourself up.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Techniques.  Best and worst ways to deal with emotions.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Techniques.  Catharsis for justice and mental health.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Techniques.  Catharsis: total, instant, and directed at cause.  Justice: total.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Techniques.  Complete, instantaneous, accurate acknowledgment, and understanding to get catharsis.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Techniques.  Don't force feelings.  Don't feel something about something because someone tells you that you should.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Techniques.  Don't ignore, deny or repress your emotions.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Techniques.  Emotional catharsis in thought and in action.  Relationship of two.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Techniques.  Emotional techniques.  (1) Should we face our emotions?  Techniques for determining how we feel.  (2) Should we change our emotions?  Techniques for changing our emotions.  (A) Saying "I am happy" over and over.  (B) Smiling constantly to stay happy.  (3) Arguments against changing emotions.  If you are repressing, or not confronting why you feel that way.  (4) Arguments for changing emotions.  If you have confronted your emotion and (A) You feel pain when you should objectively be feeling pleasure.  (B) You feel pleasure when objectively you should feel pain?  Still a big question here.  ---  10/15/1993

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Techniques.  Examine your emotions.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Techniques.  Figuring things out best helps you deal with emotions best.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Techniques.  Future hopes, wishes, dreams, goals, desires.  Short term vs. long term.  Best hopes vs. worst fears.  Accurate vs. inaccurate.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Techniques.  Healthy and unhealthy emotional responses.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Techniques.  How to make yourself feel really good, in order to perform your best, even when things are going wrong?  Face it, things are always going wrong, everywhere and always, and always will.  In order to perform your best to counteract these bad things and problems, you have to feel good.  Also, no matter how bad things get, there is always hope of luck, or hope that you can think and act and change it, or hope that it is not as bad as it seems.  So think of all the good things you have ever done, experienced, or heard of or read about.  Make a list of them.  Think of all the good things happening and that will happen in the world, especially if we cheer up and work hard.  This is so corny, but it works.  Calm down and relax and start feeling good.  ---  04/01/1994

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Techniques.  It is good to feel calm, happy, and content.  It is a mellow, relaxed feeling.  Yet we have to deviate from this in order to make progress and move forward.  The question is to what degree and to which negative emotions we deviate.  Because the problem is that we also deviate from calm, happy, and content whenever we slip backwards into pathological states like depression, loneliness, frustration, etc.  How can we tell progress forward from decaying backwards?  Must effort and progress always be painful?  Can we move forward without negative states?  "Don't worry, be happy" has its strong points, but it also keeps us down.  How to create the calm, happy, content feeling?  (1) Just be glad to be alive.  (2) Take pleasure in simple things.  How to create the moving forward feeling?  (1) I have a lot of work to do.  (2) I have a lot of potential to realize.  How to get rid of the backward feelings?  (1) Realize what the feeling is.  (2) Realize it is bad.  (3) Realize why it is bad.  (4) Realize the need to get out of it.  (5) Realize how to get out of it.  ---  12/30/1995

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Techniques.  Lies I tell myself to keep hopeful and happy.  And to avoid depression, anxiety, worry, and fear.  "Everything is and will be okay, with me and the world".  ---  09/01/1994

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Techniques.  Negative emotions.  You perceive a problem.  If you don't deal with the problem, and deal well with it, and deal totally with it, till you are satisfied, you are repressing.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Techniques.  Often it is necessary to relax to think clearly.  Often it is necessary to feel to think clearly.  Feel first, sort it out, then relax and sort it out, then get amped up for solution and do it.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Techniques.  Repression is a problem (see pathological psychology).  Catharsis is a technology.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Techniques.  Solutions: let yourself feel, don't deny your feelings.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Techniques.  The foundations of feeling good.  (1) Good high protein diet with vegies and no garbage.  Exercise.  High t.  Sleep.  (2) Good job.  (3) Girlfriend.  ---  05/06/1994

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Techniques.  The key is to find the thoughts that will change your brain chemistry (and thus mood, thought and attitude) in a positive way.  Thus you gain control of your mind and optimize your behavior and life.  ---  10/25/1994

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Techniques.  Two step approach: (1) Get and keep pleasure.  (2) Avoid and get rid of pain.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Techniques.  Understand what you are feeling, why feeling, and what to do about it.  Acknowledge and sort it out.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Techniques.  You shouldn't force yourself to be happy.  You should convince yourself to be happy, based on valid reasons.  ---  6/10/2004

Psychology, emotion.  ---  The altruist feels emotional pain in the problems of the world and feels emotional pleasure in the successes of the world, even if it does not affect him either directly or indirectly.  It is difficult to feel so because humans are hard-wired to react to their local environment and not the global situation.  Yet this is undeniably the more advanced attitude.  How to develop this attitude?     PART TWO.  We are hard-wired on a low level to be egoists.  We are hard-wired on a higher level to be local altruists.  We have yet to become hard-wired to be altruists on a global level.  ---  6/4/2002

Psychology, emotion.  ---  The degree of an emotion, positive or negative, is more important than the type of emotion.  ---  10/22/1999

Psychology, emotion.  ---  The difference between being not happy (not content) with a negative situation vs. not letting a negative situation make you severely unhappy or crazy.  ---  11/15/2000

Psychology, emotion.  ---  The emotional double whammy.  (1) When you do something good for yourself (ex. workout), you get the physical improvement itself which makes you feel good, plus the psychological boost of knowing you did good for yourself which makes you feel good too.  (2) When you do bad to yourself (ex. Over-eating) you feel physically bad from the action itself, and you feel psychologically bad from knowing you did bad to yourself.  (3) So the difference from doing good and bad to yourself is actually much larger (double) than what you would imagine.  ---  06/10/1994

Psychology, emotion.  ---  The most important emotion (or attitude) is determination to get justice.  ---  3/25/1999

Psychology, emotion.  ---  The number of emotions are infinite, even though we group them into a dozen basic categories.  Emotions vary by specific individual and specific situation.  ---  3/30/2000

Psychology, emotion.  ---  There are many negative emotions, like fear, anxiety and sadness.  But there is only one positive emotion, happiness.  ---  11/5/1999

Psychology, emotion.  ---  There should always be a correlation between your situation and your emotions.  However, it is not always the healthiest response that there be an exact correlation between your emotions and the situation.  Sometimes it is healthier if a person's emotional response does not correspond exactly to the situation, particularly if it is an extremely bad situation.  If you recognize the metaphysical and ethical aspects of your situation, and if you recognize that you feel a certain way about the situation, then you are free to feel otherwise.  Take, for example, the various reactions of people to concentration camps in Germany during World War II.  The concentration camps in Germany during World War II were a enormous injustice because the concentration camps were places where genocide took place.  However, there were many types of reactions to the concentration camps by the concentration camp inhabitants.  (1) Some people in the concentration camp recognized the concentration camp for what it was, a place for killing people, and these people also recognized the injustice of what it was, a horrible injustice.  In the concentration camps, some of the people who recognized the metaphysical and ethical implications of the situation were overwhelmed by despair, while others who also recognized the metaphysical and ethical implications of the situation were not overwhelmed by despair and retained a certain degree of mental resolve, balance, calm, or equanimity.  (2) Other people in the concentration camp were not able to recognize the concentration camp for what it was, a place for killing people.  These people made excuses to avoid seeing the metaphysical situation for what it was.  Perhaps these people told themselves that it was merely a temporary holding facility.  Perhaps these people believed the lies they were told by their captors.  Perhaps these people clung to a belief in the essential goodness of all humans.  (3) Still other people in the concentration camp were able to recognize that the concentration camp was a place for killing people, but were not able to recognize the horrible injustice of the situation.  These people made excuses to avoid recognizing the injustice of the concentration camp.  Perhaps these people said that they must have done something to deserve it.  Perhaps these people said that the ongoing war made it less unjust.  (4) There were many reactions, in both thought and emotion, by the people in concentration camps.  Some views of the of the metaphysical nature of the situation were more accurate and other views were less accurate.  Some views of the ethics of the situation were more accurate and other views were less accurate.  It should be observed that both the captors and the captives in the concentration camp were prone to distorted views about the situation.  And even today some people have distorted views of the concentration camps, some people so distorted in their views as to deny the existence of the concentration camps.  (5) In every situation, different people will have different views of the situation, some views being more accurate, other views being less accurate.  And in every situation, people have varying emotional responses to those views.  If a person has an accurate view of the metaphysics and ethics of a situation, then the person should not let themselves be permanently incapacitated by their own emotional response to the situation.  A person can, and should, develop the ability to control their own emotional responses.  On the one hand, a person should not be completely without feeling, and on the other hand a person should not be completely subject to their own emotions.  ---  7/1/2006

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Those who feel they have to prove themselves, to self or to others.  It can be a good thing or a bad thing.  (1) To self: self expectations.  (2) Socially: keeping up to Jones's.  ---  9/29/1998

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Thought and action is the only way to deal with emotions?  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Thought and emotion.  (1) Thoughts being affected by emotions.  Emotions can change the way you think.  (2) Emotions being affected by thoughts.  Thoughts can change the way you feel.  (ex. Rational Emotive Therapy).  ---  9/30/2002

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Thought and emotion.  Emotion as aid to reason vs. hindrance to reason.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Thought and emotion.  Emotion without thought is as bad as thought without emotion.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Thought and emotion.  IQ and emotion.  Dumb and happy, ignorance is bliss.  Are dumb people happier than smart people?  Are smarter people more unhappy because they realize how unjust the world is?  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Thought and emotion.  Knowledge helps you deal with emotions.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Thought and emotion.  Only a thought can change an emotion?  ---  3/24/2000

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Thought and emotion.  There is a difference between "feeling that way" and "thinking that way".  Merely "thinking that way" can lead you to do something because you think it is right even if you don't feel that way.  Merely "feeling that way" can lead you to do something even when you don't why and you don't have a reason.  When you "think and feel that way" your thoughts and emotions are working together.  ---  4/19/2000

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Thought and emotion.  Use your passions to drive your thoughts.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Thoughts cause emotions, emotions cause thoughts.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Three hypotheses.  (1) Every thought has an associated emotion.  The same thought may elicit different emotions in different circumstances, but the point is that a thought always elicits an emotion.  (2) We are immersed in emotion.  We may engage in thinking to a greater or lesser degree, but we always feel emotion.  Emotion 24 x 7.  There is no escaping emotion.  (3) Emotions shape thoughts.  Thoughts shape emotions.  It is a two way street.  ---  11/13/1999

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Time and emotion. There are various emotions related to time.  There are emotions related to present time, future time and past time.  The emotions related to time are about time itself, not the events that occurred in time.  That is to say, the emotions related to time itself and the emotions related to the events that happen in time are two different things.  In this note I am concerned with the emotions related to time itself.  PART ONE.  Emotions related to past time.  As time passes there is a sense of loss of time.  (A) To some extent we mourn the loss of time.  We grieve for lost time.  The grief for lost time is one emotion related to time.  (B) Also, to some extent, we wish to recapture lost time.  The emotion associated with desiring to recapture lost time is a separate emotion from the mourning for lost time.  (2) Related to, but distinct from the issue of lost time, is the issue of lost youth.  As we age there is a sense of loss of youth, and we want to recapture lost youth.  Recapturing lost youth involves several things, (1) the desire to be young again, (2) the desire to recapture our former selves when we were young, (3) and the desire to recapture the state of affairs of the world that existed when we were young.  (2) (<joke>.  Proust was obsessed with time.  The modern business man is obsessed with time.  What do Proust and the modern business man have in common?  They are both in search of lost time.  </joke>).  (11/6/2004)     PART TWO.  Emotions related to future time include emotions associated with anticipation, expectation, hopes, desires.     PART THREE.  Emotions related to present time.  Emotions related to present time are less obvious than emotions related to past time and future time.     PART FOUR.  Pathologies related to emotions about time.  (1) People can develop problems, small and large, related to the emotions of time.  Emotions related to time-itself are not easily recognized, understood and coped with.  The emotions related to time-itself can well up and overwhelm people.  To use a metaphor, people sometime ignore or repress emotions (and thoughts) related to time-itself until they burst forth in an overwhelming and debilitating episode that resembles psychological equivalent of the Johnstown flood.  The more people are aware of the emotions (and thoughts) of time-itself the more people can cope with the emotions of time-itself.  Coping with emotions takes awareness, understanding and practice.  (2) People can also develop problems related to the emotions about events that occur in time.  Problems related to emotions about events that occur in time are more easily recognized, understood and coped with than are problems related to the emotions of time itself.  ---  12/15/2004

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Time and emotions.  There should be specific names for emotions felt in regard to time.  There should be specific names for emotions felt in regard to past present and future.  For example, "regret" is a word used for anxiety about the past, and  "apprehension" is a word used for anxiety about the future.  But we feel all emotions in regard to past, present and future, and perhaps we should have distinct words to describe each emotion in regard to past, present and future.  For example, words to describe happiness in the present, happiness of past memories, and happiness of looking forward to things.  An emotional vocabulary that accounts for time would increase humans ability to understand their emotions and communicate their emotions to others, with the result being healthier, happier humans.  ---  5/15/2004

Psychology, emotion.  ---  To say, "The situation warrants me feeling good, so I feel justified in feeling good.", is to use the concepts of warrant and justification in the realm of emotions.  ---  11/16/2004

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Total emotion complex at any moment = sum of experiences, thoughts, and biochemical states.  What will the final emotion be?  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Total.  Emotional complex: sum of all emotions, on any and all causes and effects (good and bad) of emotions.  Unconscious and conscious emotions.  Momentary or for any time period.  Justified, legit, founded emotions and not.  Number of emotions.  Type, duration, frequency, and intensity.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Two emotional conundrums.  (1) When you don't know what emotion you are feeling.  (2) When you know what emotion you are feeling, but you don't know why you are feeling that emotion.  (3) Emotions are often mysterious.  Examples include:  When something is wrong but you don't know what.  When you don't know what is bothering you.  When you don't know why you are happy.  (4) If you are unsure what is bothering you, changing your circumstances can often lead to a change in emotions.  ---  5/5/2004

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Two emotional phenomena.  (1)  When you truly feel an emotion, rather than faking it.  (2) When you are justified in feeling an emotion, rather than feeling it in a situation where the emotion is uncalled for or unjustified.  For example, if the situation is the world then when are we justified in being happy?  Always?  Never?  Only when things go well for us as individuals?  Only when things are going well for everyone?  Or at least the majority?  ---  2/1/2002

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Two families of emotions.  The following emotions tend to gather into two sets, positive and negative.  (1) Positive emotions:  Hope.  Self worth.  Confidence (toward self and world).  Sense of control (toward self and world).  Happiness resulting.  Versus.  (2) Negative emotions:  Hopelessness.  Self worthlessness.  Lack of confidence (toward self and world).  Sense of no control (toward self and world).  Anger, anxiety and depression resulting.  ---  5/15/2004

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Two types of uptight.  (1) Repressed and anal.  Fear of unknown internal threat.  (2) Tense and apprehensive.  Fear of unknown external threat.  ---  9/29/1998

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Two views of the basic emotional state in humans.  (1) Some people argue that the normal state is a neutral, even-tempered state between happiness and unhappiness.  Then they argue that the sub-optimal state is unhappiness.  (2) There is another point of view that says the normal human state is a state of emotional happiness.  Most humans are happy most of the time.  Chronic happiness.  In this view a problem exists whenever a person is not happy, including the state of being neither happy nor sad.  ---  4/8/2004

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Types of emotions.  (1) Feelings you get from drives.  (2) Feelings you get from thoughts.  (3) Feelings you get from actions, behaviors, bodily activities.  (ex. heart rate.  This is like the James-Lange theory of emotions).  (4) Feelings you get from experiences. (Ex. Other people doing things to you).  (5) Feelings you get from environments.  (Ex. Aesthetics.  Color of a room.  Senses and perceptions).  (6) The point is, we don't just get feeling from thoughts.  We get feelings from lots of things.  (7) Also, it is a two way street in regard to emotions and drive, thought, and body.  They affect each other.  Drive affects emotion and emotion affects drive.  Thought affects emotion and emotion effects thought.  The body affects emotion and emotion affects the body.  ---  4/19/2000

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Types of.  Three types of emotions.  (1) Emotions related to fate, luck, happenstance, "god", nature, or objects.  (2) Emotions related to social relations, people, and actions of others.  (3) Emotions related to self and your own actions.  (4) One could argue that it is the same basic set of emotions that humans have, but they vary slightly in each of the above three cases.  However, some say there are distinct social emotions.  But consider the following cases, ancient man saw nature as anthropomorphized and so may have felt social emotions toward nature.  And ancient man may have considered himself as having multiple selves or spirits, and so he may have felt social emotions toward himself (?).  The point is, in ancient man the line between nature, other people and self may have been less distinct than it is today.  So ancient man may have worked with a single set of emotions.  However, the above three categories probably existed in some form, even if less distinct than today, and so emotions related to the above categories also existed.  ---  6/23/2000

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Types.  (1) Emotions: faked vs. real  (2) Emotional dislike vs. intellectual dislike.  ---  06/30/1993

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Unconscious emotions.  (1) If it is true that one of the main sources of mental difficulties is the processing of unconscious emotions, then how does one facilitate the processing of unconscious emotions?  By making them conscious?  For that matter, how does one facilitate the processing of conscious emotions?  By talking about them?  (2) Another question, do conscious and unconscious positive emotions require processing in the same way that conscious and unconscious negative emotions do?  Why is it that negative emotions and  negative thought are more apt to cause mental difficulties than positive emotions and positive thoughts?  (3) Unconscious negative emotions are a challenge to deal with.  ---  5/28/2005

Psychology, emotion.  ---  We can differentiate between a positive attitude of hope combined with determination  and a pleasure attitude of happiness.  A positive attitude is more important than a pleasure attitude, because if people have a goal worth fighting for then they will put up with misery.  Happiness and pleasure pursued for its own sake borders on hedonism.  Hedonists tend to be egoists.  Altruists tend not to be hedonists.  ---  10/19/2001

Psychology, emotion.  ---  We rarely feel only one emotion at a time.  We are immersed in a pool of emotion.  We are immersed in a pool of thoughts.  A stew.  A brew.  A psychological goulash.  Awash.  Adrift.  Sailing the psychological ocean.  ---  11/29/2005

Psychology, emotion.  ---  What are emotions?  Emotions arise naturally.  Emotions are undeniable.  Emotions are important.  Emotions can help or hinder mind and behavior.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, emotion.  ---  What are you satisfied and dissatisfied with in your life, and in the world, in all subject areas, and why?  How much and how often does it bug you?  Is it real or just your imagination?  If real, are you justified in being bugged as much as you are?  ---  04/30/1993

Psychology, emotion.  ---  What is an emotion other than a physical feeling and colored thoughts?  Beyond your body feeling well and a series of thoughts like, "I am happy.", what is happiness or any other emotion?  ---  1/7/2004

Psychology, emotion.  ---  What is emotion?  Defining emotion in terms of information and thinking.  Defining emotion as subconsciously generated information about a situation.  ---  10/9/2005

Psychology, emotion.  ---  What is the ideal emotional state?  Pollyanna?  Depressive realism?  What is the ideal emotional response (mood) to your life and to life in general?  Is there an ideal emotional state for each situation?  ---  6/4/2002

Psychology, emotion.  ---  What is the name for the emotion that is the opposite of regret?  ---  1/4/2002

Psychology, emotion.  ---  What was the simple, original, emotional system in the earliest animals?  Pain and pleasure.  Good and bad.  Healthy and unhealthy.  Approach and avoid.  ---  12/4/2005

Psychology, emotion.  ---  When good or bad things happen vs. the pleasure or pain I get out of them (kick).  I tend not to recognize or enjoy the good things.  I tend to blow the bad things out of proportion.  The big issue is: nobody deserves pain!!!  All creatures deserve pleasure and perfection.  It is an imperfect world.  ---  04/30/1993

Psychology, emotion.  ---  When things go badly.  When setbacks occur.  When our wants are denied.  When we subconsciously perceive a reduction in our survival potential.  It can be emotionally uncomfortable.  ---  8/13/2006

Psychology, emotion.  ---  When you feel surrounded, infiltrated and besieged (whether you actually are or not), mellow out.  ---  12/25/2003

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Who says we feel?  Most of us spend our lives like a brick wall.  Or else we are consumed by a single strong emotion.  The question is how to start feeling a myriad of subtle, varied emotions.  ---  1/20/2000

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Why are some people happy or unhappy all the time regardless of whether they are in happy or unhappy situations?  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Why feel envious of others or regretful of your own life?  Find thoughts to feel calm.  There are a lot of good people in the world.  I am trying my best.  Things will work out.  ---  4/15/2007

Psychology, emotion.  ---  Wimping out, fagging out.  Causes of.  (1) Especially in the face of stress, fear, risk, and uncertainty.  (2) In order to get physical or psychological comfort, or out of laziness.  (3) Going with the system.  (4) Being rational.  (5) Afraid of rejection, opposition (fight), or pain.  ---  10/15/1994

Psychology, emotion.  ---  You feel great (or the pits) for following your plan, giving it your all, doing your best (or not).  At some point emotions are determined less by the act itself and more by your values and standards.  ---  11/27/1993

Psychology, emotion.  ---  You should be calm, driven, hopeful, and happy 90% of the time in order to get things done.  You should be sad, lazy, angry, and depressed 10% of the time to empathize with the pain of the others.  ---  10/15/1994

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Paul Nervy Notes. Copyright 1988-2007 by Paul Nervy.