Paul Nervy Notes
“Jokes, poems, stories, and a lot of philosophy, psychology, and sociology.”

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Psychology, pathological.  ---  .Introduction or sum up psycho-pathology in terms of: (1) Maturity and development.  (2) Learning problems.  Ignorance and stupidity make it easier to go nuts.  (3) Attitude problems.  (4) Perceptions and delusions.  (5) Self-induced neurosis vs. self-healing therapies.  (6) Physical issues like diet, sleep and brain biochemistry.  (7) Physical and psychological neglect and abuse by the environment, other people, or ones self.  (8) Fragility and susceptibility.  Health is not automatic.  (9) Labeling.  (10) Stuck or blocked.  (11) A life long issue.  Not just childhood.  (12)  Environment and experience.  How harsh, oppositional, barren, unfriendly, hostile and chaotic it is.  How to learn survival strategies.  ---  6/4/2002

Psychology, pathological.  ---  .This section deals with optimal psychological (health) as much as it deals with pathological psychology.  Call this section "Optimal psychology and pathological psychology".  ---  11/10/1993

Psychology, pathological.  ---  .This section is about various other thoughts on psycho-pathology.  Topics include:( ) Emotion and psycho-pathology.  ( ) Fragile.  ( ) Information and psycho-pathology.  ( ) Labeling.  ( ) Self-induced psychopathology.  ( ) Susceptability.  ( ) Thinking and psycho-pathology.  ( ) What is psychopathology.  ---  1/24/2006

Psychology, pathological.  ---  "Attention as love" syndrome explains some (1) Comics.  (2) Criminals.  (3) Masochists.  ---  8/2/2000

Psychology, pathological.  ---  "Not comfortable in your own skin", is an important psychological pathological phenomenon.  ---  11/15/2000

Psychology, pathological.  ---  (1) A sign of pathological behavior (addiction and compulsion, etc.) is inability to recall all the reasons why you do or don't want to do something during times of pathological onset.  (2) Feeling good vs. feeling bad or feeling like crap is the most basic way of describing our psychological state.  Feeling like crap is no way to go through life.  ---  05/12/1994

Psychology, pathological.  ---  (1) Always are having a crisis (doubt, guilt) vs. never do.  (2) Are continually amazed (i.e. having their mind blown, in both positive and negative respects) vs. never are.  Both extremes are bad?  ---  11/27/1993

Psychology, pathological.  ---  (1) Apparently normal people can be really messed up psychologically.  And even psychologically "healthy" people, or even "normal" (average) people, can hold really wrong views.  (2) Apparently normal people can be on the edge mentally (susceptible, ready to trigger a downward spiral).  ---  10/30/1997

Psychology, pathological.  ---  (1) At what point does an "attitude problem" become psycho-pathology?  Its tough to say.  (2) At what point does ignorance develop into psycho-pathology?  ---  4/2/2000

Psychology, pathological.  ---  (1) Behavior: things did by self to self, or to others.  (2) Experiences: things done to you by nature, or by others.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, pathological.  ---  (1) Confrontation, catharsis, and justice.  Vs.  (2) Repression, avoidance of memory, emotion, thought, experience (action done by you and action done to you).  (3) Pain emotions of anger, sadness, and fear, of (4) Past, present, and future.  (5) Chains: repress the first link and the rest is repressed.  Example: memory yields emotions yields thoughts yields actions.  ---  07/05/1997

Psychology, pathological.  ---  (1) Delayed or stalled development can have just as many bad effects as mental illness.  (2) Mild chronic psycho-pathologies can have a total long term effect that is just as bad as severe acute mental illness.  (3)(A) How to recognize psycho-pathology?  How to recognize it in yourself?  How to recognize it others?  (B) How to care, improve, or just manage and live with psycho-pathology?  How to manage it in yourself?  How to manage it in others?  (4) How to determine your psychological strengths and weaknesses?  (5) One psychological problem can lead to another in a chain (series) or a web (network).  It can affect all areas of your life.  ---  5/20/1999

Psychology, pathological.  ---  (1) Growth, development, and integration.  (2) Stagnation.  (3) Decay and disintegration.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, pathological.  ---  (1) How much does it take to drive someone nuts, or just to the point where they engage in behavior that causes them to self destruct?  Not much.  (2) How much does productivity and mental health drop in various adverse conditions?  It can be a precipitous drop.  (3) Unexplained momentary "flip outs" of any type can happen to anyone, anytime.  It is bad and it is common.  ---  07/11/1997

Psychology, pathological.  ---  (1) How much resources is the suboptimal behavior using up?  (2) Are you confronting the problems in your life?  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, pathological.  ---  (1) How smart do you have to be, given any level of mental un-healthy-ness, to start improving with your own effort (bootstrapping)?  (2) How healthy (or ill) do you have to be to start improving with your own effort, or with a shrinks help, or with medications help?  (3) How reversible is psychological illness or debilitation?  (4) How rapidly can one improve their psychological health?  (5) How permanent can the change to health be?  ---  1/25/1998

Psychology, pathological.  ---  (1) If you can grow faster than you fall apart then the net result is positive growth.  (2) If you fall apart faster than you cohere then the net result is mental illness.  ---  9/26/2002

Psychology, pathological.  ---  (1) It is tough to tell when you are going nuts.  (2) It is tough to tell what type and degree of stress will drive you nuts.  ---  04/15/1997

Psychology, pathological.  ---  (1) Major misperceptions of thought.  Major paranoia thoughts.  Major depressive thoughts.  Major anger thoughts.  (2) Minor misperceptions of thought.  Minor paranoia thoughts.  Minor depressive thoughts.  Minor anger thoughts. (3) How do feelings of fear get generated and transfered into thoughts?  How do threats, real or imagined, get processed by the brain?  ---  12/26/2003

Psychology, pathological.  ---  (1) Mental health vs. mental illness.  (2) Optimal mental health vs. sub-optimal mental health.  (3) Normal, average mental health.  (4) Define these terms.  It is all on a scale or spectrum.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, pathological.  ---  (1) Pathological psychology: psychiatry.  (2) Suboptimal psychology: ?.  (3) Optimal psychology: sports psychology?  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, pathological.  ---  (1) Signs of sub-optimal mind.  Inability to develop values and goals, prioritize, remember, and pursue.  (2) Causes of sub-optimal mind.  (A) Psychological abilities and limits.  Knowledge, intelligence.  Neurosis and psychosis.  (B) Physical.  (C) Financial and economic: poverty.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, pathological.  ---  (1) Slides, decay, disintegration, disorganization.  Speed, depth, ways.  (2) Recovery, growth, develop, integration, organization.  Speed, degree, ways.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, pathological.  ---  (1) Some people are stupid or ignorant.  There are two types of ignorance, having poor reasoning skills, and having a small pool of knowledge.  (2) Some people are crazy.  (3) Some people are immoral.  (4) Some people are one and two.  Some people are two and three.  Some people are one and three.  Some people are one and two and three.  Some people are none.  ---  8/27/1998

Psychology, pathological.  ---  (1) Some people were nuts, and not now.  (2) Some people are going nuts.  (3) Some people are nuts but haven't been labeled yet.  (4) Some people are nuts and have been labeled accurately.  (5) Some people are not nuts but have been labeled so.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, pathological.  ---  (1) Stability: variation in behavior given a constant environment.  (2) Susceptibitliy: given change in environment, probability of decay.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, pathological.  ---  (1) Tendancy to psychologically organize vs. disorganize.  (2) Tendancy towards psychological health vs. towards destruction.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, pathological.  ---  (1) The problem is that we get into the following states of mind:  (A) Tired.  (B) Depressed.  (C) Crippled by doubt.  Indecisive.  (D) Satisfied.  Unmotivated.  (E) Distracted and diverted.  (F) Psyched out.  (G) Zombified.  (2) The above mental states yield the following:  (A) Not using head.  Not growing.  (B) Inactive.  Not productive.  (3) These states are not helpful.  ---  3/11/2000

Psychology, pathological.  ---  (1) This section should be renamed "Pathological, average, and peak states of mental and behavioral conditions".  Mental areas include knowledge of all subject areas.  Behavioral areas include practical life areas like work and sex, etc.  (2) Abnormal means "above or below average", not "diseased".  Pathological is a more accurate term for illness.  ---  08/10/1993

Psychology, pathological.  ---  (1) Those who dance nimbly on the edge, easily knocked off, into oblivion.  (2) Those who hobble along the main fare, fall often, and get up again.  ---  3/30/1998

Psychology, pathological.  ---  (1) To think too much and feel too much.  (2) To think too little and feel too little.  (3) There has to be a balance between being a lifeless blob and being a neurotic overwrought manic.  Where is the balance?  Where is the happy medium?  ---  3/14/2000

Psychology, pathological.  ---  (1) Types.  (A) Organic: genetic vs. non-genetic biochemical.  (B) Psychological.  (2) Causes, symptoms, therapies.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, pathological.  ---  (1) What is the glue that holds people together?  What happens when people become unglued?  What events cause it?  (2) People for whom everyday is crisis.  They have a rough time.  Vs. those who have an easy trip mentally.  ---  07/18/1997

Psychology, pathological.  ---  (1) What it takes to optimize a mind.  If it takes a lot you are weak.  If it takes a little you are strong?  (2) What it takes to prevent development of optimal mind, or drive optimal mind into suboptimal, for how long and how deep.  If it take little abuse, neglect, trauma shock you are weak.  If it takes much you are strong?  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, pathological.  ---  A big problem in psychology: (1) People often don't know something is wrong with them.  If they do know something is wrong with them, they often don't know what is wrong with them, and can't say.  People often don't know what health consists of, or feels like.  (2) It can be very hard to tell what's wrong with a person.  It can be tough to tell how they got that way.  It can be tough to figure out how to help them.  (3) Once you figure out what to do, it an be very hard to change a person, to make them well.  It can be slow, and painful, and recidivism and relapses can occur.  ---  03/01/1997

Psychology, pathological.  ---  A blow to the ego can drive a person crazy.  I am referring here to the "vanity" ego and not the "Freudian" ego.  Some experiences are such a shock to our self-worth and our sense of social status that it can drive a person crazy.  That's why it pays to be humble and modest; it is psychologically healthy to do so.  ---  11/2/2001

Psychology, pathological.  ---  A few mental health professionals are power-tripping shrinks.  (1) They want to label other people.  They want to define others.  (2) They want to dispense drugs.  They want to control other people.  Watch out.  ---  6/14/2000

Psychology, pathological.  ---  A lot of healthy mental state is attitude; knowing correct metaphysics, epistemology, ethics, and aesthetic views, and correct reasons to mind and behave one way and not another.  Feeling good about it.  Ethics is connected to health on psychological, physical, social, and economic levels.  ---  05/30/1993

Psychology, pathological.  ---  A lot of people each a little crazy adds up to a lot of craziness.  ---  02/28/1998

Psychology, pathological.  ---  A model of psychopathology.  Multiple problems in each individual.  Multiple causes for each problem.  Multiple solutions required for each problem.  ---  6/12/2005

Psychology, pathological.  ---  Abnormal means away from norm.  Abnormal could mean good or bad.  Pathological means bad.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, pathological.  ---  Adults and kids.  Why is it seemingly so easy for adults to flip out?  More so than kids.  (1) Adult minds are more complicated than children's minds.  There are more thoughts, emotions and memories in an adult.  Thus, there are more parts to break, just like a computer.  The more parts that can potentially break, the more breakdowns occur  (2) Adult minds are running longer than kids minds.  Forty years of adulthood give one more time to break down, and thus the probability of the breakdown increases.  (3) Adults have more freedom and power than children.  They make more decisions and take more actions.  Thus when they breakdown they make mistakes of action that are much greater in their consequences than children's decisions and actions.  ---  7/21/1998

Psychology, pathological.  ---  Adults who were abused or neglected as children.  (1) Quick to attach to people.  Fall in love easily.  No boundaries.  (2) Slow to let go.  Problems saying goodbye.  ---  9/3/1998

Psychology, pathological.  ---  Against the impending pain, the impinging pain, the natural injustices, the social injustices, the harshness, the overpowering world, we need a psychological barrier, cushion, insulation, shelter, for our mental health.  When that cushion fails, and when the floodgates fail, then we have a nervous breakdown.  Psychological health is about boundaries.  Not just boundaries for other people, but boundaries for all reality.  When our drives (id) and society's rules (super ego), and other people's opposition, and nature's opposition, and your own mind and behavior, overwhelm us (our ego), then we have a mental breakdown.  When you are defenseless it overwhelms you.  ---  6/20/1999

Psychology, pathological.  ---  An average person in an extreme situation will develop PTSD.  An extremely sensitive person in an average situation will develop PTSD.  Artists are extremely sensitive people.  Therefore artists are prone to PTSD.  ---  2/14/2003

Psychology, pathological.  ---  Any action by anyone can have any effect depending on how screwed up or weak or strong your mind is.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, pathological.  ---  Any specific mental state or behavior in any specific individual in any specific situation, how optimal or pathological is it and why?  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, pathological.  ---  Apathy.  Doing nothing is easy.  Doing nothing seems safe.  Doing something seems effort filled.  Doing something seems risky.  So people often do nothing rather than something.  That is a mistake.  ---  8/23/2005

Psychology, pathological.  ---  Avoidance tactics:  pathological regression, pathological joking.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, pathological.  ---  Bad situation to be in:  Can't relax.  Can't enjoy.  Can't have fun.  Can't be friendly.  Can't be happy.  ---  7/7/2000

Psychology, pathological.  ---  Balance.  Growing up.  Nerdier becoming cool, cool becoming nerdier.  Achieving balance, avoiding extremes, the golden mean.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, pathological.  ---  Being severely depressed about what you failed to figure out or accomplish in life is counterproductive, unhealthy and unjust.  Remaining totally unaffected by what you failed to figure out and accomplish in life is also counterproductive, unhealthy and unjust.  There has to be a healthy medium.  ---  3/21/2004

Psychology, pathological.  ---  Break, cave and price.  (1) Breaking point: the point at which one goes crazy.  (2) Caving point: the point at which you are coerced or forced to do something against your will.  (3) Price: the point of temptation at which you change your mind and decide to do something.  ---  10/10/1998

Psychology, pathological.  ---  Break, cave and price.  Everyone has a breaking point, a cave in point, a price.  It depends on (1) How much you want to do (experience, become, or own), or not do, "x" vs. (2) How much actual or threatened/promised pain or pleasure is involved.  This determines (3) When you start doing an action or stop doing an action.  ---  08/15/1994

Psychology, pathological.  ---  Change.  Growth.  The personality has inertia.  It does not want to die, or cease to be.  So it does not want to change.  ---  12/29/1997

Psychology, pathological.  ---  Change.  Sick people often do not know they are sick (sub-optimal, wrong).  They think they are fine (healthy, right).  Thus they often will not recognize better (healthier, more true) ways if they see it.  They will not listen if you tell them a better way.  Thus it is difficult for them to change and improve.  Basically people do not want to change.  They are often afraid of making a mistake and changing for the worse.  ---  12/29/1997

Psychology, pathological.  ---  Common pop and folk terms for psychological problems.  Heebee jeebees, willies, blue devils.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, pathological.  ---  Competition can lead to deception, which can lead to pathological psychology.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, pathological.  ---  Crisis.  Certain people are more susceptible to psychological crisis and deal more poorly with them than others.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, pathological.  ---  Crisis.  Frequency, duration, severity, symptoms of a psychological crisis.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, pathological.  ---  Crisis.  Length of time and mental effort it takes you to sort out a crisis, problem, or situation (if you can do it at all, and how well you can do it).  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, pathological.  ---  Crisis.  Psychological crisis.  A sudden, unconscious or conscious, total or partial realization of a fact of life (whether it is new, or a change of a view) whether it is about you or everyone.  Resulting in (1) Inability to act at all: nervous breakdown.  (2) Inability to act optimally.  (3) Inability to deal with problem.  (4) Inability to deal with problem optimally.  (5) Recurrence of some strange behavior.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, pathological.  ---  Defense mechanism.  People desire to defend and bolster their ego, and so they sometimes reject ideas that conflict with their views, attitudes, opinions, and values.  Defense mechanisms are at work even in so called psychologically "healthy" and "normal" individuals.  A problems results when ego defense and inertia inhibits the acceptance of new, true, good ideas.  ---  7/25/2006

Psychology, pathological.  ---  Delusions.  A minor delusion is just another way to say misinformed, misguided, and ignorant.  I have seen time and again how minor delusions can, on the one hand, keep people alive, and can, on the other hand, prevent people from making the most of themselves.  At base level we are all suffering a variety of minor delusions for none of us know 100% what is going on.  ---  3/5/2001

Psychology, pathological.  ---  Development.  Pathology can be defined as being immature for one's age.  (1) Neurosis can stunt a person's psychological development.  (2) Neglect can stunt a person's development.  (3) Mental retardation can stunt a person's development.  (4) And yet "normal" adults can have varying levels of maturity from one person to the next.  ---  7/1/1999

Psychology, pathological.  ---  Diagnosis.  Label symptoms generally, and then specific mechanism and cause in specific individual.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, pathological.  ---  Diamond cutter analogy.  All it takes is one small action or experience at the right time to make us fall to pieces.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, pathological.  ---  Differences in description of problem, symptom, explanation and treatment in various major psychological systems.  Which view is currently in favor.  Which view is best.  ---  07/30/1993

Psychology, pathological.  ---  Emotion and psychopathology  (1) Neglect, abuse, deprivation, injustice, vs. the suffering that they cause.  Are these two different things?  (2) Is the goal of life to end injustice, and thus end the stress and pain that injustice causes, or is the goal to end just the perception of injustice and pain?  The former not the latter.  ---  5/30/1998

Psychology, pathological.  ---  Emotion, fear.  (1) Repressed fears can cause depression.  (2) Repression itself is actually a form of fear.  We run from what bothers us.  (3) High anger levels plus high fear levels (negative emotions) can cause repression, which causes pathological conditions.  ---  02/05/1998

Psychology, pathological.  ---  Emotion, fear.  Chronic anxiety and chronic fear causes chronic apprehension and chronic tension (both psychological and physical).  Tension causes stress and makes one more susceptible to psychological pathology.  When fear and tension are lifted (momentarily or long term) one feels calm, peaceful, less stressed, happier, more positive, and healthier.  ---  02/05/1998

Psychology, pathological.  ---  Emotion, fear.  Fear can often take the form of "what if ..." statements or  hypotheticals.  If you are a very imaginative person, or a very pessimistic person, you can consciously think of many negative hypotheticals, and this is really fear, which acts to inhibit action, and causes pathological conditions.  This is why it is healthy to have a positive attitude.  ---  02/05/1998

Psychology, pathological.  ---  Emotion, fear.  The conscious emotion of fear can stop someone from taking action just as much as unconscious repression can, and thus cause pathological conditions.  There is a difference between unconscious repression to avoid felt pain, and the conscious emotion of fear of anticipated pain, but their results can be the same.  ---  02/05/1998

Psychology, pathological.  ---  Emotion, fear.  You can repress because something is painful.  You can also repress because you FEAR something will be painful.  Highly fearful people will thus tend to have more neurosis.  ---  02/05/1998

Psychology, pathological.  ---  Emotion, regret.  Guilt, regret and shame caused by not giving 100% in mind and action.  All three can be repressed, causing pathology.  That is why it is important for your mental health that you give 100%.  ---  02/05/1998

Psychology, pathological.  ---  Emotion, regret.  Living for your dreams with 100% effort is important because regret can cause a depression that kills.  ---  03/03/1998

Psychology, pathological.  ---  Emotions and psychopathology.  (1) To what extent does emotional pain contribute to pathological psychology?  Is emotional pain an effect of pathological psychology, or is it a cause of pathological psychology, or both?  Loneliness, lack of love, sadness, anger, worry.  To reduce pathological psychology do we reduce pain?  (2) The mistake of trying to attain happiness by ignoring pain.  One can avoid emotional pain by repressing pain, but this is psychologically hurtful rather than helpful, and it does not help to solve the problem either.  The attitude "Nothing is bugging me, I am happy.", even when something exists that should be bugging you, is a problem, if only for the fact that repression of emotion is taking place, and one is also ignoring reality.  The view of Buddhism (ignore pains and give up desires) is really just another type of repression.  And yet, on the other hand if you look at life and the world realistically, the problems and pain can overwhelm and destroy us, and thus optimism is healthy.  Optimism vs. repression.  ---  5/30/1998

Psychology, pathological.  ---  Emotions and psychopathology.  If someone is not crazy, but they are under a lot of stress from adverse conditions, and in a lot of emotional pain, it can make them give up or explode or commit crime.  So to reduce pathological psychology in the world, it helps to reduce the bad conditions that cause the emotional pain.  (2) Things that can cause stress.  Money worries: house, car, things, job.  Social worries: love, friends, family, social conflict, social injustice.  ---  5/30/1998

Psychology, pathological.  ---  Epidemiology of psychopathology.  (1) What is the prevalence of psychopathology?  What percentage of population gets what psychological problems.  (2) What percent of those with psychological problems see a therapist?  What percent do not?  ---  3/21/2006

Psychology, pathological.  ---  Epidemiology.  What's worse, a few very disturbed people or many slightly disturbed people?  Second can add up to more than first.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, pathological.  ---  Even a "bad" experience can be a growth experience.  Even a "good" experience can be disintegrative if you are not well.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, pathological.  ---  Every action and experience has a psychological effect (strong or slight).  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, pathological.  ---  Every behavior and mental state is both symptom and cause of problem.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, pathological.  ---  Excellent or poorly functioning minds, describe traits each.  How bad or good by degree.  What % of time.  In what situations.  With what results.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, pathological.  ---  Exhaustion and the emotions of depression, anxiety and anger.  Push yourself too much for too long, or be pushed by other people too much for too long, or be pushed by life circumstances too much for too long, and you can become psychologically exhausted, which can result in days, weeks or months of feeling cruddy.  Just like with physical exercise, too much, too soon is not healthy.  Don't overdo it.  Pace yourself.  ---  11/12/2003

Psychology, pathological.  ---  Figuring out a persons mind.  Concepts and attitude and philosophies.  Strengths, weaknesses, problems.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, pathological.  ---  Folk terms.  Feeling "shaky" is an oft used term to describe how it feels to be in sub-optimal states.  ---  04/24/1997

Psychology, pathological.  ---  Fragile and sensitivity.     PART ONE.  If you are sensitive but not fragile then you will sense or perceive negative things but they will not destroy you.  If you are fragile but not sensitive then you will not sense or perceive things that could destroy you.  If you are both fragile and sensitive then you will sense or perceive negative things and they will destroy you.     PART TWO.  How "bad" something is: ethically bad; aesthetically bad; physically or psychologically unhealthy; physically or psychologically unpleasant; all depends on (1) How fragile you are.  How much these things can upset your well being.  (2) How sensitive you are.  How well you are able to detect subtle changes.  How much these changes bother you.     PART THREE.  If "It does not bother me." or "I do not notice it." (sensitivity) or "I can take it." (robustness), then you are okay and it is not so bad.  However, if "I notice it." and "It bothers me." and "I cannot take it." then you might crumble.     PART FOUR.  Its a quirk of psychology that if it "seems bad" then it "is bad".  Our subjective perceptions are often all we have to go on.  Often our perceptions are all we know.  ---  5/26/2001

Psychology, pathological.  ---  Fragile egos.  Naive' egos.  Sheltered egos.  People who lack coping skills.  ---  1/20/2007

Psychology, pathological.  ---  Fragile people just barely hanging on and working psychologically.  Causes of fragility: (1) Knowledge false, partial or sub-optimal, and poorly organized.  (2) Pathological or sub-optimal emotion responses.  (3) Repressive and/or poor memory.  (4) Grew up with neglective and/or abusive models.  (5) Genetic, biochemical problems.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, pathological.  ---  Fragile.  BW of BB fame.  His music is sweet.  He is sweet.  There is a common triad of personality traits that often coincide: sweet, defenseless and fragile.  Sweet, defenseless and fragile people get eaten up by everyday life.  Everyday life is rough and savage in its own way.  The sweet, defenseless, fragile people get pounded on by everyday life.  They get destroyed.  The sweet suffer.  They have no defense.  The have no recourse.  They have no psychic armor and they have no psychic weapons.  G was sweet.  The sweet, defenseless and fragile don't know how to fight for themselves.  Or they won't allow themselves to fight for themselves.  Everyday civilized life is savage.  The sweet refuse to be savage.  When you meet them keep this in mind.  ---  6/23/2000

Psychology, pathological.  ---  Fragile.  How fragile a person is, is determined by how easily and often they are depressed, discouraged, distracted (or seduced), disoriented (confused), and intimidated (threatened, ordered about).  And the degree to which they can not remember, feel, think, and act for themselves.  ---  10/25/1997

Psychology, pathological.  ---  Fragile.  How very fragile (vulnerable, susceptible) people are.  And how many things can go wrong in life.  Many things.  And how many ways, how easy it is for people to go crazy, or evil, or stupid.  ---  01/12/1997

Psychology, pathological.  ---  Fragile.  It is so difficult to spot a fragile ego.  And it is so easy to crush a fragile ego, doing it permanent damage.  ---  4/20/1999

Psychology, pathological.  ---  Fragile.  Many individuals are psychologically defenseless, fragile, and repressed.  They do not know how or when to fight, or defend themselves.  They do not know how to communicate.  You have to communicate for them.  ---  10/05/1997

Psychology, pathological.  ---  Fragile.  The difference between a fragile person and a person close to the edge.  (1) The fragile person may be living normally.  They may be sensitive to small stresses and shocks, and a big shock may drive them to nervous breakdown (over the edge).  (2) The person close to the edge acts strangely.  But they may be very hardy and consistent in their precarious position.  (3) The worst is to be both fragile and close to the edge.  (4) I am fragile.  ---  8/18/1998

Psychology, pathological.  ---  Fragility definitions.  (1) Fragile as weak generally.  (2) Fragile as unstable, volatile.  (3) Keep the fragile ones alive, healthy, happy, productive.  ---  11/30/1997

Psychology, pathological.  ---  Getting stuck.  You may not be conscious of it, but your mind may be saying to itself "I am not going to do anything until I do x."  X may be figuring out answers to questions you are not aware of, or taking action on same.  You may not be aware that you are stuck, and you may not know what it will take to get you unstuck.  ---  02/28/1998

Psychology, pathological.  ---  Good: growth spirals.  Bad: vicious death spirals.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, pathological.  ---  History.  Practice and theory (philosophy, science, tech).  Attitudes of society to mental illness.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, pathological.  ---  Hopes and dreams dashed.  (1) How early in life were your hopes and dreams dashed? (2) How many of your hopes and dreams were dashed?  (3) How completely were your hopes and dreams dashed?  (4) For example, if at a very young age you had many of your hopes and dreams severely dashed then that can be a big problem.  (5) Some people are able to regroup or reboot after their hopes and dreams are dashed.  Other people have a more difficult time, give up, lose hope or are unable to come up with new hopes and dreams.  (6) It is difficult, if not impossible, to go through life without having some of you hopes and dreams dashed.  Don't let it break your heart or hurt your mind.  ---  9/13/2005

Psychology, pathological.  ---  How fu*ked up can one become, how fast.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, pathological.  ---  How much is your sub-optimal or pathological psychology holding you back?  Could be very, very much.  A little pathological psychology goes a long way.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, pathological.  ---  How much of my pathological psychology is due to depression, anxiety, and lack of self respect, self esteem and self confidence?  What causes each?  ---  04/30/1993

Psychology, pathological.  ---  How much of my strange abnormal behavior is due to the fact that I enjoy being different, unconventional, eccentric, and like to test the boundaries of myself, others, and natural world?  ---  05/30/1993

Psychology, pathological.  ---  Humans are not machines, predictable, stable and simple.  Seemingly uncaused biochemical states of depression, anxiety and anger occur widely and frequently in humans.  Find the causes.  ---  6/12/2005

Psychology, pathological.  ---  Hypothesis.  People tend to pair up with people who have neuroses (ignorances or weaknesses) in areas other than their own neurosis.  A person says to themselves, "I like this person because their weak spot is not my weak spot."  Three cases are possible:  If two people's weaknesses reinforce each others then the pairs survival ability is in jeopardy.  If strengths reinforce then so what, who cares.  However, if their neuroses are different then they each serve as a model of health for each other.  They serve as a reality check for each other.  ---  5/24/2000

Psychology, pathological.  ---  If you are too hard on yourself then you get a lot of guilt, shame and regret.  These are repressed, and then cause neurosis and psychosis.  Therefore, you need to like and accept yourself.  And you need to care for yourself.  ---  1/23/1999

Psychology, pathological.  ---  If you let your head deteriorate, which mine does rapidly, often, and to a great degree, in many types and ways, due to many causes, with many bad effects, then you will not (1) Be able to get those desperately needed a+'s in school, (2) And you will not be able to keep job or get a better one because you will flip out.  But the good thing is, with much mental, behavioral, and environmental effort, you can get your head together, and keep it together, and reap the rewards.  That is, the entire sane-crazy thing is to a large degree controllable by me.  ---  04/04/1994

Psychology, pathological.  ---  Immaturity as psycho-pathology.  Adults who act like teens.  Teens who act like kids.  Its all relative.  ---  6/4/2002

Psychology, pathological.  ---  In psychological terms, just as in physical terms, there is a difference between being weak and ill.  We all have our strengths and weaknesses.  When we are weak we become susceptible to illness.  The psychology literature is full of discussions about psychological illness in the forms of neurosis and psychosis.  But from a preventive point of view, perhaps we would be better off discussing the various types of mental weakness that lead to illness.  And discuss how to get and stay mentally strong.  ---  3/30/2000

Psychology, pathological.  ---  In Russia, and I suppose in the United States as well, people who dissented were put in mental hospitals.  People who dared question the established order were labeled as crazy and they were locked up in mental hospitals against their will and subjected to cruel "treatments".  (2) How does society deal with the unethical, the negligent, the dim and the so-called crazy?   (A) One way is to determine whether the person is a danger to themselves and others.  But how do you determine that?  Not all dangerous people are crazy.  Not all crazy people are dangerous.  (B) Another way is to see if the person can get along in society and support themselves.  But how do you determine that?  Not all people who cannot support themselves or get along with others are crazy.  Not all crazy people cannot support themselves or get along with others.  ---  2/4/2002

Psychology, pathological.  ---  Individual and structural pathology by areas of life.  (1) Family.  (A) Individual pathology: Pathology rarely limited to single individual.  (B) Structural pathology: Group pathology.  (2) School.  (A) Individual pathology: The bully.  The troublemaker.  The misfit.  Cliques that have scapegoats.  (B) Structural pathology: Too little freedom for students.  (3) Work.  (A) Individual pathology: The fascist boss.  The futz-off subordinate.  Personality conflicts.  (B) Structural pathology: Glass ceilings.  Pay discrimination.  Hiring discrimination.  Sex harassment.  Harassment for any reason.  (4) Government.  (A) Individual pathology: Absent lawmakers.  (B) Structural pathology: Unjust laws made.  ---  3/30/1998

Psychology, pathological.  ---  Inferiority-complex and superiority-complex often go together.  They are like two sides of the same coin.  They are both signs of insecurity.  ---  1/22/2000

Psychology, pathological.  ---  Information and pathology.  (1) Its a problem if there is too much information, or the information is too difficult relative to an individuals mind.  Its a problem even if there is a mere perception that the above is the case.  The therapeutic solution is information management tools like writing, books, computer, music, movies, Internet, etc.  (2) Realization: no one knows it all.  No one knows everything.  Therefore, some degree of uncertainty and ignorance is always present.  At some point we surrender to the flow of information.  ---  1/22/2005

Psychology, pathological.  ---  Information and psycho-pathology.  (1) Paper and computer make it easier to organize and manipulate, record and store, and evaluate your ideas.  (2) This can lead to a better organized mind, better memory, better ideas chosen (knowledge base), and better thinking.  (3) A computer with voice recognition and Internet access makes it easier than ever to gather information (figured and found).  The computer can contribute to psychological health.  ---  03/03/1998

Psychology, pathological.  ---  Information and psycho-pathology.  Information theory and psychological health.  Two branches: knowledge base and thinking skills.  (1) Today we need more information in order to thrive and be psychologically healthy than we did years ago.  (2) The information we need changes more quickly today than years ago.  (3) We have more information (true and false) available today to choose from than years ago.  (4) We must developed two information skills: (A) Active searching, and (B) Critically choosing good from bad.  ---  03/03/1998

Psychology, pathological.  ---  Information and psycho-pathology.  People can be overwhelmed or underwhelmed by (1) The amount of knowledge (truth) needed to survive and thrive in a situation.  (2) The amount of  knowledge (both true and false) available for gathering and use in a situation.  ---  03/03/1998

Psychology, pathological.  ---  Information and psycho-pathology.  See also: sociology of knowledge.  (1) The most important subjects, issues, questions are not kept in front of our faces by the media.  (2) When they are brought up, the most popular answers to important issues are not always the best answers.  (3) Also an individuals needs for information may vary from the average person's needs which the media ladles out.  ---  03/03/1998

Psychology, pathological.  ---  Information and psychopathology.  All sentient beings have information requirements to survive and thrive in their environments.  The question is, is an individual processing enough information to survive and thrive?  Is the individual curious and does the individual search for information, or is the individual information avoidant?  We can talk about the level of information needed to survive and thrive in a society.  What information is needed?  Is that information available?  We can talk about the level of information needed to survive and thrive in a natural environment.  We can talk about the information processing capability of an individual or of a species in general.  To discuss information as a basis concept of psychopathology and psychotherapy is a big step from claiming that most psychopathology and psychotherapy has an emotional basis.  ---  6/5/2005

Psychology, pathological.  ---  Information and psychopathology.  In this age of complexity and information overload, if you don't talk to someone or write for yourself you risk going mad.  We all need a way to process and store information.  The very act of talking and writing helps one process and store information.  ---  8/20/2002

Psychology, pathological.  ---  Information as control and power.  (1) Corporate (hyper-civilized) man has his hands tied.  He cannot punch others, and he cannot curse others, so he resorts to screwing with other people's heads.  Lies and secrets (misinformation).  Information hoarders.  (2) For people who are control freaks, information is a perfect medium to express their need for control.  We cannot control other people perfectly, or ourselves (our drives, emotions, or thoughts), or nature, or circumstances, but we can control information perfectly.  We can control who gets to know what.  We can control who we talk to, and what we tell them.  We can use information as reward, and we can withhold information as punishment.  (3) Academics and computer geeks are arguably two examples of information control/power freaks.  I do this too.  (4) More control freaks.  Shrinks are control freaks, saying who is sane and crazy, and putting people on drugs.  Teachers are control freaks, controlling kids and what kids learn.  (5) The information control freak phenomena is akin to other pathological control/power phenomena such as pathological authoritarian (dictators and their worshipers), militaristic (army hierarchy), and religious personality types.  ---  4/28/1998

Psychology, pathological.  ---  Information deprivation.  (1) Three types of deprivation: sensory deprivation, emotional deprivation, and idea deprivation.  All three types of deprivation can drive a healthy adult to breakdown.  Because sense, emotion and ideas are all forms of information (broadly defined), what is at issue here is information deprivation.  (2) Perhaps too much attention is given in the press to the issue of information overload.  An equally important issue is information deprivation.  The question becomes how to add variety to the information one acquires?  And what is the ideal rate of input of information?  For example, the number of edits per second in films has increased over the past century.  This shows that the comfortable rate of information has increased in society.  Also, the rate of information input increases as the individual grows from child to adult.  ---  8/7/2000

Psychology, pathological.  ---  Information management and its relation to psychological health and psychological growth.  What if you wrote down all your views on all the issues or subjects.  What if you wrote down all your arguments and counterarguments for all your views on all the issues or subjects.  (2) And, on the other hand, what if you did not?  How would it affect your health and development in the long run?  (3) That is, what would happen if you decided to think and feel?  What would happen if you decided to engage in some self-initiated philosophical therapy?  It would help, slowly but surely, via small daily gains.  ---  11/20/2004

Psychology, pathological.  ---  Information related pathologies.  Many people talk about "information overload" in a sense that focuses on the information that we find out from sources outside ourselves such as the media.  However, I say that we figure out as much information as we find out.  And the so called "information overload" has as much to do with information we figure out as find out.  The question becomes, how to deal with all the information we figure out.  Many people simply try not to think and try to ignore the ideas that they do think of.  However, this does little to stifle the production of information (thoughts, emotions, etc.), and this type of repression is in fact unhealthy.  Clearly, better technologies for information management of found-out ideas are called for.  Let's make a note of it.  The point is that the flood of information is unstoppable because it comes from within us as well as outside us.  The best we can do is (1) Take the time to deal with it, and (2) Talk about it, write about it, and otherwise manipulate, organize, store and disseminate it.  ---  2/13/2001

Psychology, pathological.  ---  Integration.  Many people say that "integration" is the main psychological goal.  Integration defined as every thought cohering with every other though.  And every emotion cohering with every thought.  A single, unified, monolithic mind.  I say this idea is overrated.     PART TWO.  They define integration as robust health.  They define disintegration as a nervous breakdown.     PART THREE.  They define disintegration as conflicting thoughts and conflicting emotions.  However, I say this state of mind is okay, perhaps even desirable.  Pluralism is healthy and realistic.     PART FOUR.  They use the notions of "resolved conflicts" and "unresolved conflicts".  I say that "resolved conflicts"  does not mean no conflict.  Rather, it means "I can live with that".  Psychological health does not mean a state of no psychological conflict.  Psychological health means learning to live productively in a state of psychological conflict.  Life is conflict.  The world is conflict ridden.  Our minds are full of conflict.  ---  6/4/2002

Psychology, pathological.  ---  Is the goal of psychology (1) To end craziness.  (2) To end mental suffering of emotional pain.  (3) To promote optimal health, and to fully develop all abilities.  ---  5/30/1998

Psychology, pathological.  ---  Is there anything to feel good about?  Don't get emotionally overwhelmed.  Don't repress either.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, pathological.  ---  Is there just as much psychological illness as physical illness?  Same number of people with same degree of severity causing same levels of incapacitation?  Is there just as much time lost at work to both psychological and physical illness?  ---  02/28/1998

Psychology, pathological.  ---  It is a quite common problem that a person can be a functioning adult, even over-developed in one area, and be totally messed up in another area, having real problems that threaten to destroy their lives, or at least reduce their quality of life.  Easy to have messed up metaphysics, epistemology, ethics, or aesthetic attitudes.  ---  04/24/1997

Psychology, pathological.  ---  It is not easy to optimize your own attitudes, or help someone else optimize their attitudes.  ---  9/26/1999

Psychology, pathological.  ---  It is so easy to slip away mentally.  It does not take much.  ---  04/24/1997

Psychology, pathological.  ---  It is very easy to temporarily injure, permanently injure, or even destroy yourself physically.  It is equally easy to temporarily injure, permanently injure, or even destroy yourself psychologically.  Many people do not recognize the latter.  ---  1/7/2000

Psychology, pathological.  ---  Just like we have physical self defense technologies, we can have psychological self defense technologies.  Just like we have physical hygiene technologies, we can have psychological hygiene technologies.  ---  1/1/2005

Psychology, pathological.  ---  Keeping busy.  "I don't have time to worry about such trivial matters".  Keeping busy can keep you from going nuts by keeping you from worrying (obsessing) about things you need not.  This is a different phenomenon than that described by the proverb "Evil finds work for idle hands".  ---  7/24/1998

Psychology, pathological.  ---  Labeling.  "Crazy" is a label that people slap on each other in order to ostracize, dis-empower, devalue, and control.  It is a power-play.  ---  10/10/1998

Psychology, pathological.  ---  Labeling.  Both of these types of labeling can be limiting in a negative way.  (1) Social labeling: when society tells you who you are.  (2) Self labeling: when you tell yourself who you are.  ---  6/4/2002

Psychology, pathological.  ---  Labeling.  By peers: family, workers.  By professionals: doctors, shrinks.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, pathological.  ---  Labeling.  The "crazy" and "not crazy" labels are not very helpful.  There are many psychological problems that people can have, with many possible causes for each problem, and with many possible solutions for each problem.  It is an oversimplification to label people "crazy" and "not crazy".  ---  6/15/2004

Psychology, pathological.  ---  Layman's pathological psychology 101.  Three levels of psycho-pathology: a little screwed up; medium screwed up; very screwed up.  (1) Everyone is at least a little screwed up.  We are all neurotic.  They do not need special help.  (2) The medium screwed up people could improve, stay the same, or get worse.  They need help.  Even a kind word or gesture can keep them this side of crazy.  (3) The very screwed up can not be helped.  This may not be totally true.  John Nash recovered from schizophrenia.  (4) The main point may be that everyone needs our help.  ---  7/10/1998

Psychology, pathological.  ---  Learning.  Effect of learning on psychological health.  (1) In order to mature and reach optimal health we have a lot to learn.  (2) A problem is when we study wrong areas, and thus do not learn what we need to learn, and thus lose, or fail to gain, psychological health.  (3) Can learning be done through formal education?  (4) Can learning be done through self education?  If so, can it be done actively or is it all passive?  If it can be done actively, can the Notes help us learn faster and more, and thus contribute to psychological health?  (5) In psycho-therapy it can be said we get healthy by learning.  (6) It can be said we are learning all the time.  Some learn faster than others.  Some learn unhealthy (wrong, bad) attitudes and habits.  Some do not learn fast enough to survive in society.  Some do not learn fast enough to stay psychologically healthy.  (7) In fragile and susceptible individuals, learning can make the difference between going nuts and not crumbling under stress.  (8) If we fail to learn, or learn the wrong thing, then pathological psychology can occur.  You can fail to grow.  You can fail to mature.  Education is about getting healthy.  (9) Repression forms a learning disability.  (10) We learn (or fail to learn) not just the content of our minds (facts), but also how to use our minds (methods).  And we learn behavior too.  ---  4/7/1998

Psychology, pathological.  ---  Letting things bug you too much, letting things bother you too much, is not good because it can lead to an emotional breakdown.  ---  1/14/2003

Psychology, pathological.  ---  Life has many, powerful stresses.  One defense against those stresses is thinking, writing, communicating, and information management.  For example, Rational Emotive therapy, talk therapy, writing therapy.  Avoid boredom, meaninglessness, and wasted lives.  Create meaningful lives.  Optimize your life.  Fall back on your Reasons in times of stress and trouble.  ---  8/25/2006

Psychology, pathological.  ---  Lingering effects.  How long does pathological experience or pathological behavior continue to affect you.  Some people never get over some things.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, pathological.  ---  Lost.  When you are lost among people, for example in town, the feeling you have is much less terrifying than being lost alone, for example in the wilderness.  This has an important correlate in that when you become psychologically lost among people, it is much less terrifying than becoming psychologically lost alone.  ---  11/13/1999

Psychology, pathological.  ---  Making enemies.  Fear of reprisal leading to passivity (unhealthy) vs. confronting and dealing with problems, sticking up for self, not taking any shit (healthy).  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, pathological.  ---  Malfunctioning minds vs. shabbily built minds.  Real ignorance of metaphyscis, epistemology, and ethics of the world.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, pathological.  ---  Me.  My main current problems - causes, symptoms, therapies.  How bad, how often do these problems get.  How much resources do I lose to them?  What could I accomplish with out them, how good could I get?  What's going right in my psychological life?  What state do I want to get to (ideals)?  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, pathological.  ---  Mechanism.  What is the mechanism by which psychopathology progresses?  What are the principles of psychopathology?  (1) The idea of increase in severity from minor severity to major severity.  (2) The idea of spread from localized to globalized.  That is, one area of the mind to many areas of the mind.  One subject topic to many subject topics.  (3) Self perpetuating feedback loops.  The notion of the negative spiral and the positive spiral.  (4) The notion of system shutdown.  The mind has various systems, for example, emotion, memory, thought, etc., that can shut down when under stress.  (5) The idea of levels of incapacitation.  For example, fully functioning, partially degraded, and completely incapacitated.  ---  6/6/2005

Psychology, pathological.  ---  Memory and psychopathology.  Forgetting and its resulting mental disorganization can cause a depression that kills.  This is one reason why notes are so important.  ---  03/03/1998

Psychology, pathological.  ---  Mental hang ups, blocks and obstacles lead to gaps, weak areas and things never experienced or learned.  ---  3/29/2000

Psychology, pathological.  ---  Mental health is not automatic.  Mental development is not automatic.  Mental neglect yields mental rust, yields mental entropy.  Never learning, or learning and then forgetting, means never developing intellectually, emotionally, socially, etc.  ---  5/16/2002

Psychology, pathological.  ---  Mental health, like physical health, is not automatic.  Mental health takes work.  And neglecting and abusing your mind, like neglecting and abusing your body, can be very dangerous.  Most people don't realize they have to take care of their mind.  Like poor physical condition, some people start from poor mental health.  Like physical condition, mental condition can be improved with work.  We should learn to assess our mental condition as well as our physical condition.  ---  01/23/1997

Psychology, pathological.  ---  Mental illness as a form of monopoly or dictatorship of the mind.  Preoccupation.  Obsession.  Some people call it a weight.  ---  6/4/2002

Psychology, pathological.  ---  Mental illness by demographic segments.  (1)(A) Highly intelligent people keenly notice the absurdity and irrationality of life, and it can drive them nuts.  Life is not logical.  (B) The highly intelligent are susceptible to repression of emotion by reason.  (2)(A) Low intelligence people have difficulty figuring out their problems, and that can drive them nuts.  (B) Low intelligence people are susceptible to emotion overpowering limited reasoning.  ---  8/9/1998

Psychology, pathological.  ---  Mental illness, mental pain, and death at a young age are not events that must inevitably occur, or that should occur.  There are healthy, happy people who live long lives, and are still ethical, smart, and creative.  The above statements are tough for depressed people to believe.  I had to struggle to get myself to believe them.  I had to see an example or model of healthy, smart, creative, hip people.  They are rare.  ---  04/24/1997

Psychology, pathological.  ---  Mentalizing (drive, remembering, feeling, thinking) makes something real.  Writing makes it more real.  Saying makes it even more real.  Acting makes it even more real.  Your mind may require you to mentalize, write, say, or act about a thing, and if you only write about something when your mind wants you to do more, like say or act, then psychological problems result.  My mind asks me to write a lot, but I need to talk too.  ---  3/30/1998

Psychology, pathological.  ---  Mind.  (1) Most pathological psychology cases, that is, most people, need very slight but very important adjustments to their understanding, which can make vast improvements in their lives, and thus make them very happy.  It is difficult to detect these small problems, difficult to determine their causes, and difficult to find a cure or solution.  ---  05/20/1994

Psychology, pathological.  ---  Much attention has been given by the media to the hyperactive individuals.  But not much attention has been given by the media to the hypoactive individuals, the inactive, the couch potatoes.  ---  11/30/1999

Psychology, pathological.  ---  My approach-avoidant behavior is conflicted and neurotic.  On the one hand I am flirtatious and charming in order to try to attract people.  On the other hand I say provocative (provoking) things in order to drive them away.  Or is it that I am just politically on the cutting-edge?  Or is it that I am just being honest and open which is good?  ---  8/27/1998

Psychology, pathological.  ---  My superego and id are ripping my ego apart.  Strengthen that ego.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, pathological.  ---  Negative emotions like anger, depression and anxiety.  Degree and frequency amounts.  Its okay to feel these ways a little and sometimes, but its not good to feel these ways a lot (acute) or all the time (chronic).  ---  12/27/2003

Psychology, pathological.  ---  Negativity is a head fake.  Negativity is a self psych out.  Even if conditions are bad, stay positive and do your best to improve the situation.  ---  5/1/2006

Psychology, pathological.  ---  Neglect.  Four types of neglect by parents.  (1) Emotional neglect.  Parent as the robot.  (2) Intellectual neglect.  Anti-intellectual views of religious or military groups and parents.  (3) Memory neglect.  Parent refuses to talk about the past with children.  (4) Drive neglect.  No goals.  ---  02/28/1998

Psychology, pathological.  ---  Nervous breakdown defined as exhaustion or incapacitation due extreme amounts and prolonged amounts of negative emotions like anxiety, depression and anger.  Its surprising, if you ask around, just how many people have had a "nervous breakdown".  Its also surprising how many people fully recover given time.  ---  8/21/2004

Psychology, pathological.  ---  Nervous breakdown.  One can feel as if one has no mental defenses.  Every nerve exposed.  A psychologically healthy adult can automatically (unconsciously) sense that they are heading towards a nervous breakdown and instinctually take steps to avoid it.  A psychologically unhealthy person veers uncontrollably into nervous breakdown.  ---  3/21/2001

Psychology, pathological.  ---  New problems develop and old problems fade as you change.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, pathological.  ---  Not wanting to join the crowd and get caught up in bull shit led me to (1) Inaction, (2) Not thinking, (3) Not writing.  I was happy that I was not with them, but I was depressed because I was free but had no answer or goal beyond that (beyond just being free).  The california dream (surf and climb subcultures) was a step up, but not the top answer.  ---  11/08/1993

Psychology, pathological.  ---  Often times people do not know what they feel.  People do not know why they are acting the way they are acting.  People do not know why they think a certain way, or why they believe what they believe.  People do not know exactly what is bothering them.  This is the case for the unconscious.  ---  3/30/1998

Psychology, pathological.  ---  Package deal.  (1) Negative feelings come in packs.  You cannot talk about depression without talking about anxiety, anger, etc.  (2) Positive feelings come in packs.  You cannot talk about happiness without talking about self-esteem, hope, etc. (3) The mind rises and falls as one, all together.  ---  10/05/1997

Psychology, pathological.  ---  Package deal.  Pessimism, anxiety, fear, depression, and anger are sisters.  If you are convinced things will go bad then you fear it, and you are depressed about it, and you are angry about it.  When people give up fighting, and feel whooped, and feel resignation, their anger becomes depression.  ---  3/30/1998

Psychology, pathological.  ---  Package deal.  The areas of the mind are connected.  Psychological problems combine, coincide and reinforce each other, so that a person weak in one psychological areas will likely experience problems in other psychological areas.  The result is global, systemic psychopathology that affects the entire mind.  What are some of the symptoms?  (1) The person has not a lot of information in mind.  They are unlikely to figure out information.  They are unlikely to find out information.  (2) Poor social skills.  Few friends.  Isolated.  Poor job performance.  Poor school performance.  (3) A lot of wrong ideas.  A lot of crappy attitudes.  A crappy personality.  Crappy mood.  (4) Difficulty learning.  Uncertainty.  Confusion.  Ignorance.  Poor logic.  Frequently draw wrong conclusions and thus take wrong actions.  (5) Memory.  Lack of memory.  See no sense or logic in their memories.  No useful lessons learned.  Painful memories, emotional and psychological pain.  (6) Emotion.  Emotional confusion and emotional ignorance.  In addition, confusion and ignorance of ideas causes emotional anger, sadness, anxiety about the future, regrets about the past, mistrust and low self-esteem.  (7) It takes a while for this type of systematic decay to occur.  It can take a lifetime of neglect to occur.  And it also takes a long time to counteract and improve.  ---  7/20/2001

Psychology, pathological.  ---  Past was bad, future looks worse.  Yet probability equivalents of lotto wins do take place.  Prepare yourself to meet opportunity.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, pathological.  ---  Pathological psychology slides: rate, degree, time down, speed and extent of recovery.  See death spirals and growth spirals.  Problems can cause other problems.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, pathological.  ---  Pathological psychology sufferers band together.  (1) To admit they have a problem.  (2) To say they don't, and try to legitimize activity.  (3) Try to keep it to themselves vs. get others into it.  (4) Ask them (A) Do you think it is good or bad?  (B) How much resources do you put into it?  (C) Why do you think you do it?  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, pathological.  ---  Peace of mind and its relationship to mental health.  Peace of mind vs. getting yourself worked up into a lather.  Sometimes it's good not to care.  However, is not "not caring" the same as saying "I accept" (acceptance)?  Some things you should not accept.  Unjust things should bother you.  But other things should not make you hot and bothered, they should not drive you nuts.  Nothing should bug you so much that it drives you nuts.  It's a fine balance to strike.  ---  7/30/1998

Psychology, pathological.  ---  People who always feel the need to prove they are better than everyone they meet.  Hypercompetitive.  Hypercombative.  Hypercapitalists.  Hypermilitarists.  (1)  Who have low self esteem.  Who have a tendency to overcompensate for their personal shortcomings.  Who have something to prove.  (2) Who were taught that all life is war, or all life is a competition, and that everyone they meet is a foe or opponent to be vanquished or beaten.  ---  11/18/2003

Psychology, pathological.  ---  People who are half crazy.  They seem normal at first, but then you find out that they are cannibals, serial killers, nazi's, or believe in a flat earth.  ---  6/10/1999

Psychology, pathological.  ---  Perhaps the difference between mental illness, average health, and optimal health is just a matter of degree.  And if it is true that you can develop your mind toward optimal health, then perhaps the opposite is true.  If you let your thinking skills, knowledge base, emotional intelligence, memory, and social abilities all degrade further and further, then perhaps that makes it easier to go mad.  ---  3/21/1999

Psychology, pathological.  ---  Pop and folk psychology terms and cures for pathological psychological problems.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, pathological.  ---  Psychological hardiness and robustness can be self-developed in an individual.  Psychological fragility and susceptibility need not be permanent.  Self statements like, "I can handle this.  I'm not going to let this event or situation get me down, or scare me, or enrage me.  This is just temporary.  I have a lot to live for.  Life is good."  Ideas contribute to health.  Thoughts help us cope with adversity, setbacks, injustice, bad luck, etc.  ---  6/15/2004

Psychology, pathological.  ---  Psychological ills are often coincident with other ills such as oppression, exploitation, injustice, poverty, physical illness, no education, abuse, neglect, etc.  ---  12/27/2003

Psychology, pathological.  ---  Psychosis.  Episodal psychosis is a scary concept.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, pathological.  ---  Psychotic: delusions, hallucinations.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, pathological.  ---  Resilience.  Humans are psychologically resilient creatures.  Humans get knocked down and then get back up.  Humans go underwater and then bob back up to the surface.  How many other resilience metaphors are there?  The key is to hang on till you feel well again.  ---  6/5/2005

Psychology, pathological.  ---  Schizophrenia is the worst.  (1) Rates.  (2) Causes.  (3) Prevention or reversal.  Would less stress help those at risk?  Would more social support help those at risk?  Would interaction with model healthy people and model healthy groups help those at risk?  To what degree can the Internet help provide support?  What percentage of neurotics slide into schizophrenia?  ---  2/27/2001

Psychology, pathological.  ---  Secrets and lying and psychopathology.  Two postulates: Secrets and lying are related to each other;  Secrets and lying are both related to repression and neurosis.  (1) The problem with lying to other people is that we often start lying to ourselves.  The problem with keeping secrets from other people is that we often start keeping secrets from ourselves.  (2) Secrets are a type of lying in that when we keep a secret we are not telling the whole truth.  Lying is a type of secret in that when we lie we keep hidden the truth.  (3) Repression can be viewed as a type of lying or secret from oneself.  When we repress we refuse to confront and fully acknowledge psychological pain and the events that cause it.  That is, when we repress we keep hidden or fail to fully face the truth.  When we repress we lie and keep secrets from ourselves, and neurosis results.  (4) There is a truism to the effect that we all, to some degree, lie to and keep secrets from other people.  Perhaps it is equally true that we all, to some degree, lie to and keep secrets from ourselves.  However, contra the above idea, I think an Open Society (to use Popper's phrase) is a psychologically healthy society.  And similarly, I think an open individual is a psychologically healthy individual.  An open individual tries to keep a minimum of lies and secrets from both other people and themselves.  ---  8/31/2001

Psychology, pathological.  ---  Self control.  One view: pathological psychology is when you are out of control of yourself.  Whether you are out of control in addiction, or out of control of your emotions, or anything else.  Two opposing views: control as promoting tranquillity and health vs. control as repression and cause of illness.  ---  11/28/1993

Psychology, pathological.  ---  Self induced nervous breakdown.  (1) Thought induced nervous breakdowns.  Negative thoughts can so impede capability that they induce nervous breakdowns.  (2) Emotion induced nervous breakdowns.  Anger, anxiety and depression can can so impede capability that they induce nervous breakdowns.  ---  12/21/2002

Psychology, pathological.  ---  Self induced nervous breakdown.  Just the perception of adverse conditions, even if it is wrongly imagined, can make someone feel pain or go crazy.  This is why optimism is best?  ---  5/30/1998

Psychology, pathological.  ---  Self-induced nervous breakdown.  Psyching oneself out is a big part of pathological psychology.  The steps involved are... (1) Imagining the worst possible scenario.  (2) Focusing on the possibility that it could happen.  (3) You can give yourself a nervous breakdown by dwelling on one's frailties instead of one's powers.  There is such a thing as self-induced nervous breakdown, rather than nervous breakdown induced by others.  To prevent it, you have to give yourself some slack.  ---  2/19/2000

Psychology, pathological.  ---  Self-induced nervous breakdown.  Some people create imaginary monsters and then let those monsters destroy them.  That is, some people, rather than being destroyed by reality, are destroyed by a mental monster that they themselves have created.  Misperception of reality can be a dangerous thing.  ---  1/16/2000

Psychology, pathological.  ---  Self-induced psychological breakdowns.  To put too much pressure on oneself.  To drive self too hard.  To expect too much from self.  One can give oneself a nervous breakdown even when one is in a totally healthy and benign environment.  ---  3/30/2000

Psychology, pathological.  ---  Sensory deprivation makes people go haywire.  No people,  blank walls, that is a bad situation.  ---  10/2/2003

Psychology, pathological.  ---  Severity of psychological problems, analogies.  (1) In a rut.  Spinning your wheels.  (2) In a hole.  Can get out with someone's help.  (3) In the abyss.  (4) Fell off the face of the earth.  ---  11/20/2004

Psychology, pathological.  ---  Simple repetitive tasks like sports, prayer beads, and arts and crafts.  Do they calm the mind or do they just block the mind, a form of repressed psychotic behavior, like a psychotic banging their head on the wall?  Adherents of these activities argue the former is the case, but I think actually the latter is the case.  ---  3/30/1998

Psychology, pathological.  ---  Since we have identified the neuro-transmitters that control sadness and anxiety, and since we have developed drugs for them, perhaps we can do the same for the emotions of anger, horror, plus all the other emotions.  ---  4/23/1999

Psychology, pathological.  ---  Some people feel knocked about by life.  Some people have been battered by life to the point where they think that anything they think is wrong, anything they say is wrong and anything they do is wrong.  That is an untrue, unhealthy and unjust state of mind.  Yet if you tell them they are mistaken in their view they will react by saying, "See, wrong again".  So when a person has suffered as series of major setbacks and has fallen into a state of thinking that everything they say or do is wrong, one must reassure them that they are doing many things competently.  ---  11/12/2004

Psychology, pathological.  ---  Some principles of pathological psychology.  (1) Depression, anxiety and anger cannot be separated at base.  The negative emotions of depression, anxiety and anger travel together.  Thus, if you are experiencing one negative emotion then you are experiencing all the other negative emotions.  Likewise, the positive emotions travel together, and so if you are experiencing one positive emotion then you are experiencing all the positive emotions.  (2) Emotion, memory and thought cannot be separated.  Emotion, memory and thought live together.  Thus, if you are experiencing the negative emotions then you are also experiencing negative memories and thoughts.  Likewise, if you are experiencing positive emotions then you are also experiencing positive memories and positive thoughts.  (4) The major cause of most mental problems is the processing of negative, painful emotions, memories and thoughts.  ---  6/4/2005

Psychology, pathological.  ---  Stress can drive you nuts.  You have to know when and how to give yourself a break.  Know when to let up on your reins.  Know how much to push on your accelerator.  Know how "intense" to be.  Know how much to let things bother you.  ---  7/24/1998

Psychology, pathological.  ---  Susceptibility in general vs. at any moment, to specific causes or to specific forms of pathological psychology effects.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, pathological.  ---  Susceptibility.  (1) Stability.  Variation in behavior given a constant environment.  (2) Susceptibility.  Probability of decay (to any level, frequency) given a change in environment.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, pathological.  ---  Susceptibility.  Life transitions are danger points.  A life transition is where the old way of doing things no longer satisfies.  Unless you can find actually satisfying and healthy new ways, you will slide into alcohol, drugs, or suicide.  ---  10/05/1997

Psychology, pathological.  ---  Susceptibility.  Mental illness.  One view says this world is so absurd and unjust that it would naturally drive any logical and fair person crazy.  So the people who go crazy are really the best, most sensitive and intelligent people.  This is the romantic view of mental illness.  ---  12/01/1993

Psychology, pathological.  ---  Susceptibility.  People most susceptible to going nuts.  (1) The fragile.  Those who are not robust, and who are knocked off kilter easily, and go nuts.  (2) The sensitive.  They feel pain more than others.  They repress the pain to avoid dealing with it, and go nuts.  (3) The fearful.  They are apprehensive, avoidant, and repressive, and go nuts.  ---  06/05/1997

Psychology, pathological.  ---  Susceptibility.  People with above average pain levels (sensitive), and below average coping levels (repression, addiction, etc.), spells disaster.  ---  10/25/1997

Psychology, pathological.  ---  Susceptibility.  Smart people go nuts easier.  They have more thoughts available both to repress, and to let get into a disorganized mess.  The dumb have few thoughts.  They think mostly of finding food, getting laid, etc.  ---  02/15/1997

Psychology, pathological.  ---  Susceptibility.  The scary thing about psychology is a that seemingly normal people can be one small step away from psychological breakdown at any time.  You do not know it, and they do not know it.  You can not tell what will cause it or prevent it, and they can not tell what will cause it or prevent it.  Tread lightly on them.  Be proactive.  Be loving, gentle, and sensitive.  Show them the good way to do things, and do not criticize their bad ways because that is all they have.  ---  10/05/1997

Psychology, pathological.  ---  Symptoms of the neurotic, repressed, sub-optimal mind.  Atrophied, shriveled, small (talking about the mind here, not the physical brain).  Rusty, dusty.  Unorganized, scattered.  Forgetful.  Poorly operating.  Ineffective, inefficient.  A bother to use.  Not easy, not enjoyable.  Fearful, apprehensive, avoidant.  Poor picture of the world.  Not in touch with reality.  Immobilized.  Not nimble.  Goes in circles.  Does not grow.  Static,  frozen.  Boarded up, ghost town.  Closed.  Poor values.  Poor ethics.  Poor judgment.  Poor decision making.  Poor goals.  Poor social relations.  Poor self direction.  ---  4/1/2000

Psychology, pathological.  ---  Symptoms: apathy, depression, confusion, addiction,  non-motivation, no zest for life.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, pathological.  ---  The amazing thing is how mental illness seems to be able to strike anyone at anytime without warning.  (1) We have so much freedom today, and make so many judgments.  Therefore the effects of poor mental conditions, and the poor judgments they lead to, is greater.  (2) We are more independent, and so more alone.  Less social connections, less talking, and less friends, makes us more susceptible to mental illness.  (3) The means to kill oneself are more readily available today.  ---  02/28/1998

Psychology, pathological.  ---  The big questions.  When does mind and behavior become sub-optimal and pathological.  What frequency, degree, situations, types.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, pathological.  ---  The future can cause as much neurosis as the past.  People get anxious, apprehensive and fearful.  Then they become avoidant and repressed.  This is the argument to "Live in the moment".  All we can do, we can only do now.  But there are also good arguments for planning for the future and evaluating the past.  (2) Natural cowardice is mentally unhealthy.  But it can be changed with techniques.  (3)(A) Fear can cause depression.  Fear can cause repression and neurosis.  (B) Depression can cause fear.  When you see no good, all looks bad, and you naturally fear.  It is a viscous cycle.  ---  12/15/1998

Psychology, pathological.  ---  The neurotic.  Something is bothering me greatly.  I do not know what or why.  How to figure it out?  ---  12/20/1998

Psychology, pathological.  ---  The problem is not merely that people are economically poor.  The problem is that people often have a bunch of f*cked up attitudes that keep them stupid, alone, drunk, crazy, or vegetated.  The world has an attitude problem.  ---  9/26/1999

Psychology, pathological.  ---  The spectrum from best to worst.  (1) People who are healthy and believe that they are healthy.  (2) People who are ill and believe that they are ill.  (3) People who are healthy but believe that they are ill.  (4) People who are ill but believe that they are healthy.  ---  2/6/2000

Psychology, pathological.  ---  Thinking and psychopathology.  Information overload vs. information starvation.  Thought overload vs. thought neglect.  Both pairs can cause a depression and kills.  ---  03/03/1998

Psychology, pathological.  ---  Thinking and psychopathology.  To say that either lack of information, or lack of learning, or lack of creativity contributes to psychopathology is to say that thinking, rather than emotion, is at issue.  ---  6/6/2005

Psychology, pathological.  ---  Thinking and psychopathology.  Ways to go nuts in the realm of thinking.  (1) Poor thinking skills.  (2) Lack of knowledge.  (3) Disorganization of knowledge.  (4) Poor storage and retrieval ability.  ---  3/20/1999

Psychology, pathological.  ---  Three views of psychopathology.  (1) Thought-based definitions of psychopathology.  Psychopathology as either springing from or resulting in illogical or irrational thought.  Also ignorance.  (2) Emotion-based definitions of psychopathology.  Psychopathology as either springing from or resulting in emotional pain.  (3) Ethics-based definitions of psychopathology.  Psychopathology as either springing from or resulting in unethical behavior.  ---  11/20/2004

Psychology, pathological.  ---  Too much super-ego:  (1) Fear of being punished.  Fear of being hit.  Fearful, apprehensive and pessimistic.  (2) Excessive obedience.  Submissive.  Can't think for self or act on own.  ---  4/1/2000

Psychology, pathological.  ---  Too tired to care.  Beyond fear.  When you are exhausted you do not fear.  Lack of physical energy can reduce fear.  An excess of physical energy can lead to more fear.  People with energy to burn can be higher strung.  A high metabolism can create neurosis, because energy creates fear, and fear creates neurosis.  Work therapy to occupy and workout the mind, and tire out the body.  ---  9/30/1998

Psychology, pathological.  ---  Total pathological psychological complex.  (1) Pathological psychology in an individual, in a society.  (2) Type, duration, frequency, severity.  (3) Optimal vs. sub-optimal vs. abnormal or pathological.  (4) Healthy vs. unhealthy.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, pathological.  ---  Tweaking the mind.  Identifying weak areas.  Identifying ideal condition.  Identifying techniques for improvement.  It's a matter of paying more and closer attention to your mind and behavior.  It is not necessarily that a problem is present.  You just want to improve.  Getting knowledgeable third party opinions (shrink).  Learning more about psychology from books, lectures, etc.  ---  8/29/1998

Psychology, pathological.  ---  Two big problems with mental illness.  (1) The person often cannot detect its onset.  (2) Even if the person could detect its onset, the person is often not able to stop its onset.  ---  7/24/1998

Psychology, pathological.  ---  Two main objections people wrongly use to avoid psychological self help (like the Notes).  (1) I was born dumb and can not think of ideas to help myself.  (2) I am already impaired beyond help (self help or other help).  ---  1/25/1998

Psychology, pathological.  ---  Two phenomena.  (1) Knocked down.  How not to get knocked down so far.  How to have a potentially major psychological setback actually be only a minor setback.  There are steps we can take.  (2) Bounce back.  How to bounce back faster?  There are steps we can take.  ---  6/15/2004

Psychology, pathological.  ---  Two possibilities.  (1) When someone is more pathological than conditions warrant.  "Nothing should have driven this person nuts."  (2) When someone is less pathological than conditions warrant.  "X situation would drive the average person how crazy?"  ---  3/25/1999

Psychology, pathological.  ---  Two problems:  (1) Impoverished.  In terms of emotions, ideas and attitudes.  (2) Got it all wrong.  A cluster f*ck of attitudes.  ---  12/4/1999

Psychology, pathological.  ---  Two problems.  (1) Too rigid.  Extremists and fanatics.  Kill self or others.  (2) Too flexible.  Blow with the wind.  Can not commit.  Can not take a stand.  Accomplish nothing.  ---  1/1/1999

Psychology, pathological.  ---  Two states.  (1) Relaxed and loose (psychologically and physically) means open, unfearful, optimistic, childlike, happy and healthy.  (2) Tense and tight (psychologically and physically) means closed, fearful, pessimistic, unhappy and unhealthy.  ---  7/24/1998

Psychology, pathological.  ---  Two unhealthy states:  (1) Completely unable to be present here and now.  (2) Its opposite is total atemporality: no memory and no future thinking.  ---  12/27/2003

Psychology, pathological.  ---  Two variables: the speed of onset of an illness and the speed of recovery from illness.  Either can be quick or slow.  This produces four types of illness.  Quick onset and quick recovery.  Slow onset and quick recovery.  Quick recovery and slow onset.  Slow onset and slow recovery.  ---  1/4/2004

Psychology, pathological.  ---  Types of psychopathologies.  (1) Psychopathologies related to area of life.  Work.  Relationships.  School.  Leisure.  (2) Psychopathologies related to area of mind.  Memory.  Drive.  Emotion (ex. anxiety, anger, depression).  Thoughts (ex. negativism).  (3) Psychopathologies related to time.  Past (regret).  Present.  Future (apprehension).  (4) Psychopathologies related to physical processes.  Diet.  Sleep.  Exercise.  (5) Psychopathologies related to: Thinking.  Saying.  Doing.  (6) Psychopathologies related to: Behavior.  Experiences.  Environment.  (7) All of the above areas are interrelated and interact.  Anything not well in one area can cause problems in other areas.  ---  6/19/2004

Psychology, pathological.  ---  Types of psychopathology.  Problems classified by mental area.  (1) Environment, experience, perception, attention, memory, emotion, thought, motivation, drive, behavior, attitudes, personality.  (2) Biochemical: sleep, food, age, exercise.  (3) Stress: too much, too quick.  Overloading: results in confusion.  Breaking: results in disintegration.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, pathological.  ---  Weak link analogy.  Your mental health is only as strong as your weakest mental link, whether that link be drive, memory, emotion, thinking, social cognition, etc.  One needs to build the whole mind.  Identify and work on weak areas.  ---  4/20/1999

Psychology, pathological.  ---  What kind of civilization is it when sensitive, intelligent people are killing themselves, and the dim, bullying people are not killing themselves?  I'm starting the "Save the Geniuses" foundation.  If you are a genius and in pain then give the foundation a call and they will help you so you don't have to kill yourself.  Its a huge problem and one that is not recognized by society.  "Life is pain.", the Buddha said.  Every single person is going to go through several periods of almost overwhelming emotional pain in their lives.  Every single person is at risk for depression, anxiety and suicide.  Humans are evolving to become more sensitive and intelligent, so that makes the issue more pressing.  ---  7/7/2005

Psychology, pathological.  ---  What.  Everyone is mentally ill by type, by degree.  Perfect health is an unobtainable ideal.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, pathological.  ---  What.  Everyone is neurotic by degree.  Everyone represses, everyone uses defense mechanisms.  It is just a matter of degree, types, frequency, persistence.  Everyone is mentally ill by degree.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, pathological.  ---  What.  Illness, disease, disorder, injury.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, pathological.  ---  What.  Inability of individual to (1) Understand or make sense of self.  (2) Control self.  (3) Make sense of environment or situation (or any part of it).  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, pathological.  ---  What.  More than one pathological psychology condition can exist in an individual.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, pathological.  ---  What.  Pathological conditions are easy to get into, but tough and long to get out of.  ---  10/05/1994

Psychology, pathological.  ---  What.  Pathological mind and pathological behavior affect each other.  Both reduce thinking and ability.  ---  03/01/1993

Psychology, pathological.  ---  What.  People slip in and out of neurosis.  People move up and down a mental health/illness scale, with or without realizing it.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, pathological.  ---  What.  Two views.  (1) The mentally healthy see things as they are.  Then there are those who see things slightly skewed.  The skewed can be looked at as sick, or they can be looked at as valuable.  (2) Everyone's mind is different.  All combinations are possible.  Infinite variety.  Everyone has a different view of life.  Duh?  ---  10/12/1998

Psychology, pathological.  ---  What's the price you pay for being screwed up?  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, pathological.  ---  When a person lives most of their life in an emotionally painful state (simultaneously sad, angry and fearful) they tend not to like themselves, other people and the world.  They become loners who try to escape other people.  They try to escape themselves with booze.  They try to escape this world with booze.  ---  8/30/2001

Psychology, pathological.  ---  When does "I read that situation completely wrong" become paranoid delusions, or delusions of grandeur, etc?  When do everyday perceptual mistakes become pathological conditions?  ---  02/05/1998

Psychology, pathological.  ---  When people have a whole bunch of bad (wrong, unhealthy) attitudes, we do not call them crazy.  We call them ignorant.  But school, which is the traditional social institution for educating the ignorant, is not often successful in unscrewing their attitudes.  The ignorant person needs intensive, one on one therapy, over a long period of time.  A new type of shrink/philosopher could do this.  ---  5/20/1998

Psychology, pathological.  ---  When something is bothering you unconsciously and consciously, it monopolizes the mind, and it prevents the mind from doing all that it is supposed to be doing (drive, memory, emotion, and thinking).  Mental illness results.  ---  2/28/1999

Psychology, pathological.  ---  Why is health important?  (1) Effects on individual, and effects on society.  (2) Pain - to self, to others.  (3) Uses up societies resources (time, money, materials).  (4) Waste of individual and opportunities.  (5) Unethical.  (6) Reduced productivity.  ---  12/30/1992

Psychology, pathological.  ---  Why.  We have an ethical duty to ourselves to get yourself in optimal mind and behavior.  Rational, semi-manic state.  ---  12/30/1992

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Paul Nervy Notes. Copyright 1988-2007 by Paul Nervy.