Paul Nervy Notes
“Jokes, poems, stories, and a lot of philosophy, psychology, and sociology.”

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Science, biology.  ---  .This section is about biology.  ---  1/24/2006

Science, biology.  ---  Areas of biology by levels.  (1) Microbio level: biochem, biophysics, cytology, virology, bacteriology.  (2) Organism level.  Morphology, physiology; behavior (ethology?); genetics, eugenics; man, botany, zoology; ornithology, mammology, bacteriology, parasiteology, primatology, icthiology.  (3) Macro level.  Ecology.  ---  12/30/1992

Science, biology.  ---  Areas of biology.  (1) Evolutionary biology: evolution in general, evolution of groups and species.  (2) Reproductive biology: cell, organ, system.  (3) Developmental biology.  (4) Comparative biology.  By systems, by behavior.  The differences of all groups.  By groups, by individuals.  (5) Systems biology.  (6) Bioethics for man, plants, animals, ecology.  ---  12/30/1992

Science, biology.  ---  Biology is the scientific study of living things.  Biologists are scientists who study plants, animals and other forms of life.  Living things evolve.  Evolution is a key concept in biology.  Living things exist is a inter-related web called the eco-system.  Ecology and environmental science are an important part of biology.  Living things are grouped into a classification system (Kingdom, Phyllum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species).  Biodiversity is important.  Humans are merely a part of the eco-system.  Ignorance of biology can lead to the destruction of the natural environment and the extinction of the human species.  ---  5/12/2007

Science, biology.  ---  Cloning is just the start.  Decoding the human genome will be the key.  We will alter our genes.  ---  12/29/1997

Science, biology.  ---  Cloning is neat, but what we really need is a way to take a mind and put it in a new body, and keep getting smarter while shedding old bodies when they wear out.  The self will live on.  ---  11/6/1998

Science, biology.  ---  Cloning.  The fascination with cloning humans will fade when we clone a few humans and find out that even if two people have identical DNA they are still two different people.  An example of this phenomenon is identical twins.  You cannot recreate a person by cloning.  ---  1/8/2001

Science, biology.  ---  Computers and biology.  One can make a searchable, sortable database containing information about every species of life on earth.  Include each species' classification, anatomy, physiology, behavior, where it is found, population levels, photo of species, sound recording of the species, etc.  ---  1/2/2005

Science, biology.  ---  Evolution should be taught in schools because evolution is true.  Creationism should not be taught in schools because creationism if false.  Intelligent design should not be taught in schools because intelligent design is false.  ---  5/12/2007

Science, biology.  ---  Evolution.  (1) That living things evolve is a fact.  Evolution is true.  The creationists are wrong.  (2) The theory of evolution is an idea that affects every area of life.  (3) The theory of evolution is a set of inter-related ideas.  ---  3/11/2007

Science, biology.  ---  Evolution.  All living things evolve.  Humans evolved from earlier forms of primates, which in turn evolved from earlier forms of life.  There is compelling scientific evidence for evolution.  People who remain willfully ignorant of evolution are doing themselves and others a disservice.  Ignorance is ethically wrong.  ---  5/12/2007

Science, biology.  ---  Evolution.  People who are willfully ignorant of evolution are more likely to destroy the ecosystem.  People who are willfully ignorant of evolution are more likely to cause the extinction of species.  People who are willfully ignorant of evolution, of biology, of nature, are likely to destroy themselves.  ---  5/12/2007

Science, biology.  ---  Genetic engineering of bacteria, plants, animals, and humans.  ---  03/29/1993

Science, biology.  ---  How low on the biological ladder do you have to go to find animals that do not care for their young?  Mammals do.  Birds do.  Reptiles do not.  ---  12/29/1997

Science, biology.  ---  How many species of life have been discovered?  How many species of life do scientists estimate remain to be discovered?  How many species of life do scientists estimate exist total?  What percent are animals?  What percent are plants?  ---  12/16/2004

Science, biology.  ---  Humans are bioengineered to care for their young.  Therefore, they are attracted to anything that remotely resembles a baby.  We use the term "cute" to mean "baby-like".  ---  7/18/1999

Science, biology.  ---  Nature vs. nurture.  (1) Nurture: We are 100% shapeable, it all depends on how you are raised.  This view is sometimes held by some so they can say that their failures are the fault of society, not themselves.  This view is also held by Marxists who want to reshape society.  (2) Nature: man is 100% predetermined, all depends on our genetics and heredity.  This view is held by some racists.  It is also held to a degree by some sociobiologists, who believe in an evolution of animal sociability.  Example, chemical communication.  ---  10/05/1994

Science, biology.  ---  Nature vs. nurture.  Evidence of hardwiring.  (1)(A) In reptiles: 100% hardwired instincts, with no learning possible.  (B) In mammals: capable of learning.  (C) In man: language is innate?  Altruism, evolved from caring for babies?  (2) Is anything 100% hard wired in humans?  Perhaps breathing, thirst, hunger, and sex?  Is anything 100% learned in humans?  Perhaps thoughts?  What lies between these extremes?  (3) What can and can't you teach a bird, rat and chimp?  What can and can't they learn?  ---  5/20/1999

Science, biology.  ---  The extinction of the human species.  It is possible that the human species has become, through the use of intelligence, a hardy species with the ability to survive catastrophes such as a killer asteroid or a nuclear war.  A global catastrophe might kill millions, but some humans will probably survive.  However, the death of millions of people is also an issue of ethics.  When humans gained sentience, ethics became as important as survival.  ---  3/11/2007

Science, biology.  ---  What % of total species have we discovered?  What % of those species discovered do we totally understand?  ---  01/01/1993

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Paul Nervy Notes. Copyright 1988-2007 by Paul Nervy.