Paul Nervy Notes
“Jokes, poems, stories, and a lot of philosophy, psychology, and sociology.”

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Psychology, pathological, specific.  ---  .This section is about specific psycho-pathologies.  Topics include:( ) Anti-social.  ( ) Authoritarian personality.  ( ) Gambling.  ( ) Inferiority complex.  ( ) Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)  ( ) Power pathologies.  ( ) Problems.  ( ) Shock.  ( ) Types.  ---  1/24/2006

Psychology, pathological, specific.  ---  (1) Getting lost, sidetracked, derailed.  (2) Getting lazy, content, safe, or afraid to progress.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, pathological, specific.  ---  (1) Lose focus.  To lose site of the purpose of life, which is to solve the problems of the world.  To retreat into a consumer world of pleasure, forgetting about the real world.  (2) Lose hope, which leads to depression and addiction.  (3) Lose connection to others by becoming self absorbed.  (4) Lose site of the big picture, the world.  ---  12/15/1997

Psychology, pathological, specific.  ---  (1) Memory: can't remember most important idea at proper time.  (2) Emotion: don't feel appropriate emotions.  (3) Knowledge: can't form best important conclusions.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, pathological, specific.  ---  (1) Over-emphasis or under-emphasis: of importance of a thing, of value of a thing.  (2) Over-estimation or under-estimation: of a thing, of self.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, pathological, specific.  ---  (1) People screw other people up.  Parents mess kids up.  (2) People mess themselves up too.  By not fighting and standing up for self.  Drugging, absexing.  Staying ignorant, not exploring.  (3) Consciously and unconsciously, by what they do, and don't do.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, pathological, specific.  ---  (1) When does anger become pathological?  (2) When does any negative emotion start to be destructive instead of helpful?  (3) Is it when one is consistently unable to control one's anger (or any other emotion)?  ---  6/4/2005

Psychology, pathological, specific.  ---  (1) Years ago when people slaved under kings, bosses, husbands, and parents, people had less freedom and people had less options.  This created a specific psychological frame of reference, and a specific set of psychological problems.  Problems due to acquiescing to authority.  Problems of conformity.  (2) Today people have more freedom, and they have more options of things to do and things to own in their lives.  They are more responsible for their own lives.  This creates a different psychological frame of reference from years ago, and a new set of psychological problems.  Problems due to trying to control everything and be independent.  Paranoia, obsessive compulsion.  ---  12/26/1997

Psychology, pathological, specific.  ---  Abuse types.  Done by self, others, natural.  Psychological, verbal, physical.  Conscious or unconscious.  Intentional or not.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, pathological, specific.  ---  Anal retentives.  Neat freak.  Repressed memory, emotion, thought, and action.  Uptight, holds in for pleasure.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, pathological, specific.  ---  Anti-intellectualism.  See: Philosophy > Anti-intellectualism.  ---  6/6/2005

Psychology, pathological, specific.  ---  Anti-social individual (1) Thinks people are scum.  (2) Feels no loneliness.  (3) Feels no social pleasure.  ---  07/05/1997

Psychology, pathological, specific.  ---  Anti-social.  Loner-itis.  (See also: Sociology, solitude).  What if one decided to live without watching the news, or any television, or without reading the newspaper.  Nor even talk to anyone, nor even read any books, nor go to college.  That is, reduce all outside input.  People do take this view, and this course of action.  Their various arguments include, (1) I want to be independent, self-sufficient, self reliant.  (2) I am smart.  I can figure it all out myself.  To admit that I can not figure it all out myself is to say that I'm dumb.  And I am not dumb.  (3) I do not want anyone messing with my head.  I do not want anyone putting ideas in my head that I do not want or need.  (4) I want a quiet head.  Quiet means peace.  Busy means noise and pain.  (5) I am absorbed in my own life.  Others lives, and the rest of the world is not important.  (6) The news with its day today events are a distraction from contemplation of the eternal verities.  ---  1/30/1998

Psychology, pathological, specific.  ---  Authoritarian hierarchical personality says, "I follow orders from superiors, I give orders to inferiors."  ---  10/9/2003

Psychology, pathological, specific.  ---  Authoritarian personality simply wants to take orders from their superiors and give orders to their inferiors.  They exist in rigid hierarchies like military, business and church.  They are "black and white" thinkers who are uninterested in debating ideas.  ---  10/27/2003

Psychology, pathological, specific.  ---  Authoritarian personality, control freaks.  Obeys superiors.  Treats inferiors like shit.  Wants to avoid thinking for self.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, pathological, specific.  ---  Authoritarian personality.  (1) Military types.  (2) Institutional, bureaucratic types.  Abuses power.  Never gives reasons.  Never discusses.  Rules for rules sake.  Blind rule following.  Anti-democratic.  Disciplinarian, totalitarian, assholes.  Almost always not intelligent.  ---  5/30/1993

Psychology, pathological, specific.  ---  Authoritarian personality.  (1) Often has a rigid belief system.  (2) Often is attracted to rigid hierarchical social systems.  For example, church, military, business bureaucracy, government bureaucracy.  ---  10/23/2003

Psychology, pathological, specific.  ---  Authoritarian.  Dogmatism, blind rule following, as a philosophical view or personality trait disorder.  Inhibits discovery, invention, growth, development, progress.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, pathological, specific.  ---  Authoritarianism.  Authority problems.  Some people who have problems with authority deal with their problem by trying to be number one.  They try to do this by demeaning other people.  For example, dictators have an authority problem.  (2) Other people try to deal with authority problems by trying to work their way up a rigid, strictly defined social order.  (3) Other people withdraw.  (4) Having an authority problem is one thing.  Being under illegitimate authority (ex. unethical) is another.  ---  9/7/2003

Psychology, pathological, specific.  ---  Beware moments when you feel stronger or luckier, blessed, divinely protected, than you really are.  You will take unjustified risks in such a state, abuse and neglect yourself, and then hurt yourself permanently.  There is no luck, except bad.  ---  10/30/1995

Psychology, pathological, specific.  ---  Computers.  New computer related psycho-pathologies:  Internet addiction.  ---  3/9/2000

Psychology, pathological, specific.  ---  Control related pathologies.  (1) Magic is an attempt at trying to gain a sense of control over nature and people by casting spells.  (2) Repression is an attempt at controlling a thought or emotion by banishing it from ones conscious mind.  (3) S&M is another pathology about control and power.  (4) People have a need for a sense of control.  Control is power.  Taken to an extreme, control becomes a psycho-pathology.  (5) People desire control over themselves, other people and nature.  (7) The two problems of lack of self-control and excessive self-control is akin to Freud's conception of the id and superego.  ---  11/25/2001

Psychology, pathological, specific.  ---  Control.  What causes control freaks?  (1) They want power.  (2) They feel safe only when they are in control.  They trust no one else.  Paranoid.  (3) They feel only they know best.  ---  4/28/1998

Psychology, pathological, specific.  ---  Definition of a psychological problem: is this mental state or behavior helping or hurting you get your goals.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, pathological, specific.  ---  Destruction of mind.  Types, ways how to (by self, by others, by nature): addiction, repression, no sleep, no think, social pressure, brainwashing, poor diet, injure self.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, pathological, specific.  ---  Gambling.  Psychology of gaming.  Casino gambling is about obsession with knowledge and control.  (1) People want to know their odds for their outcomes.  People feel better when they know their chances.  People feel better when they know for sure they have a chance.  (2) The quick and certain payoff of a winning casino bet strikes some people as more attractive than the slow and uncertain payoff of things like education and hard work.  ---  10/27/2004

Psychology, pathological, specific.  ---  Gambling.  There is an excitement in risk assessment.  Gambling can be addictive.  But the obsession with gambling or betting on cards, dice, sports or at the tables in Las Vegas, is a stand-in for actual living.  Gambling is an avoidance of assessing the risks of real life.  ---  10/25/2004

Psychology, pathological, specific.  ---  How can you tell when someone is far gone?  When they realize they have wasted their entire lives and it doesn't bother them.  ---  5/13/2004

Psychology, pathological, specific.  ---  Inferiority complex.  Some people chronically feel inferior to other people.  Inferiority complex can produce political types who ruthlessly pursue political power.  Inferiority complex can produce workaholics who sacrifice everything to pursue power at work.  Inferiority complex can also lead to criminals who pursue power via crime.  Inferiority complex can also lead to malicious practical jokers who pursue power via malicious practical jokes.  It can produce bullies like Hitler and Stalin.  The sad part of it is that the feelings of inferiority that torture those with inferiority complexes are often only perceived rather than actual, and they take out their unethical acts of overcompensation on the innocent.  Typical mental dialogue of those with an inferiority complex, "Look, they think they are better than me.  I need to show them that they are not better than me, one way or another.  I need to win over them at any cost in order to stop these feelings of inferiority.  I need to prove something to them.  I need to show them".  The problem is that the person with an inferiority complex will always feel inferior until the root of the complex is dealt with.  ---  9/28/2002

Psychology, pathological, specific.  ---  Learn to spot subtle and obvious periods of disintegration, decay and stagnation.  Learn causes and preventive techniques.  And learn to recognize when you are doing well and improving.  Keep it going.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, pathological, specific.  ---  List.  Manic.  Agitated, upset.  Lonely, withdrawn, isolated, disconnected vs. possessive, clingy, needy.  Confused, indecisive.  Jealous and envious.  Controlling or controlled. Overwhelmed.  Scattered and frazzled.  Exhausted.  ---  12/27/2003

Psychology, pathological, specific.  ---  Me.  Looking for the limits, I play with things till they break, like my relationships, myself, etc., because things suck and aren't perfect.  I tell them off, break away, ruin my slow climb.  Sometimes it is good to get out completely.  Sometimes starting over and over is a hassle.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, pathological, specific.  ---  Mistakes in assessing life.  (1) Thinking it is more or less than it is.  (2) Thinking it is better or worse than it is.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, pathological, specific.  ---  Modern life has more stresses, more pain, more neurosis, less natural selection?  But modern life has better psychological knowledge, and more physical health.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, pathological, specific.  ---  Modern life.  We live in an increasingly complex, disorienting, confusing, world.  Disintegration is a natural course.  You have to work to stay mentally healthy.  Going crazy is analogous to getting out of shape physically.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, pathological, specific.  ---  Most people's brains (1) Are out of shape intellectually (brain as muscle).  (2) Use their brain when they are out of physical energy and unfocused psychologically (ex. After work).  (3) Think on unimportant subjects.  (4) Give up when only a few poor results have been achieved.  (5) Keep no record of their important ideas.  ---  09/24/1993

Psychology, pathological, specific.  ---  Negative thinking can be habit forming, even addictive, much like alcohol.  First one thinks negatively for fun.  Then one uses negative thinking to help one through the day.  Finally, one can't live without negative thinking.  One can't "mind" without lapsing into negative thinking.  Some people say they can stop negative thinking anytime they want.  Really?  ---  11/25/2004

Psychology, pathological, specific.  ---  Nervous breakdown.  Flood of unconscious opens.  Conscious tries to hold it back.  Something is wrong, you don't know what.  You are immobilized.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, pathological, specific.  ---  Nervous breakdown.  Not only are nervous breakdown's common, they are seemingly unavoidable.  Everyone of advanced age that I have talked to has had a nervous breakdown.  Prepare for your nervous breakdown.  Set aside six months to a year.  Get a comfortable sofa.  Rent some old movies.  ---  12/16/2005

Psychology, pathological, specific.  ---  Normal mental discombobulations.  (1) Loss of emotional cool.  (2) Loss of thinking ability.  (3) Loss of memory.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, pathological, specific.  ---  Obsession.  (1) Where does drive end and obsession begin?  (2) What is the difference between obsession and addiction?  Is a workaholic obsessed with work or addicted to work?  (3) When does an obsession become unhealthy?  Example, if you are obsessed with noble goals it can provide purpose and direction.  Being obsessed with getting fit and finding cure for cancer, it helps you and helps society.  When does this obsession become harmful to self, or unhealthy for others, or just sub-optimal, like obsession with murder.  (4) Obsession is really specialization?  To be obsessed is to be a specialist?  People are naturally generalists?  Obsession is about balance, which is an ethical issue.  (5) What is the difference between habit, obsession/compulsion, and addiction?  (6) Obsession with a person, a thought, or an action (compulsion).  ---  3/30/1998

Psychology, pathological, specific.  ---  Obsessive compulsive disorder is not merely about repeating a behavior over and over.  It messes up your mind.  Like a broken record.  It prevents your mind from working.  ---  7/7/2000

Psychology, pathological, specific.  ---  Obsessive/compulsive disorder.  Ocd vs. superstition.  What's the difference?  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, pathological, specific.  ---  Off days.  Thinking you're going nuts.  Losing sense of self.  Feeling you can't handle job or life.  Is this illness or legitimate gripes about crappy situation?  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, pathological, specific.  ---  Organization vs. disorganization.  Integration vs. disintegration.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, pathological, specific.  ---  Over intellectualizing.  "I must understand everything".  Avoids practical problems of life.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, pathological, specific.  ---  Passives: masochists, wimps, inactives.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, pathological, specific.  ---  People can't handle the boredom and pain and desire.  So they destroy their brains.  They turn their brains off.  The Buddhists did it years ago.  People still do it today with repression and booze and pills etc.  ---  01/20/1989

Psychology, pathological, specific.  ---  People who remember, feel, and think too much, too little, or just right.  Problems of excess or shortage.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, pathological, specific.  ---  Power or control.  (1) People need to feel some sense of power and control over their own lives.  There are two pathological extremes regarding power or control.  When people feel no control over their lives the result is often psychopathology.  Alternatively, when people feel an excessive desire for control in their lives the result is often psychopathology.  (See also: Sociology, power.  See also: Politics, power.)  (2) Three pairs of examples of power pathologies.  (A) Some people feel an excessive desire for power or control over their own lives.  Some people give up all control over their own lives.  (B) Some people have an excessive, unethical desire for power over other people.  Some people give up all their power to other people.  (C) Some people have an excessive desire for power over objects and nature.  Some people give up all their power to objects and nature.  ---  6/6/2005

Psychology, pathological, specific.  ---  Power pathologies.  (1) People who only respect a greater or equal power.  People who spit on anyone of lesser power.  (2) Power addiction.  Megalomaniacs.  ---  1/3/2004

Psychology, pathological, specific.  ---  Power.  (1) Social power pathologies (power over others).  (A) The bully enjoys wielding overt power over others.  (B) The manipulator enjoys wielding covert power over others.  (C) The submissive enjoys giving up power too much.  (2) Object power pathologies (power over things), i.e., order pathologies.  (A) Some are too orderly, obsessive compulsives.  (B) Others are authoritarians, law and order types.  (C) The slob gives up power over physical things, like the submissive gives up power to others.  (3) Power over self.  (A) Too much yields anorexics.  (B) Too little yields those with no control.  ---  06/05/1997

Psychology, pathological, specific.  ---  Problem and crisis.  (1) Psychological crisis: speed of decay, degree of decay.  (2) Psychological problem.  (A) Slipping in and out.  (B) Recidivism.  (C) Recovery.  Partial vs. total.  Temporary vs. permanent.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, pathological, specific.  ---  Problem and crisis.  Psychological problem is similar to psychological crisis.  An unconscious or conscious, theoretical or practical, dilemma or problem.  Struggling to solve it causes similar reactions as psychological crisis.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, pathological, specific.  ---  Problem approach - in general, specific types individuals, specific individuals.  (1) Problems.  (2) Symptoms, signs, and effects: on mind, on behavior, on life.  (3) Causes, etiology.  (A) Genetic.  Biochemical disorders (mechanism).  Congenital abnormalities (structural).  (B) Environment.  (i) Organic.  (ii) Psychological.  Nurture (childhood).  Later.  Freud - repression.  Skinner - learned.  Stress: when occurred, effect on you.  Learned wrong: taught wrong, figured out wrong.  Unlearned.  Traumatized by unhealthy environment, behavior, experience.  (4) Mechanism, prognosis, course.  (5) Effects.  (6) Epidemiologys, rates, prevalence.  (7) Diagnosis.  (8) Therapies.  By self, to self.  By others, to self.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, pathological, specific.  ---  Problem chains and webs.  When a problem is a symptom of one problem and cause of another problem.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, pathological, specific.  ---  Problem: the usual minor crappy mood.  Effect: cannot think.  Causes: the usual culprits and ways to side step them.  (1) Distracted.  Something else on your mind.  (2) Depressed.  (3) Angry.  (4) Guilt, regret, shame.  (5) No direction, no ideas, no goals.  (6) Unmotivated, no urgency.  Do not see need for it.  Lazy.  (7) Hopelessness.  Believe it cannot be done, or believe you cannot do it.  (8) Hedonism.  (A) Thinking is work.  If you do not have a work ethic you will not think.  (B) Work is pain.  If you are a hedonist you will not to work.  (9) Rigidity.  Do not want to change, so do not want to grow, and thinking causes change and sometimes growth.  Fear of change; see stasis as safety (childhood).  ---  12/26/1997

Psychology, pathological, specific.  ---  Problems of memory, emotion, thinking, and behavior.  Causes, mechanisms, solutions.  In self and in others.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, pathological, specific.  ---  Problems that cause problems like anxiety, that cause problems like pathological sex, that cause problems like jail, disease, death, and unwanted babies.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, pathological, specific.  ---  Problems with one mental element, or in one subject area can affect other mental elements or subject areas.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, pathological, specific.  ---  Psychological states: good and bad.  Bad: depression, binge, lazy.  Good: vision.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, pathological, specific.  ---  Quick deep descents are as bad as long shallow descents, and visa versa.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, pathological, specific.  ---  Recreational drugs and sex.  (1) One problem is never to experience or learn about them (hide in dogmatism).  (2) Another problem is never stopping doing them.  ---  10/25/1993

Psychology, pathological, specific.  ---  Rigidity.  Unable to reclassify ideas.  Unable to entertain new ideas.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, pathological, specific.  ---  Self-induced psychopathology, types of.  (1) When we make psychopathology happen to ourselves.  Sometimes we engage in thoughts and behaviors that have a deleterious effect.  (2) When we let psychopathology happen to ourselves.  Sometimes we let situations and circumstances get to us when they don't have to.  ---  6/8/2004

Psychology, pathological, specific.  ---  Severity = types, degree, frequency, and what it drives you to do.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, pathological, specific.  ---  Shock is a stunned state where you cannot think or feel quickly enough to deal with the situation.  Example, "frozen" with fright.  Overwhelmed.  Don't know what to say, do or think.  Stunned disbelief.  (2) Principles of shock.  There are various degrees of shock.  Minor shock is a fairly common event in daily life.   A series of major shocks can seriously, permanently incapacitate a person.  In a sensitive or fragile person, minor events can cause major shocks to the person.  (3) Shock prevention.  To what degree can shock be prevented by preparation?  Preparing by book learning vs. preparing by simulating the experience.  (4) Therapy for shock.  How much does rest help?  (5) How is shock related to surprise and the startle response?  Is shock the same thing as PTSD?  ---  10/4/2002

Psychology, pathological, specific.  ---  Shock.  (1) Startle: simple reaction.  (2) Surprise: complex reaction, based on expectations, with an emotional component.  (3) Shock.  An enduring state of surprise.  Reduces abilities.  ---  10/5/2002

Psychology, pathological, specific.  ---  Shock.  Shock is mindlessness due to overwhelming unconscious emotion.  Shock is not necessarily a feminine trait.  The seduction induced trance is similar to shock.  To help avoid shock, think rationally about your emotions.  When you are in shock you can't think.  You panic and freeze.  You become like a zombie, and listen to orders.  This is the nature of seduction.  Shock due to flood of emotion.  Unthinking due to submission (obeying orders).  ---  12/26/1988

Psychology, pathological, specific.  ---  Shock.  Some view shock as a pathological condition.  Some view shock as an emotional condition.  We all process experiential sense data into thoughts and emotions at different speeds.  Some people process quickly, and some people process slowly.  If you are incapacitated while processing that is called shock.  ---  10/4/2002

Psychology, pathological, specific.  ---  Shyness.     PART ONE.  Is the opposite extreme of shyness known as bullying?  Or is the opposite extreme of shyness known as shameless self-revelation?  Or is the opposite extreme of bullying known as being the victim of a bully?     PART TWO.  Shyness definitions.  (1) Shyness as having a problem expressing emotions in social situations.  (2) Shyness as having poor social skills.  (3) Shyness as having a communication problem.  (4) Shyness as fear.  (5) Shyness as needing an assertiveness training class.  ---  6/23/2000

Psychology, pathological, specific.  ---  Six pathological types.  (1)(A) Hyper-combative: sees everything as a war, fight or conflict.  (B) Hyper-competitive: sees everything as a contest or competition.  (C) Hyper-exchange: sees everything as a business deal, sale, or PR campaign.  (2)(A) Hypo-combative: can't or won't fight.  Can't or won't see things as a fight, war or conflict.  (B) Hypo-competitive: can't or won't see things as a competition.  (C) Hypo-exchange: can't or won't see things as a business deal, sale or PR campaign.  ---  7/10/2000

Psychology, pathological, specific.  ---  So many things that can go wrong with mind.  So many causes of each thing.  It is a wonder that anyone is sane, not a wonder that anyone is crazy.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, pathological, specific.  ---  So many ways to become fu*ked up (unhealthy).  So many ways to fu*k others up (cause unhealth in others).  So many ways to fu*k up (make mistakes).  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, pathological, specific.  ---  The Battle.  Hopelessness, physical breakdown, suicide, madness.  Vs.  Vision, creation, determination, work, effort, hope, and optimism.  ---  11/16/1997

Psychology, pathological, specific.  ---  The pleasure that hyper-competitive America is obsessed with is the pleasure of first place, i.e, the pleasure of winning.  As a result, some Americans tend to try to turn everything into a contest.  Some Americans will go to any extreme to find something at which they excel.  For example, people who say, "I won the blue ribbon for best performance by a person between the ages of 29 and 31 in the tri-county area during a full moon."  ---  11/16/2004

Psychology, pathological, specific.  ---  The problem is not just that people do not use 90% of their physical brains.  The problem is also that people (1) Do not think 90% of the time, and (2) They do not think about 90% of life's subjects or phenomena.  ---  04/24/1997

Psychology, pathological, specific.  ---  There is a pathological mentality of chronic insecurity that does not feel secure unless one is the richest, most powerful, most armed individual.  ---  10/12/2005

Psychology, pathological, specific.  ---  Time related pathologies.  There are many people who do not think about the future much, just as there are many people who do not think about the past much.  At the opposite extreme are those who think only about the future or past and who ignore the present.     PART TWO.  (1) Causes and reasons why people NEVER THINK OF FUTURE.  (A) You never know for sure how much time you have.  (B) They view the future with trepidation.  (2) Negative effects of not considering the future.  (3) Therapies for those who never think of the future.     PART THREE.  (1) Causes and reasons why people NEVER THINK OF PRESENT.  (2) Negative effects of never thinking of the present.  (3) Therapies for those who never think   of the present.     PART FOUR.  (1) Causes and reasons why people NEVER THINK OF PAST.  (2) Negative effects of never thinking about the past.  (3) Therapies for those who never think of the past.     PART FIVE.  (1) Causes and reasons why people ALWAYS THINK OF FUTURE.  (2) Negative effects of always thinking about the future.  (3) Therapies for those who always think of the future.     PART SIX.  (1) Causes and reasons why some people ALWAYS THINK OF PRESENT.  (2) Negative effects of always thinking about the present.  (3) Therapies for those who always think about the present.     PART SEVEN.  (1) Causes and reasons why some people ALWAYS THINK OF PAST.  (2) Negative effects of always thinking of the past.  (3) Therapies for those who always think of the past  ---  11/13/1999

Psychology, pathological, specific.  ---  To be lost, not see the light, sidetracked, derailed.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, pathological, specific.  ---  To what extent is anxiety and depression a function of hormone levels?  To what extent is anxiety and depression a function of the environment?  To what extent is anxiety and depression a function of behavior?  To what extent is anxiety and depression a function of thoughts?  Anxiety and depression is a function of all these factors.  All these factors must be addressed by the therapy.  Eclectic approach.  ---  3/9/2005

Psychology, pathological, specific.  ---  Total motivation, drive, hope, vision, and ideals (goals, effort) vs. sliding into no vision, no hope, no motivation or no drive, no ideals, no satisfaction.  ---  04/30/1993

Psychology, pathological, specific.  ---  Two types of psychosomatic illness.  (1) You imagine symptoms that are not there.  (2) You work yourself into a mental state where your body actually starts to malfunction.  You cause an illness.  ---  12/30/1995

Psychology, pathological, specific.  ---  Types of commonly observed sub-optimal behaviors.  (1) Destructive.  (2) Self destructive: out of rebellion, or out of pain (physical or psychological).  (3) Workaholics.  (4) Romanticism.  (5) Dogmatism.  (6) Anal retentive: up tight, represses for pleasure.  (7) Survival neurosis: survive at any cost, and focus all energies on survival.  (8) Intellectualizers.  (9) Upper class neurosis.  (10) Religion, mysticism, magic, new agers.  (11) Digestive types.  (12) Teen cults: avoidance through narrowing your world.  (13) Suicidal.  (14) Totalitarian personality.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, pathological, specific.  ---  Types of people to beware of; avoid them and warn others about them.  Nay sayers.  Flunkies.  Stooges.  Critics.  Legal threats.  The corrupt.  The sanctimonious.  Physical threats.  Bullies.  Gossipers and rumor mongers.  Character assassins.  Malicious mockers and hecklers.  Propagandists.  Demagogues.  Oppressors.  Exploiters.  Manipulators.  Users.  Malicious.  Vicious.  Petty.  Spiteful.  Unscrupulous.  Unethical.  ---  1/23/2004

Psychology, pathological, specific.  ---  Types of problems.  (1) Common pathological problems you don't often see in the text books.  Causes, symptoms, cures.  How to deal with these people without letting them hurt you.  (2) The list: No self confidence.  Self destructive.  Cult personality.  Anti-social.  Bully, angry, violent.  Teaser, seducer.  Afraid type.  Cheater, liar, thief.  Too competitive, dominant, controlling.  Too submissive.  Takes offense easily.  Lets others walk over or mock them.  Forlorn and despondent.  Too big for britches.  Dream world (heavy escapism).  Excessively parochial, small town.  Bigoted.  Egomaniac, narcissistic.  Rebel for rebels sake.  Unable to rebel, or even think for self.  Back stabber, trust breaker.  Hangs out with jerks, dopes, or nuts.  Aimless.  Too talky.  Too quiet.  No guts, wimp, wishy washy.  Beaten down (learned helplessness).  Spoiled brat.  Dizzy, foggy.  Loner, recluse.  Micro-manager.  Megalomaniac.  No vision.  No hope.  Fu*ked up attitudes (Metaphysics, epistemology, ethics, aesthetic).  ---  05/10/1997

Psychology, pathological, specific.  ---  Types of psychopathology.  (1) Psychological problems of life events.  Death.  Illness, injury.  Marriage, divorce.  Crime victim, crime perpetrator.  (2) Psychological problems by social groups.  Kids.  Old age.  Ethnic groups or nationality.  Racial groups.  Religious groups.  Political groups.  Male and female.  Straight and gay.  Rich and poor.  ---  3/30/1998

Psychology, pathological, specific.  ---  Types of psychopathology.  (1) Repressive.  (2) Anal retentive: shit holding.  (3) Dogmatism: fear of thought.  (4) Conservatism: fear of new.  (5) Survival neurosis: fear of death, do anything to survive.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, pathological, specific.  ---  Types of psychopathology.  Pathological psychology happens just as often as physical pathology.  Three levels of severity:  (1) Extreme severity.  Schizophrenia is analogous to severe and permanently debilitating physical injuries like stroke.  Complete recovery not likely.  (2) Medium severity.  One year for complete recovery.  Psychological depression.  Physical back injury.  Chance of mild reoccurrences.  (3) Mild severity.  One week to one month for complete recovery.  Physical cold.  Psychological trauma like breakup with short term girlfriend.  Loss of job you never really liked.  ---  6/30/1998

Psychology, pathological, specific.  ---  Types of psychopathology.  Problems by age.  (1) Youth.  Dealing with bullies.  Dealing with a mind less able to conceptualize and express.  Dealing with a small body that can not keep up in an adult world.  Dealing with having no freedom, at whim of stupid and sick adults.  (2) Adult.  Getting a partner.  Living with partner.  Having kids.  (3) Old age.  Dealing with frailty and decrease in abilities.  No job.  Dying friends.  Fear of impending death.  ---  02/28/1998

Psychology, pathological, specific.  ---  Types of psychopathology.  Problems by area of life.  (1) Work.  Dealing with abuses of authority by boss.  Dealing with competition from peers or subordinates.  (2) Family.  Dealing with rents, sibs, kids, relatives.  (3) Leisure.  (4) School.  ---  02/28/1998

Psychology, pathological, specific.  ---  Unconscious or conscious loss or degradation of, or having never developed and gained in the first place, by degree.  (1) Hope in a situation (dreams, goals, tactics, reasons).  (2) Confidence in self (self esteem).  (3) Drive, motivation.  (4) Focus.  (5) Effort.     PART TWO.  All of the above due to not keeping watch on one's own mental hygiene, due to distraction, or memory lapse.  Leads to (1) Anxiety (fear, panic).  (2) Depression (sadness).  (3) Sub-optimal and pathological reactions.  (4) Drifting and blowing in the wind, waffling (as opposed to purposeful behavior), stagnation, devolution, and loss of vision.  ---  09/26/1993

Psychology, pathological, specific.  ---  Unfortunately, crazy people think they are sane.  Evil people think they are good.  Stupid people think they are smart.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, pathological, specific.  ---  What's buggin or bothering you, theoretically or practically?  Write it down, work it out in thought, work it out in action.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, pathological, specific.  ---  When people stop talking and writing they stop thinking.  Your mind, use it or lose it.  ---  10/30/1997

Psychology, pathological, specific.  ---  When you lose your hopes, visions, and ideals to any degree or for any duration, you end up settling for less, achieving less, wasting life, and behaving like crap.  ---  12/30/1992

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Paul Nervy Notes. Copyright 1988-2007 by Paul Nervy.