Psychology, personality, traits. --- .See also: Philosophy, people. --- 12/30/1992
Psychology, personality, traits. --- .This section is about personality traits. Topics include: ( ) List of traits. --- 1/24/2006
Psychology, personality, traits. --- (1) Austere, severe, classic, formal, ascetic (spiritual, intellectual, physical), cold, aloof, serious (restrained). Vs. Trendy, frivolous, fun, materialistic, comfortable, casual, warm, friendly. (2) Hardworking and pragmatic vs. radical and daring. (3) Proper vs. improper. --- 08/20/1994
Psychology, personality, traits. --- (1) Best traits. Just, confrontational, reflective, quick, precise and accurate, endurance, smart, brave, unforgiving, strong, fair. (2) Worst traits: opposites of above. --- 12/30/1992
Psychology, personality, traits. --- (1) Confirmation of reality and those people who need it desperately. Tradition, ritual, comfort, security, order, structure, old. This is the inertia of society. Rituals are repetitive, non-religious practices. (2) Who has trouble with the above? Those easily bored. Those with curiosity. Those with imagination. Those with active minds. --- 2/4/2002
Psychology, personality, traits. --- (1) Dislike: east coast, gold chain ism, american princess ism, religion, conservative, conformist. (2) Like: west coast, desert, independence, sensitive, strong. --- 12/30/1992
Psychology, personality, traits. --- (1) Open minded vs. closed minded. (2) No opinions on anything vs. very opinionated on everything. (3) Polite, deferring and considerate vs. even tempered vs. rude. (4) "We're all friends" and harmony vs. competition and conflict. --- 12/30/1992
Psychology, personality, traits. --- (1) Past oriented vs. future oriented. (2) Limit oriented (can't do, must do) vs. freedom oriented (can do, choose to do). --- 5/27/2002
Psychology, personality, traits. --- Achievers (set on accomplishing something). Social drones vs. creative vs. thrill seekers (for fun). Healthy vs. unhealthy. --- 12/30/1992
Psychology, personality, traits. --- Bad: fear, discouragement, pessimism, distraction, bored, unmotivated, no self confidence. Good: courage, perseverance, optimism, concentration, interested, motivation, self confidence. --- 3/30/1998
Psychology, personality, traits. --- Brains with no character, no spine, over-civilized, no strength. --- 05/30/1993
Psychology, personality, traits. --- Broad minded vs. narrow minded. Open minded vs. close minded. --- 12/30/1992
Psychology, personality, traits. --- Can we say empiricists are extroverts, and rationalists are introverts? --- 12/29/1997
Psychology, personality, traits. --- Compromise. Two opposing views of compromise, as described by two pairs of adjectives. Is it being practical and adaptable or is it being unprincipled and wishy washy? --- 7/30/2002
Psychology, personality, traits. --- Eclectic vs. scatter brained. Shallow, narrow minded, one track vs. deep. --- 04/01/1994
Psychology, personality, traits. --- Explorers. (1) Wanderers: aimless. (2) Seekers, pilgrims: looking for the known. (3) Explorers: of the unknown. (4) These personality types are sometimes products of dissatisfaction, boredom, unhappiness, un-peacefulness. --- 12/30/1992
Psychology, personality, traits. --- Fluid vs. rigid. Open vs. closed. Dynamic vs. static. Broad vs. narrow. --- 5/27/2002
Psychology, personality, traits. --- Good personality traits. Tough: persists in the face of much and long opposition. Smart. Wise. Directed: focused, and has goals. Driven: pursues goals. Sociable. Empathetic. Democratic leader. Caring. Good value system. Sane, not neurotic. Energetic, vital, and industrious (the psychology-behavior link). --- 08/17/1997
Psychology, personality, traits. --- Introvert vs. extrovert. Passive vs. aggressive. Bossy vs. nice. Private vs. open. Lying vs. honest. Relaxed vs. uptight. Curious vs. unquestioning. Lazy vs. industrious. Conniving and manipulative vs. straightforward and fair. Legalistic vs. not. Follower vs. leader. Independent vs. interdependent vs. dependent. Technological vs. not. Scientific vs. magical. Numbers vs. words vs. visual pictures vs. sounds. Social vs. antisocial. Political vs. apolitical. Economic and business minded vs. not. Artistic vs. not. Time oriented (history or future) vs. not. --- 2/21/2000
Psychology, personality, traits. --- Nice vs. noble. --- 12/30/1992
Psychology, personality, traits. --- Personality and environment. Urban: tough, faggot. Rural: tough, faggot (pastoral wimp). --- 12/30/1992
Psychology, personality, traits. --- Personality trait analysis. (1) The classification of personality traits is important. (2) The degrees of personality traits is important. (3) The relationships of personality traits is very important. --- 10/20/1999
Psychology, personality, traits. --- Rest and unrest: causes of. (1) Energy level. (2) Emotional excitation: anxiety, anger, drives, hormones. (3) Intellectual hyperactivity. --- 12/30/1992
Psychology, personality, traits. --- Self control vs. lack of self control. Mental and behavioral. Duration, frequency, degree, type. --- 12/30/1992
Psychology, personality, traits. --- Skate/surf/climb/hitch. What types of personality does it attract, hold, let go. What are the causes of these personality types. What are the effects of these activities (psychological and social). --- 12/30/1992
Psychology, personality, traits. --- Smart cowards vs. stupid brave. Why brave and wise is so rare? --- 12/30/1992
Psychology, personality, traits. --- Social vs. asocial. Flexible vs. stubborn. Practical vs. idealist. --- 5/15/2004
Psychology, personality, traits. --- Stability vs. instability. --- 12/30/1992
Psychology, personality, traits. --- Stable vs. inconsistent (on and off days, hot and cold, unstable) in mood, drive, interest, energy, iq. --- 05/30/1993
Psychology, personality, traits. --- Student: docile. Non-student: free, wild. --- 12/30/1992
Psychology, personality, traits. --- Sweet is a term with which most men seem to be completely unfamiliar, myself included. Audrey tells me that "sweet" is a term that women use to describe actions that are endearing, vulnerable and childlike. --- 7/6/1999
Psychology, personality, traits. --- Three traits: (1) Low grade, chronic depression. (2) Excellent critic. (3) Very funny. (4) The above three personality traits often coincide. The critic and the comedian are often both depressed. --- 10/15/2004
Psychology, personality, traits. --- Tolerance and intolerance. Patience and impatience. Sympathy and empathy. --- 06/30/1993
Psychology, personality, traits. --- Tolerance. (1) Tolerance of X individual in Y situation for Z view or idea or thing on W subject (racial, religious, sexual). (2) Hardened: tough and durable vs. soft: impressionable. (3) Hard: cruel and cold vs. soft: kind. (4) Soft: wimp and spineless. Soft: gay. Soft: sensitive, feels, thinks. --- 12/30/1992
Psychology, personality, traits. --- Tolerance. Can't tolerate (experience a situation and not succumb to negative emotion). Tolerant: tolerates things well. Intolerance: doesn't. --- 12/30/1992
Psychology, personality, traits. --- Wimp: no backbone. Nerd: no knowledge of hip. Gay: homosexual. --- 12/30/1992