Paul Nervy Notes
“Jokes, poems, stories, and a lot of philosophy, psychology, and sociology.”

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Psychology, pathological, health.  ---  .This section is about psychological health.  Topics include: ( ) Balance.  ( ) Flow.  ( ) Optimal mind.  ( ) Psychological health.  ( ) Ideal.  ( ) Peak.  ( ) Techs.  ---  1/24/2006

Psychology, pathological, health.  ---  (1) All elements working well, and working well together.  (2) Clear head, reasoning well.  Clear of garbage: throw old garbage out, and keep new garbage out.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, pathological, health.  ---  (1) Health.  Balance, strength, resilience, coping (with stress and problems), working well, rational, emotionally stable, good memory, ethical, analytical and good judgment.  (2) Illness.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, pathological, health.  ---  (1) Healthy: Relaxed, calm, peaceful, loose, confident, open, self assured.  (2) Unhealthy: Hyper-defensive, psychological and physical tension, stress, besieged, obsessed, paranoid.  ---  5/14/2004

Psychology, pathological, health.  ---  (1) How do we define what "healthy" means?  How do we then determine what things are healthy?  (2) How do we determine what "unhealthy" means?  How do we determine what things are unhealthy?  Unhealthy as unethical.  Unhealthy as illogical.  Unhealthy as insane.  Unhealthy as hurting self, others and earth.  (3) How do we determine what "optimal" means.  How do we determine what things are optimal?  (4) How do we determine what "suboptimal" means.  How do we determine what things are suboptimal?  ---  10/2/2004

Psychology, pathological, health.  ---  (1) How do you get people psychologically healthy?  (2) How do you get psychologically healthy people to be productive?  Doing something useful.  Not wasting life.  (3) How do you get productive people to be creative?  Doing new useful things.  ---  12/26/1997

Psychology, pathological, health.  ---  (1) How psychologically healthy people feel in healthy situations.  Calm, peaceful.  Self-directed, motivated, energized.  Self-esteem, self-worth.  Happy, playful, mirthful, sense of humor.  Interested, curious, connected to environment and others.  Safe and secure.  Relating well socially.  Friendly with others.  Not stressed.  Problem solving.  Productive.  Free thinking.  Psychologically healthy people in unhealthy situations manage to cope.  (2)  Psychologically compromised people in healthy or unhealthy situations feel:  Angry, horrified, mortified, terrified, depressed, sad, frightened, worried, anxious, fearful, paranoid, unmotivated, hopeless, goalless, low self esteem, low self worth, obsessive thoughts, not problem solving, lethargic, lazy, disconnected from environment, social problems: either aggressive bullying or passive submission.  ---  12/27/2003

Psychology, pathological, health.  ---  (1) Optimal mind state: Peace, clarity, drive, judgment.  Feel it in you shoulders, forehead, gut.  (2) Sub-optimal mind state:  Tension, confusion, unclear.  Feel it in same places.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, pathological, health.  ---  (1) Optimal mind: how to get it?  Peak performance of right acts.  (2) Sub-optimal mind: not efficient, unable to succeed or win.  Pathological psychology.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, pathological, health.  ---  (1) Signs of psychological health: Involved.  Proactive.  (2) Signs of psychological decay: Disinterest.  Unthinking.  Unfeeling.  No memory.  Low ethics.  Rigid.  Excessively yielding.  ---  04/24/1997

Psychology, pathological, health.  ---  (1) Signs of psychological thriving.  Positive attitude.  Connected to others and world.  (2) Signs of psychologically doing poorly.  Disconnected, isolated, withdrawn, unemotional, uncommunicative.  Negative attitude (hopeless, no motivation), couch potato, no goals.  Abusing booze, drugs, food, sex, gambling.  Self-destructive, or abusive toward others.  Unethical behavior.  Poor memory, emotion, thinking.  (3) How to improve.  It is slow.  It takes time.  It takes work.  You can not just say it and make it happen.  It takes attitude and practice.  ---  5/15/1998

Psychology, pathological, health.  ---  (1) Stay calm, not anxious.  (2) Stay up, not depressed.  (3) Stay even, not swinging.  (4) Stay strong: power, endurance.  (5) Don't make screw up moves.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, pathological, health.  ---  Active mind is good.  Imagination is good.  ---  12/30/1995

Psychology, pathological, health.  ---  Balance.  (1) In philosophy: see ethics.  (2) In psychology.  (A) As a sign of mental health.  (B) As a way to get mental health.  (C) Development of all aspects of mind together.  (D) Keeping things in proportion, prioritized.  (E) Problems and solutions with balance.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, pathological, health.  ---  Balance.  A related term is complete vs. incomplete.  Some people get only half the answer, truth, or story.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, pathological, health.  ---  Balance.  Aristotelean doctrine of golden mean or middle way.  Not too much, not too little.  Psychological balance is comprised of (1) Intellectual balance: subjects of thought, and modes of thought.  (2) Emotional balance: type, degree, frequency.  (3) Personality trait balance.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, pathological, health.  ---  Brilliant mind.  (1) Wide open.  (2) Transcending circumstances of origin.  (3) Burning to explore, drive, activity.  (4) Free: goes where it likes.  (5) Pure: never sold out to practicality.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, pathological, health.  ---  Civilization's progress in the definitions of psychological health and pathological psychology.  ---  10/25/1993

Psychology, pathological, health.  ---  Clarity and vision.  Things that destroy them and things that create them.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, pathological, health.  ---  Complete person understands (1) Young and old.  Male and female.  Wise and fool.  (2) Knows when to show which and why.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, pathological, health.  ---  Creativity.  We cannot control our emotions.  We simply feel what we feel.  But we can control our thoughts about x.  The way we look at x.  And our thoughts influence our emotions.  To change our thoughts requires creativity.  Creativity is thus important for mental health.  Creativity is a whole mind process.  Not just thinking.  Creativity also requires emotion, memory, motivation, etc.  Creativity is vital for mental health.  Creativity is necessary for everyone, not just artists and writers.  ---  12/26/1997

Psychology, pathological, health.  ---  Develop a strong consistent core; sane, ethical, and wise.  Never fall far for long.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, pathological, health.  ---  Figure out what to go for, how to get it, and then get it.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, pathological, health.  ---  Flow.  Being alive vs. "really living".  Peak experience.  Flow.  What is its characteristics?  In both desperate and mundane circumstances.  What is the opposite of peak experience?  A coma?  You do not have to be happy to be having a peak experience, do you?  The peak experience in terms of the internal psychological subjective experience vs. the external actual objective physical experience.  Do certain objective situations tend to produce certain peak internal states?  Can you have the internal state without the peak external state?  How does flow compare to Zen enlightenment?  How can you cause yourself to consistently live high up the peak experience side?  The spectrum from brain dead, or all fu*ked up, all the way to peak experience or optimal psychology.  Intellectually and emotionally.  ---  06/20/1994

Psychology, pathological, health.  ---  Flow.  The zone.  Non-religious grace (?).  We never remember feeling this way (in the zone), perhaps because we feel this way rarely.  Yet most of us live most of our lives just one short step from perfect psychological health, total consciousness, and nirvana.  I hope this feeling lasts.  ---  09/20/1994

Psychology, pathological, health.  ---  Folk psychology.  Get a grip on life.  The grip is tenuous even in the best cases.  It depends on physical health, psychological health, social health, financial health, and security of possessions.  Requires defenses against attacks on all of above from all sides.  Developing all of above from nothing to highest states possible.  Getting a stronger grip vs. feeling shaky and falling apart.  ---  08/10/1993

Psychology, pathological, health.  ---  Get best attitude complexes for all things at all times.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, pathological, health.  ---  Health is the poor man's revenge (defense, weapon) against the rich, smart and beautiful.  Physical health and psychological health (that is, to have one's head screwed on straight).  I.e., to be in a good frame of mind.  The philosophical advantage.  The attitudinal advantage.  Being ethical and happy.  Its the great equalizer that lets the lower classes deal with the neurotic, unhappy upper classes.  ---  4/5/2000

Psychology, pathological, health.  ---  Healthy relationships and healthy sex are the big challenge to get.  They are healing and they have more to say about life than pathological relationships and pathological sex.  ---  09/26/1997

Psychology, pathological, health.  ---  How do you get people in a spiral of growth?  Self-booting, and self-learning?  ---  12/26/1997

Psychology, pathological, health.  ---  I want to remain at all times calm and cool (optimal emotion level), clearheaded, in control, collected (focused), confident, motivated.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, pathological, health.  ---  Ideal states:  Working.  Have friends.  Happy.  Smart (knowledgeable and wise).  Ethical.  Robust (Task endurance.  Get back up when knocked down).  Curious and creative.  Remember, feel and think early and often.  (2) Problem states:  Lazy.  Lonely.  Unethical.  Fragile (learned helplessness).  Negative emotions predominate (angry, sad, etc.).  ---  11/15/2000

Psychology, pathological, health.  ---  Improved psychology: various peoples have various criteria.  Better relationships.  Better work (more, higher quality, better directed).  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, pathological, health.  ---  In the face of problems like the sun burning out, killer asteroids, nuclear destruction, germ warfare, new killer diseases, genetic mutations, computer takeover, etc., what keeps us going?  What keeps us from becoming depressed and despondent?  (1) The fact that there are good things in the world.  (2) Belief in our own abilities and powers.  ---  12/03/1997

Psychology, pathological, health.  ---  It is not healthy for humans to feel frightened and worried 95% of the time.  5% is more like healthy.  Yet some live the former, and think they are healthy or ok.  ---  03/20/1997

Psychology, pathological, health.  ---  It is scary.  You can be of average psychological health, and of average smarts (110 IQ), and not be able to figure the best ideas out.  ---  11/16/1997

Psychology, pathological, health.  ---  Just as it is easier for some people to stay in better physical shape than others and don't realize it, some find it easier to stay in mental shape than others and don't realize it.  Some never lift a weight and look like a bodybuilder.  Others lift all day and still look like hell.  Some abuse themselves mentally and don't feel it.  Some take excellent mental care of themselves and still go nuts.  ---  12/30/1995

Psychology, pathological, health.  ---  Keep mind in optimal condition for many, new, powerful ideas in all subject areas.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, pathological, health.  ---  Mental activity is healthy.  If one decides to not think, to not feel, to not remember.  If you decided to shut down your mental shop.  If you decided to hang a "closed" sign on your brain.  If you decided to live like a simple animal, low on the evolutionary tree.  That is no way to live.  You want to have as active a mental life as possible.  It is better to be mentally active and physically inactive than it is to be physically active and mentally inactive.  That is why nerd trumps jock.  Actually, one should be mentally and physically active.  Meet people.  Go places.  Do things.  Have long conversations.  The mental slug, sloth, couch potato pays a price.  ---  6/23/2006

Psychology, pathological, health.  ---  Mental health requires mental growth, which requires (1) Active exploring thinking (i.e. searching), not passive thinking (thinking when it strikes you), and not avoidance or repression.  (2) Note writing, a record of thoughts.  ---  07/18/1997

Psychology, pathological, health.  ---  Not happy because of blindness or delusion, rather confident because seeing clearly and working well.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, pathological, health.  ---  Optimal mind and optimal behavior.  How develop it, how maintain it, how use it?  Find truth, and develop and get best goals.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, pathological, health.  ---  Optimal mind yields optimal behavior.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, pathological, health.  ---  Optimal mind.  Western: standard psychology terms.  Eastern: yoga, Zen, various definitions.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, pathological, health.  ---  Optimal, average, and pathological mind: slight differences in causation yield huge differences in effects.  The mind exhibits what economists call high elasticity.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, pathological, health.  ---  Peak mental health is all about getting your attitudes optimized.  ---  10/30/1998

Psychology, pathological, health.  ---  Peak performance.  In sports, and with women, there are too many variables to keep track of, and too short a time to think about each.  Practice helps, but for peak performance you also want to get into a good frame of mind.  Open, driven, caring, trusting of others, and exuding trustworthiness.  ---  02/05/1998

Psychology, pathological, health.  ---  Peak traits: Active, happy, driven (even without external reward), efficient, industrious, brave, robust, creative, problem solver, ethical, smart, knowledge.  ---  3/29/2000

Psychology, pathological, health.  ---  Peak.  "In the zone" means the following: (1) Time flies.  You don't notice the passage of time.  (2) You don't notice your surroundings.  For example, if someone talks to you, you do not hear them.  (3) You don't notice yourself.  For example, you forget to eat.  (4) You are absorbed in the task completely.  You are immersed in the task.  Total concentration.  Total focus.  ---  10/10/2005

Psychology, pathological, health.  ---  Peak.  (1) Descriptions of peak state.  Wasting no time.  New ideas arrive effortlessly.  Positive emotional state.  Good memory.  Thinking a lot.  Good critical judgment.  (2) How to get and stay in peak state?  ---  5/15/2005

Psychology, pathological, health.  ---  Peak.  (1) My brain at its best.  Constantly develops tons of thoughts, feelings, memories, images, drives.  With a high frequency of new (for me, or anyone, or world) and useful ideas.  Actually, a finely tuned mental hyperactivity or mania.  (2) My brain at its worst.  Bump on a log.  Brain dead.  Coma baby.  ---  08/15/1994

Psychology, pathological, health.  ---  Peak.  (1) Optimal mind.  How to get psyched in general, and for specific goals like job, school, writing, women.  (A) Things to think of to get psyched or motivated: Inspirational works of art.  Reasons why the goal will help you.  How good it will feel once you get it.  (B) Things to say to self: "Treat every day as if it was your last".  "If you do it, it will come".  (2) Optimal mind = driven, hungry, eager; hopeful and belief in self, confident, ballsy, brave, cocky; energized; calm; clear.  (3) Feeling depressed can sap your energy.  Having no energy can make you feel depressed.  A large part of feeling good is feeling energetic (young).  Not tired, lazy, depressed, down, foggy, cloudy, dull, dim, slow.  Feel peppy, clear, up, with purpose and direction.  ---  04/23/1994

Psychology, pathological, health.  ---  Peak.  (1) Ultimate mood, attitude, and personality.  What is it?  What are its components?  How to get them?  What causes it?  Keep in mind things like economic survival; sex (both dark lust and sweet summer love); mans inhumanity to man (pain and injustice); cold winter loneliness; sacredness of ultimate lives; places like the west, the south, Africa; the worst case scenarios like Stalin; the best like Nietsczhe and Wittgenstein.  (2) What the ultimate mind is not.  What to avoid.  ---  03/30/1993

Psychology, pathological, health.  ---  Peak.  Enlightenment = optimal mind.  You can have emotional or intellectual enlightenment.  ---  04/30/1993

Psychology, pathological, health.  ---  Peak.  Give up all negative thoughts to increase performance.  This includes doubts if I can do it, and doubts of its worth once accomplished.  (1) Should I do this?  The pro side is that it can yield optimal performance, and I can not be satisfied, happy or free of regret with anything else.  On the contra side, it can lead to Candide-itis, and disaster.  (2) When do this?  Only after you have considered all doubts and judged them not worth worrying about.  (3) How do it?  ---  09/20/1994

Psychology, pathological, health.  ---  Peak.  How to get into, prolong, and control those manic states of positive high energy and hard work?  Know when to turn up the power.  Do not dwell on depressing aspects of past, present, or possible future aspects of self, environment, or life.  Rather, be positive and optimistic about same.  Focus in on work, know why it is important.  Feel the desire to do it, and get it done.  Do not be distracted by anything.  Believe in what you want to do.  Believe it will save the world.  Once in that state, use it and don't abuse or waste it.  No regrets (past), no worries (future).  ---  12/30/1995

Psychology, pathological, health.  ---  Peak.  How to stay mentally toughened during soft periods of low stress?  Push hard?  ---  10/05/1994

Psychology, pathological, health.  ---  Peak.  It can take days, even weeks, to get into peak psychological condition, and only moments of abusive action or experience to lose it.  ---  08/02/1993

Psychology, pathological, health.  ---  Peak.  It is a mistake to think of peak performance only in terms of sport.  There are people performing at their peak in all areas of life, not merely sports.  Sport is not the most important area of peak performance.  ---  12/4/2005

Psychology, pathological, health.  ---  Peak.  It takes a clear mind.  Definition: calm, undistracted, impartial, objective, focused.  ---  06/30/1993

Psychology, pathological, health.  ---  Peak.  Optimal mind, describe it.  Calm, clear, focused, vision, direction, driven, strong, no worries, not distracted, not confused, not blind, aware, smart, healthy, stable, hungry, practical, proactive, justice seeking.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, pathological, health.  ---  Peak.  Optimal mind: not anxious, tense, nervous.  Not depressed, in general or in specific situations.  Thought is logical, relevant, and clear.  ---  04/30/1993

Psychology, pathological, health.  ---  Peak.  Optimal mind.  (1) Optimal thought state.  Thinking all the time.  Thinking all the best thoughts (practical and theoretical), (logical, historical, and importance order), with nothing needed left out, and nothing unneeded put in.  (2) Optimal emotional state.  Calm, confident, happy, driven, hopeful.  (3) Optimal memory.  (4) Optimal attitudes and personality.  (5) Optimal behavior.  Waste no time, energy, resources.  Efficient and productive.  (6) Optimal ethics.  ---  04/30/1993

Psychology, pathological, health.  ---  Peak.  Pathological mental states are about illness.  Peak mental health is about attitudes.  Attitudes are about ideas and emotions.  The emotions come from the ideas.  Thus, peak mental health is about access to ideas.  ---  11/5/2000

Psychology, pathological, health.  ---  Peak.  The higher the level of mental performance you want to perform on mentally, the more mental maintenance you need.  Ex. (1) Knowledge organization (write notes).  (2) Reasoning skills (logic games).  (3) Emotional calm, focus, drive, hope, self confidence (Zen).  (4) Memory (study notes).  And also, the more physical maintenance you need to support the mental.  Example: diet, sleep, hormone levels, etc.  Peak performance requires peak maintenance and training.  ---  12/30/1995

Psychology, pathological, health.  ---  Peak.  To be mentally healthy, at peak, is to be happy.  Want to create a lot?  Get happy!  This is weird.  ---  10/30/1998

Psychology, pathological, health.  ---  Peak.  To get production: Get worked up, brainstorm desperately for new ideas, and feel the urgency of pressures of time limits and competition.  ---  06/30/1993

Psychology, pathological, health.  ---  Peak.  Traits of excellent mental shape: analytical and reasoning skills, power and endurance, knowledge base breadth and depth.  Taste, judgment and ethics.  Big, quick memory.  Appropriate type and degree of emotions for any situation.  Industrious, optimistic, undeluded.  ---  12/30/1995

Psychology, pathological, health.  ---  Peak.  Use every spare minute to get minor chores out of the way in order to have time to do major work.  ---  12/30/1995

Psychology, pathological, health.  ---  Peak.  Yearn for going full blast 24 hours a day.  Not resting.  Don't let it burn you out.  It is not that tough.  Don't psych out over it.  Resting too much is a waste, not a joy.  ---  12/30/1995

Psychology, pathological, health.  ---  People today seem to be taking better care of their physical health, but they do not pay the same amount of attention to mental health.  What preventative measures should they take?  ---  5/20/1998

Psychology, pathological, health.  ---  Psychological checklist.  Now and lately, (1) What have I been actually experiencing in my environment?  (2) What have I been psychologically experiencing?  Emotions: degree calm (less emotion) vs. excited (more emotion), and type of emotion involved.  Thinking, etc.  (3) What have I been doing, behaving, acting?  (4) Where do I want to go in the above three areas, and how to get there?  ---  02/07/1994

Psychology, pathological, health.  ---  Psychological health and peak performance.  Sometimes it takes conscious effort and we have to reason out every step.  Sometimes, with repetition and practice, it can become more automatic, instinctive, and we can just enjoy it.  What people call "being in the zone" can apply to mental health generally.  ---  6/15/2004

Psychology, pathological, health.  ---  Psychological health exists apart from ethical health?  You can be psychologically healthy and ethically wrong.  ---  11/16/1997

Psychology, pathological, health.  ---  Psychological health is as important as physical health. Some people ignore psychological health.  ---  4/16/2006

Psychology, pathological, health.  ---  Psychological health is extremely important.  It is not automatic.  You can work at it and improve it.  ---  10/30/1997

Psychology, pathological, health.  ---  Psychological health means constant growth and development.  Growth means change.  Conservatives and repressed neurotics fear change.  Or they think things are fine (better) the way they are (or were).  Or they think growth and improvement is impossible.  So they do not grow and develop.  So they are not healthy.  ---  11/16/1997

Psychology, pathological, health.  ---  Psychology has many words and concepts to describe what is wrong with people, but few to describe what is right with people.  That is why psychologists dwell on the negative.  Most all their words and thoughts are about the negative.  Most all their measures measure the negative.  Much work has been done studying the bottom half (average to most unhealthy), but little work has been done studying the upper half (average to most healthy).  So if we want humanity to rise above the average, we must develop more ideas, concepts, and measures for the positive half.  We should study the healthy side of the pathological-healthy spectrum, as well as the unhealthy side.  ---  06/20/1994

Psychology, pathological, health.  ---  Relationship of stupid, crazy and evil.  (1) If you are ignorant then you end up being immoral despite your good intentions.  Stupidity contributes to immorality.  (2) Learning and education contribute to mental health.  They can prevent you from going nuts.  They can help cure you when used in therapy. (3) A morality based on a reason is better than one based on blind obedience because it is less ignorant and thus more healthy.  (4) Not all crazy people are immoral.  ---  8/27/1998

Psychology, pathological, health.  ---  Relationships of stupid, crazy and evil.  Using the concepts of some and all.  Using the concepts of cause and effect.  Ignorance (stupid) often leads to unethical behavior (evil).  Ignorance (stupid) often leads to psychopathology (crazy).  Psychopathology (crazy) often contributes to ignorance (stupid).  Unethical behavior (evil) often contributes to ignorance (stupid).  ---  11/18/2004

Psychology, pathological, health.  ---  Stay aware of what is out there, and what is important.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, pathological, health.  ---  Stay cool, rational, and focused.  Get healthy and then think on important subjects.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, pathological, health.  ---  Techniques.  Develop the ability to consciously do these things:  (1) Turn your brain on and start thinking.  (2) Turn your brain off and stop thinking.  (3) Change thoughts.  For example, change negative thoughts to positive thoughts.  ---  12/27/2003

Psychology, pathological, health.  ---  Tests of psychological health.  (1) Are you happy (for the right reasons).  (2) Productive (work).  (3) Causing no unethical troubles or problems in society.  (4) Experiencing no problems like addiction or ignorance.  (5) High standards.  Ethical development.  ---  08/20/1994

Psychology, pathological, health.  ---  The "normal", healthy person sees things as a realist, but feels things as an optimist (has hope), without being delusional.  They go with the highest odds, because anything can happen (good or bad), anything is possible.  ---  02/07/1997

Psychology, pathological, health.  ---  The goal is the right thought at the right moment.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, pathological, health.  ---  The state to get into is where others see you in a weird light, and you see everything in a weird light.  Noble, holy, deep.  ---  05/18/1997

Psychology, pathological, health.  ---  Things that contribute to mental health and mental resiliency.  (1) Good relationships.  No assholes.  No abuse or neglect.  Love.  Support.  (2) Optimal stress level.  Challenges not too hard or too easy.  (3) Purpose, interest.  (4) Decent job.  (5) Diet, rest, exercise.  ---  11/30/1997

Psychology, pathological, health.  ---  Think and act smart, hard, long, efficient, effective, on important subjects.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, pathological, health.  ---  Three definitions of psychological health.  (1) Psychological health defined as quick and full development of an individual.  I.e. reaching psychological maturity by late teens.  Full development of drives, memory, emotion, thinking, social skills, and ethics.  (2) Psychological health defined in biochemical terms.  Just the right amount of this or that neurotransmitter.  (3) Psychological health defined in behavioral terms.  Doing this behavior, and not doing that behavior.  ---  6/30/1999

Psychology, pathological, health.  ---  Three separate factors.  (1) What individual considers as sick vs. healthy (types, degrees).  (2) What society considers as sick vs. healthy (types, degrees).  (3) What is objectively sick vs. healthy.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, pathological, health.  ---  Three separate factors.  How crazy vs. sane.  How fragile vs. strong.  How stable vs. unstable.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, pathological, health.  ---  Three variables: smart - stupid; good - evil; healthy (sane) - unhealthy (insane).  All three are related.  Any attempt toward psychological health (sanity - insane) must also address learning (smart - stupid) and ethics (good - evil).  So therapy must be wide in its scope.  It is a big project, that takes a long time, with slow progress.  You have to confront specific psychological problems, and learn about the world in general, and philosophize about ethics, all at once.  Therapy will include theory (thinking) and practice (action).  And memory, drive and emotion also.  ---  8/27/1998

Psychology, pathological, health.  ---  To be totally driven to create, all the time, is great.  ---  02/07/1994

Psychology, pathological, health.  ---  Traits of psychological health:  Judgment.  Concentration.  Drive.  Emotional stability.  Thinking skills and knowledge base.  Wisdom.  Social skills.  ---  1/25/2000

Psychology, pathological, health.  ---  Two important psychological traits.  Resilience: the ability to bounce back.  Flubber: the ability to bounce back even higher.  ---  9/9/2003

Psychology, pathological, health.  ---  Want mind and behavior that's better organized, more logical, quicker, more efficient, and more productive.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, pathological, health.  ---  Western view:  A strong ego is a healthy ego.  Vs.  Eastern view:  Let the ego go.  Too much ego is the problem.  ---  8/23/1998

Psychology, pathological, health.  ---  What attitudes keep us going, optimistic in face of big problems?  (1) Life is problems.  Goal of life is problem solving.  (2) The Stoic attitude of the warrior.  The warrior knows he will die, but he/she fights well anyway.  (3) Eastern attitudes.  No struggle.  Go with flow.  Harmony.  (4) Hedonism.  Enjoy life.  (5) Belief in an immortal spirit, god, or heaven.  Bogus.  (6) Different attitudes are good for different individuals, different phases of life, different situations, and different societies.  ---  12/26/1997

Psychology, pathological, health.  ---  What to do once you are psychologically healthy?  This is an ethical question.  ---  11/16/1997

Psychology, pathological, health.  ---  What to do with health?  Get goals, learn, do.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, pathological, health.  ---  Who can we point to as the most healthy, best integrated, most developed (most mature?) individual?  Ghandi?  MLK Jr.?  ---  12/26/1997

Psychology, pathological, health.  ---  You do not improve your thinking by studying thinking as much as by (1) Gaining and keeping mental health.  (2) Then doing a lot of thinking.  ---  11/30/1997

Psychology, pathological, health.  ---  Your physical environment, physical health, and relationships can contribute to your psychological health (or unhealth).  Therefore, stay away from nuts, morons, and evil jerks, and get yourself to a good physical environment.  ---  11/16/1997

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Paul Nervy Notes. Copyright 1988-2007 by Paul Nervy.