Paul Nervy Notes
“Jokes, poems, stories, and a lot of philosophy, psychology, and sociology.”

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Technology, privacy.  ---  .Introduction or sum up.  (1) Types of privacy:  Private property.  Private time.  Private space.  Private conversations.  Private thoughts.  (2) Problems of privacy:  Invasion of privacy.  Loss of privacy to government, to corporations, to paparazzi, to stalkers, to the public, to employers.  (3) Related subjects:  Ethical dimensions of privacy.  Legal dimensions of privacy.  Technological dimensions of privacy.  Psychological dimensions of privacy.  Sociological dimensions of privacy.  ---  6/5/2004

Technology, privacy.  ---  .Introduction or sum up.  PART ONE.  When surveillance technology becomes easier to obtain, there is an increase in the ways and amounts of surveillance, and an increase in the abuse of surveillance technology.  PART TWO.  Types of invasion of privacy.  (1) Location: (A) Public places.  (B) Work place.  (C) Home.  (2) Media:  (A) Telephone.  (B) Computers and Internet.  (C) Visual.  Cameras.  (D) Audio.  Microphones.  (3) Those surveiling:  Any person.  (A) Individuals.  (B) Corporations.  (C) Governments.  (4) Those being surveilled:  (A) Any person.  ---  12/15/2004

Technology, privacy.  ---  .This section is about privacy.  ---  1/24/2006

Technology, privacy.  ---  (1)  In the past there were a few corporate and government computers with a few talented hackers trying to compromise them.  (2) Today there are many home pc's with many script kiddy crackers compromising them.  ---  11/8/2003

Technology, privacy.  ---  (1) Cams are ubiquitous (ex. wireless video cams).  (2) Listening devices are inexpensive and easily available (ex. parabolic mics).  (3) Thus, audio/video surveillance is increasingly common.     PART TWO.  Some surveil.  Some surveil and interfere.  Some surveil, interfere and do damage.  One needs to be aware of the nefarious.  ---  8/20/2004

Technology, privacy.  ---  (1) Cams are ubiquitous.  Even on cellphones.  (2) Parabolic mics are being sold as children's toys.  (3) Everybody's watching and listening to everyone else.  Voyeurs and gossips.  ---  8/25/2004

Technology, privacy.  ---  (1) Communication networks exist.  (2) Communication networks are being hacked/cracked by a variety of individuals and groups, not only the government.  (3) These networks include the telephone networks, cable networks, Internet networks, wireless networks.  (4) Some of the activity is benign, some is malicious.  Some of the activity is official, some is unofficial.  Some of the people are profiteers, some are ideologically motivated.  ---  1/10/2004

Technology, privacy.  ---  (1) Email is becoming less private, as this years business scandals alert us.  (2) Surfing habits are becoming less private, as many Internet pop-up ads alert us.  (3) Personal data on pc's connected to the Internet is becoming less private, as an endless succession of operating system patches indicates.  ---  12/15/2002

Technology, privacy.  ---  (1) Invasion of privacy is often used as a means to coerce people into silence and conformity.  (2) Invasion of privacy today is technically easy and economically affordable so much so that most invasion of privacy is being done by public citizens against public citizens, rather than by the government against public citizens.  (3) The US government has some legal regulations limiting the extent to which the US government can invade the privacy of public citizens.  But private individuals and groups have much fewer explicit limitations on invading the privacy of other individuals, and therefore are more likely to attempt to blackmail, coerce or otherwise abuse privacy.  ---  4/16/2004

Technology, privacy.  ---  (1) Its a false claim that hacker/crackers only go after corporation's computers and not individual's computers because individual's computers don't have anything that hacker/crackers want.  (2) What's true is that increasingly people are putting much of their personal information, such as photos, music and text, onto computers that are connected to the Internet.  Hacker/crackers want to obtain and exploit any information they can.  ---  1/4/2004

Technology, privacy.  ---  (1) Technology and privacy.  (A) Technologies that increase privacy.  Locks and vaults.  Encryption.  (B) Technologies that decrease privacy.  Surveillance technologies.  (2) Politics and privacy.  Four situations.  (A) Individual choosing to increase privacy.  I.e., having the right to increase privacy.  For example, copyrighting your work.  (B) Individual choosing to decrease privacy.  I.e., having the right to decrease privacy.  For example, releasing your work under an open source license.  (C) Individual forced to increase privacy.  For example, things you cannot do in public, like having sex.  (D) Individual forced to decrease privacy.  For example, when the police have a search warrant for your home.  ---  10/9/2005

Technology, privacy.  ---  Another example, Computer viruses that automatically forward the contents of your mailbox to strangers.  ---  1/26/2003

Technology, privacy.  ---  Anything on a network can be hacked.  Example, wired phones can be hacked into and listened to.  ---  10/12/2003

Technology, privacy.  ---  As the tools of invasion of privacy becomes cheaper and easier to use, more people will have their privacy invaded.  ---  10/7/2003

Technology, privacy.  ---  Best Buy asks for my phone number whenever I buy at their store.  Another store asks for my last name whenever I make a purchase.  Are we going on a date?  Am I dating the corporations now?  If not, then why do they ask me for my name and number?  Do the corporations want to get in your wallet, in your head, or in your pants?  ---  10/5/2006

Technology, privacy.  ---  Beware self appointed monitors out to "protect" the Internet, who say they are doing good, but who use it as an excuse to hack people's computers and computer connections and thus invade people's privacy.  ---  10/28/2003

Technology, privacy.  ---  Camera trends.  (1) Cameras in public places.  (2) Cameras in work places.  (3) Cameras in home places.  (3) Pop up ads for X10 cameras.  Ex. Nanny cams.  Security cams.  (5) Cellphone cams.  (6) Unannounced cams.  (7) Invasion of privacy cams.  ---  11/7/2002

Technology, privacy.  ---  Cameras almost everywhere.  Cameras in cellphones.  Cameras in cars.  Cameras in laptops and pda's.  ---  8/4/2004

Technology, privacy.  ---  Computer software patches have been released on a weekly basis for as long as computer software has been around.  The only conclusion is that computer operating systems and the Internet are not secure.  ---  1/3/2003

Technology, privacy.  ---  Coworkers hacking each other's work and home computers for competitive advantage.  A sad state of affairs.  Very difficult for the average computer user to detect.  Reading emails.  Watching when you surf.  Watching your keystrokes.  Copying your files.  Altering or destroying data.  Very easy to do.  They hack each other at work and also Internet connections at home.  ---  8/20/2002

Technology, privacy.  ---  Databases are automatically collecting data about individual web surfing habits, online shopping habits, etc.  ---  4/15/2005

Technology, privacy.  ---  Due to the ease and availability of technology, it is no longer only the government who invades privacy.  It is also entities in the corporate and private sectors who will invade your privacy.  ---  9/20/2003

Technology, privacy.  ---  Eavesdropping and hacking has become so cheap and easy and undetectably small that it has become a sport done for fun and competition, except that it is done on unwitting victims.  Anyplace can be bugged and cammed, including your home.  Any computer can be hacked, including your computer.  The endgame is that all places that can be compromised will be compromised.  It will be automated, for example, voice activated mics and motion activated cams.  It will be digitized and stored, to be used against you at a later date.  Or it will be put on the Internet for all to see, or for someone to pay for.  At first it will be used by private investigators and spies.  Then it will be a teenage prank.  Then it will be an unavoidable annoyance like mosquitoes.  ---  8/15/2002

Technology, privacy.  ---  Ethics and privacy.  (1) In order to monitor and manage the earth, and in order to monitor and manage the people who pollute the earth, there will be a certain degree of lack of privacy and lack of freedom.  (2) In this life there is no 100% privacy for all acts, just as there is no 100% freedom to commit all acts.  You are not free to destroy other people or destroy the earth.  (3) 100% privacy = 100% secrecy = 100% freedom, and that is a wrong state to have.  (4) Types of privacy.  (A) Privacy of thought.  (B) Privacy of action (i.e. secrecy).  (C) Privacy of stuff (i.e. private property).  ---  4/22/1999

Technology, privacy.  ---  Ethics and privacy.  Many view a lack of privacy as a lack of freedom.  In a hypothetical world, (1) How you spent every minute of every day of your life would be public knowledge.  (2) Every view you hold would be public knowledge.  (3) But others would be powerless to act against you.  Perhaps because your views would be public but anonymous.  (4) People would have to account for their time, actions and views.  People would have to defend their time spent, actions performed, and views held.  (5) Your abilities would be public knowledge.  Your situation would be public knowledge.  Your history would be public knowledge.  ---  3/1/1999

Technology, privacy.  ---  Ethics and privacy.  When there is no privacy all your actions will be recorded.  Anyone will be able to look up any of your past actions on the Internet.  Will this create more or less crime?  Will others try to influence and control your behavior or curtail your freedom?  Will people go nuts?  ---  9/15/1998

Technology, privacy.  ---  Ethics and privacy.  When we start to require or force all people to wear a camera so that we can track where they go, then things will get weird.  Too little individual freedom, too much social control.  ---  10/1/1998

Technology, privacy.  ---  Every diary eventually gets read.  So don't write while thinking that you have total privacy.  Every house will be broken into eventually and diaries read.  ---  10/20/2002

Technology, privacy.  ---  Everyone should have two computers, a private offline computer for personal data and a public online computer to connect to the Internet.  Why?  Because there is no privacy online.  ---  11/12/2003

Technology, privacy.  ---  Examples of invasion of privacy at home and work.  1) Home.  Many cordless phones and cell phones are subject to interception.  (2) Work.  Many employers monitor and record employee phone calls in customer service settings.  ---  1/3/2003

Technology, privacy.  ---  Fame for everyone today.  (1) Invasion of privacy.  Lack of privacy.  (2) Public postings on the Internet.  Web pages of individuals.  Newsgroups.  Chat rooms.  (3) Heading towards everyone knowing everything about everyone else.  (4) The result is everyone is famous but not rich.  The bad side of fame include rumor, gossip, paparazzi, stalking, etc.  ---  12/2/2003

Technology, privacy.  ---  Fame vs. privacy.  For example, when you tell someone that your journal is on the Internet, you don't become famous but you do have a lack of anonymity or a lack of privacy, even if you gain communicative ability.  ---  12/17/2002

Technology, privacy.  ---  Fame.  If a central component of fame is a lack of privacy then its not so much Warhol's idea that, "In the future everyone will be famous for fifteen minutes".  Rather, its that everyone will be famous their entire lives.  ---  9/28/2003

Technology, privacy.  ---  Fame.  In a world of digital web cams there are many more paparazzi and almost everyone is a star.  Don't be surprised to see your name in lights.  ---  4/10/2003

Technology, privacy.  ---  Fame.  There is a difference between Hollywood fame where we recognize the face and name yet don't know what they are thinking, versus those who make their thoughts known.  It is easier to object to thoughts than faces.  Those who take a stand on issues are those who express their thoughts.  Most people who take a stand do so on single issues.  There is a difference between single issue view holders versus those who take a stand on many issues.  Single issues form groups.  Multiple issues are less cohesive.  ---  12/17/2002

Technology, privacy.  ---  Hacker/cracker.  Its a pathological power trip that makes the hacker/cracker feel better by believing he is smarter than his target.  ---  10/5/2003

Technology, privacy.  ---  Hacker/cracker.  Many who claim to be "protecting" the Internet are only intent on harassing their ideological opponents.  They try to scare people off the Internet anyway they can.  ---  12/18/2003

Technology, privacy.  ---  Hacker/cracker.  The hacker/cracker is a spy who wants to invade your privacy, not only to get information about you, but more importantly, to make you feel violated, insecure and anxious.  ---  12/23/2003

Technology, privacy.  ---  Hacker/crackers are about invasion of privacy.  Hacker/crackers are not innocuous.  Hacker/crackers often harass, coerce and terrorize.  ---  11/16/2003

Technology, privacy.  ---  Hacker/crackers want any information that they can get their hands on.  Not just corporate information.  Because information is power, and hacking/cracking is a form of power addiction and power abuse.  ---  1/7/2004

Technology, privacy.  ---  Hacker/crackers, three lame excuses of.  (1) If you still have your data then how can it be stealing to take a copy of it?  (2) If you don't know the hacking is occurring then how is it invasion of privacy?  (3) If you are not doing anything wrong then you won't mind being monitored?  (4) These excuses don't hold water.     PART TWO.  Hackers think they are smart because they can harass and exploit people without being traced.  Its not smart, its merely clever.  Its often malicious.  Its often done in the name of "practical joking".  Its often bullying.  Its peeping toms.  Its voyeurism.  Its an attempt to exercise inordinate power and control.  ---  11/16/2003

Technology, privacy.  ---  Hacker/crackers.  Internet hacker/crackers are the virtual equivalent of peeping toms and second-story burglars.  ---  10/8/2003

Technology, privacy.  ---  Hacker/crackers.  On the ludicrous pretext that they are protecting the Internet, they don't announce their presence.  Rather, they stock the Internet with blind alleys and then wait for you to walk up them.  Its entrapment and blackmail.  Done in the hypocritical name of doing good.  ---  9/14/2003

Technology, privacy.  ---  Hacker/crackers.  Rather than call them hackers or crackers, which are terms with ambiguous meanings that most people are not familiar with, why not call them spies and burglars, which are terms that most people understand the meanings of.  ---  9/16/2003

Technology, privacy.  ---  Hacker/crackers.  Some hackers are ethical hackers.  Some hackers are unethical hackers.  Some hackers are unethical hackers trying to pose as ethical hackers.  These hackers claim to be monitoring the network for evil but actually intend to harass, threaten and intimidate other people.  ---  8/18/2002

Technology, privacy.  ---  Hacking/cracking computers has become a trivial exercise requiring little skill.  ---  10/27/2003

Technology, privacy.  ---  Hacking/cracking does not only occur on the PC side.  Hacking also occurs on the network itself and also on the server side.  The network itself is sniffed.  The server side is hacked (for example, ISP web logs).  (2) Other networks that can be hacked or surveiled by anyone who has the technology: cell phones, cordless phones, email, cams and bugs, spooks, etc.  ---  7/20/2003

Technology, privacy.  ---  Hacking/cracking is a form of technological bullying.  ---  1/3/2004

Technology, privacy.  ---  Hacking/cracking when used to harass other people is a form of technological bullying.  They are messing with you because they know how and you don't.  They often try to excuse it by falsely calling it justice or smarts, but it is only abuse of technological power.  ---  1/4/2004

Technology, privacy.  ---  Hacking/cracking, or malicious hacking, is a form of terrorism.  When people decide not to go on the Internet because of malicious hacking then the terrorists, bullies and spies are influencing society.  ---  12/30/2003

Technology, privacy.  ---  Human vacuum cleaners gathering dirt.  ---  10/14/2003

Technology, privacy.  ---  In the near future every web site you visit is public information.  Everything you type or email is public information.  ---  9/30/2002

Technology, privacy.  ---  In the near future everyone will be hacked and tracked by so many people that one's life will become a public show.  ---  4/20/2003

Technology, privacy.  ---  In the near future you will be able to look at someone, identify who they are via face recognition software, and then lookup their entire past from a public database. In this way we will have achieved the power to see the past, but we will not yet have the power to see the future.  ---  9/26/2002

Technology, privacy.  ---  In the news: Loverspy, a company that let's suspicious lovers spy on their partners by sending an e-greeting card that contains a hidden program that records and transmits computer activity across the Internet.  This type of technology will let anyone spy on anyone.  ---  10/5/2003

Technology, privacy.  ---  In the not too distant future, almost every networked computer will be compromised by almost everyone.  Almost all the data on those computers will be viewable by almost everyone.  ---  5/3/2003

Technology, privacy.  ---  In the not too distant future.  (1) (Almost) every computer will be hacked.  (2) (Almost) all the data on those computers will be available to (almost) everyone else.  ---  6/4/2003

Technology, privacy.  ---  In the not too distant future.  Cams and bugs will be (almost) everywhere.  (Almost) everyone will be cammed and bugged 24x7.  A police state situation, except not limited only to the police.  Why say it?  Because it is difficult to conceive it.  ---  6/4/2003

Technology, privacy.  ---  In the past, the gathering of information was labor intensive and expensive, and it was mostly the rich and powerful who were able to gather information on a few activities of a few people.  Today, due to technology advances, information gathering is much easier, quicker and less expensive, and information gathering can be done by anyone about any of the activities of any person.  ---  11/27/2003

Technology, privacy.  ---  Info-shock.  I use the term "info-shock" to refer to the psychological trauma that can occur when one realizes one's personal information has been, is, or will be public knowledge or for sale.  ---  11/27/2003

Technology, privacy.  ---  Info-shock.  Info-shock is the trauma when you realize your information or data (ex. text, photos, movies, music) has been lost (ex. lost laptop), destroyed in fire or flood, stolen (ex. robbery), hacked - invasion of privacy (ex. diary read), or plagiarized.  ---  12/2/2003

Technology, privacy.  ---  Invasion of privacy via phones.  Phone tapping and cellular phone scanning. Its becoming easier and more people are doing it.  Why?  They think its fun and entertaining.  They mistakenly think its just, right and good.  They want to use it as a weapon.  ---  12/2/2003

Technology, privacy.  ---  Invasion of privacy via wireless mics and cams.  Its becoming cheaper, easier and more people are doing it besides the government.  Why?  They think its fun and entertaining.  They think its just, right and good.  They use it as a weapon, to terrorize.  They mistakenly think that if its not illegal then its not unethical.  ---  12/2/2003

Technology, privacy.  ---  Invasion of privacy, spying, snooping, eavesdropping, etc.  Invasion of privacy has become inexpensive, easy to do, and difficult to detect.  It is often combined with gossip, harassment and threat.  Unfortunately, some people consider it fun and it is becoming a form of recreation and entertainment.  Technology makes widespread spying possible.  Commercial television, in its hunger for audiences, promotes it.  It is becoming socially condoned or at least tolerated.  It is actually vicious bullying and creates an oppressed, stressed people like in KGB Russia.  ---  11/20/2003

Technology, privacy.  ---  Invasion of privacy.  Excuses hackers/crackers use for snooping your computer, email and websurfing.  "We are trying to protect the Internet".  This is not a valid reason.  Just like the desire to protect does not justify peeping toms.  (2) Even if its technologically possible to snoop, and even if the chance of getting caught is low, and even if there is no law against it, hacking/cracking is still unethical.  ---  11/8/2003

Technology, privacy.  ---  Invasion of privacy.  The hacker/cracker is all about invasion of privacy.  He wants to get inside your computer.  He wants to mess with your head.  He wants you to feel that there is nothing that you can do online that he can't see.  Web surfing, email, or hard drive, he wants you to feel loss of control and loss of freedom, fear and anxiety, depression and anger. Hacker/crackers claim to be keeping corporations honest.  Hacker/crackers claim to be promoting security.  But increasingly hacking is being used to harass everyday individuals.  Hacking/cracking is a form of anonymous online bullying.  The hacker/cracker initially wants you to have no clue you are being hacked.  Then the hacker/cracker wants you to slowly realize you are being hacked.  The hacker/cracker wants to induce terror.  ---  11/6/2003

Technology, privacy.  ---  Invasion of privacy.  Types of spying.  (1) Visual.  Visual assisted with cameras.  Visual assisted with heat sensor cameras.  (2) Audio.  Audio assisted with tape recordings.  Audio assisted with parabolic microphones.  (3) Network spying.  (A) Wired networks:  Computer networks like the Internet.  Phone networks.  Cable television networks.  (B) Wireless networks.  ---  3/7/2004

Technology, privacy.  ---  Invasion of the privacy of everyone, by everyone, on the pretext of catching a few individuals inevitably leads to the harassment, coercion and intimidation of innocent everyday citizens.  ---  11/15/2003

Technology, privacy.  ---  Is there is a big difference between the typical, average, anonymous, private, citizen and those who are public citizens?  ---  12/17/2002

Technology, privacy.  ---  Life in the not so distant future.  Every move you make, every word you say, is being recorded.  That information is available to anyone.  Without your knowledge and without any recourse on your part.  The illusion of privacy is maintained because it keeps people working.  The people are in denial because they don't want to believe what their lives have become.  ---  5/29/2003

Technology, privacy.  ---  Now that its technologically easier for people to spy, spying is attracting people who like to spy, people who think its their right to spy, and people who think its their duty to spy.  ---  2/28/2004

Technology, privacy.  ---  Pakwould's maxim: Every private diary will eventually be read and published online against the authors wishes.  ---  10/14/2003

Technology, privacy.  ---  Privacy and the evolution of web cam systems.  (1) First there were large, obvious cameras.  Expensive and thus few in number, owned mostly by the government.  Stand-alone cameras, not networked.  Wired cameras, not wireless.  Human monitored, not recorded.  (2)  Then small, inobvious cameras, not easily detectable.  Low cost, and thus many in number, ubiquitous, owned by just about anyone.  Cameras networked together.  Wireless technology enables wireless networks.  Constant 24x7 recording.  Unlimited searchable storage.  Audio as well as video recording.  (3) In the near future:  Face recognition software with "search" capability.  Search the network to find where a person is at any moment.  Search the storage to find what the person has done that day, week, month or year.     PART TWO.  One can hypothesize that the evolution of listening devices will follow the same path as the evolution of cams, and will be combined with cams to provide audio/video surveillance.  ---  12/8/2003

Technology, privacy.  ---  Privacy as a technological issue (locks vs. cameras).  (2) Privacy as a political issue (total freedom vs. limited freedom).  (3) Privacy as an economic issue (Private property.  Capitalism vs. communism).  (4) Privacy as a psychological issue (when they start reading minds and controlling thoughts beware).  ---  5/2/2002

Technology, privacy.  ---  Privacy endgame, in the not so distant future, every device (pc, phone, toaster) hacked by everybody.  ---  10/7/2003

Technology, privacy.  ---  Privacy is a phenomena where the ideal amount is a balance, because 100% privacy is bad and 0% privacy is bad.  Thus, unethical and illegal transgressions of privacy rights can occur in two directions, too much privacy and too little privacy.  For example: (1) Invasion of privacy.  (2) Denying requests under the freedom of information act.  ---  10/9/2005

Technology, privacy.  ---  Privacy is a social phenomenon in that at least two people are involved.  During invasion of privacy those two people are a voyeur and a victim  During non-invasion of privacy those two people are a non-voyeur person and a person with privacy.  Yet privacy is essentially a psychological condition in that it is an individual who either has privacy or not.     PART TWO.  Types of privacy.  Private time.  Private space.  Privacy of thought.  Privacy of word.  Privacy of action.  Private property.     PART THREE.  The philosophy of privacy.  (1) The ethics of privacy.  (2) The epistemology of privacy.  Privacy is about others not knowing.  Privacy is a type of secrecy.  Privacy vs. a forced open society.  (3) The metaphysics of privacy.     PART FOUR.  Privacy and economics.  Capitalism and private property.     PART FIVE.  Privacy as anonymity.  Anonymous speech as a type of free speech.  ---  8/18/2002

Technology, privacy.  ---  Privacy principles.  (1) You would be surprised how interested some people are in your life, even if its just to gossip about you or to mock you.  (Why would it surprise you?  Because most people are decent).  (2)  You would be surprised how easy it is for people to obtain information about you.  ---  10/14/2003

Technology, privacy.  ---  Privacy used to be primarily a political issue because it was mainly the government who could set its boundaries.  Today, privacy has become primarily a technological issues because the tools to invade privacy (audio bugs, video cams, computer hacking, etc.) are numerous, inexpensive and easily available to everyone.  Today the situation is unfair because only a few know this fact and they exploit it to their advantage.  It will only be fair when everyone knows this fact.  ---  8/20/2002

Technology, privacy.  ---  Privacy.  (1) Historical development of the notions of privacy, private space, private time, and private (personal) property.  (2) How much personal space does a person need to live?  And how much public space does a person need to live?  (3) How much indoor time and space does a person need to live, and how much outdoor time and space?  ---  6/26/1998

Technology, privacy.  ---  Privacy.  (1) Privacy as a political issue.  Privacy as related to freedom.  (2) Privacy as a technological issue.  (A) Tools to ensure privacy: locks, codes, privacy laws.  (B) Tools to deny privacy: bolt cutters, code breaking, laws for openness.  ---  5/1/2002

Technology, privacy.  ---  Privacy.  How much private space, private time and private property do people deserve.  None?  All?  Somewhere in between?  ---  11/15/2001

Technology, privacy.  ---  Privacy.  PART ONE.  Privacy defined as a form of freedom.  Society does no tolerate 100% freedom, so society does not tolerate 100% privacy.     PART TWO. Private property.  There is something about private property, about capitalism, about privacy in general, that smacks of domination, control and patrimony.  Ownership smacks of chauvinism and hegemony.  Its a guy thing, in the worst sense.  A macho thing, to try to unethically exert power over another.     PART THREE. Attitudes about private property that can be problematic:  Its mine.  I own it.  I can do whatever I want with it.  I can do whatever I want to it.   PART FOUR.  Four types of privacy.  (1) Private property: to own.  (2) Private time: to be left alone for.  (3) Private space: to be left alone in.  (4) Private information: about your condition.     PART FOUR.  More questions.  (1) What is the opposite of privacy?  Openness?  Public-ness?  (2) Will privacy be possible in the future, when monitors are everywhere, when all will be revealed?  ---  5/4/2002

Technology, privacy.  ---  Privacy.  What if everyone knew everything about you, including where you are, what you are doing, your entire history, everywhere you worked, everyone you ever talked to and what was said.  What kind of world would that be, with no privacy?  If there ever comes a time when technology lets us read minds and control thoughts then the tinfoil-hat-wearing paranoids will be vindicated.  ---  6/17/2001

Technology, privacy.  ---  Privately owned video recorders have been a big boost for justice.  It is not, "Big brother is watching you", it is, "Little brother is watching you".  ---  12/01/1994

Technology, privacy.  ---  Reality spycam television.  Culture of spies.  Deceit.  Lies and secrets.  (2) Culture of hyenas.  Malicious mocking without improving.  (3) Culture of spy victims.  Paranoia.  Non-thinking, non-speaking, non-writing.  (4) Culture of practical jokes.  Cruelty.  Malicious.  Sophmoronic humor.  (5) This is the worst side of technology.  ---  4/20/2003

Technology, privacy.  ---  Reasons why lame individuals want to steal your private data.  Some lame individuals will try to hack your pc.  Some lame individuals will use your Internet connection to try to grab the contents of your hard drive.  Some lame individuals will try to gain physical access to your computer to grab the contents of your hard drive.  Why?  (1) For political ammunition.  To try to publically embarrass and humiliate you, to discredit you.  To try to get you to take your website down, through blackmail.  ( ) To try to make you feel like your privacy has been invaded.  ( ) They try to use the excuse of war to try to justify doing whatever they want to do.  ( ) To try to dig up some dirt to try to have you arrested.  ( ) They don't want you to think.  They don't want you to write.  They don't want you to publish.  So they will try to make it difficult for you.  ( ) For their own twisted personal amusement.  ( ) To feel powerful.  Just because they can.  Just to see if they can.  ( ) Because they have been enculturated to do so.  Because someone told them to.  ( ) To try to make money.  They think that the information may be worth something today or someday.  ( ) Its so easy to take data, technologically.  ( ) They have an ideological view that nothing should be private.  ( ) They think god told them to do it.  ( ) To try to accuse you of plagarism.  ( ) Any other number of twisted reasons.  ( ) Writers write, and crackers try to crack the pc's of writers.     PART TWO.  What to do?  ( ) Keep on thinking, writing and publishing.  (1) Publish early and often.  Make public and publish as much as possible.  (2) Don't write anything in your diary that you would not mind being made public.  (3) Take extra precautions with your data and computer.  ( ) Be comfortable with nakedness.  Like John Lennon and Yoko Ono comfortable being naked on their album cover.  So to, be comfortable being naked in your writing.  ---  6/8/2006

Technology, privacy.  ---  RFID tags.  Radio frequency identification tags.  If objects are tagged with RFID tags that the owner cannot see, then anyone with an RFID tag reader can see all the nearby objects.  ---  10/9/2005

Technology, privacy.  ---  Saw a television show where the army has infrared goggles that see through brick walls.  If the army has them it won't be long before the public has them.  Then what nefarious uses will they be put to?  ---  9/20/2003

Technology, privacy.  ---  Secrecy vs. privacy.  Some people want to keep their views to themselves to avoid being attacked for their views.  ---  11/23/2003

Technology, privacy.  ---  Sex videos released against people's will.  Examples, Pam Anderson, Paris Hilton.  Its possible that, in the future, due to technology reducing privacy, almost everyone will be surreptitiously filmed having sex and it will be broadcast to the world against their will.  ---  8/4/2004

Technology, privacy.  ---  Since all diaries are eventually read by all, you are not so much writing a diary as an autobiography.  ---  11/7/2002

Technology, privacy.  ---  Sleazy tactics.  (1) Creation of the illusion of privacy.  Not telling people when they are being surveilled.  Denying that you are surveilling when people ask.  Telling people that everything is fine.  Spinning comforting illusions to create a false sense of security in people.  (2) Revealing to people that they have been surveilled all along, and that their every word and action has been recorded for years.  (3) Threatening to go public.  Threatening to release information about the person to the press or the masses.  And using that threat to try to gain a measure of control over the person.  (4) For example:  People who are famous experience steps 2 and 3.  The paparazzi invades their privacy.  The paparazzi then make public the invasion of privacy.  More and more people are experiencing this type of invasion of privacy.  Everyday, average people who are not famous are beginning to experience the downside of invasion of privacy without any of the upside of being famous.  ---  1/19/2004

Technology, privacy.  ---  Sleazy tactics.  Lulling people into a false sense of privacy.  Lulling people into a false sense of security.  Then harassing, threatening and blackmailing people.  ---  6/10/2004

Technology, privacy.  ---  Sneak a peek.  The US government sneaks a peek on citizens.  US citizens also sneak a peek on each other.  Everyone thinks its okay because the US is in a Bush-proclaimed never-ending war, and everyone thinks all is fair in war.  Its a sad situation.  War does not justify any and every action, otherwise there would be no concept of a just war and no concept of war crimes.  ---  6/24/2006

Technology, privacy.  ---  Some people feel that a complete lack of privacy will lead to increased tolerance.  Others feel that a complete lack of privacy will lead to coerced conformity.  ---  5/14/2004

Technology, privacy.  ---  Some people say, "There is no such thing as privacy anymore, so get over it."  That is different from saying whether there can or cannot be privacy in the future, due to the technology we create, or due to the laws we pass, if we set our mind to it.  That is also different from saying whether there should or should not be any privacy if we decide it should be that way.  ---  1/17/2004

Technology, privacy.  ---  Spying can be a dirty, treacherous business.  ---  10/5/2003

Technology, privacy.  ---  Spying, various definitions of.  Someone watching and listening, or intercepting communications on the phone or Internet.  (1) Whether you are in public or private.  (2) Whether you know it or not.  (3) With or without telling you.  (4) For example, If a company puts up a web cam on their private property and alerts the public with a sign, is that spying?  ---  12/24/2003

Technology, privacy.  ---  Surfing the Internet is like sitting on a park bench reading the newspaper; everyone can see what you are doing.  ---  6/2/2004

Technology, privacy.  ---  Technological, legal and ethical issues associated with invasion of privacy.  Just because you can spy (technologically), and just because you may spy (legally), does not mean you should spy (ethically).  ---  3/7/2004

Technology, privacy.  ---  The Internet is a playground for the spy and the bully to invade people's privacy and mess with people's heads.  The Internet lets the spy and the bully target a greater number of people with less chance of getting caught.  ---  12/23/2003

Technology, privacy.  ---  There is a common saying, "The walls have ears."  The walls have eyes now too.  How to balance the proliferation of surveillance technology with society's justified concerns, creeping anxieties and raging paranoias?  ---  1/12/2004

Technology, privacy.  ---  There once was a notion of talking "on the record" vs. "off the record".  Today, it seems like there is no "off the record".  It seems like everything we say or do is "on the record".  ---  12/19/2003

Technology, privacy.  ---  Three sets of variables.  (1) Spying on people in public places.  vs.  Spying on people in their homes.  (2) Letting people know you are spying.  I.e., telling people you are spying.  vs.  Not letting people know you are spying.  I.e., not telling people you are spying.  (3) Spying by the government on its own people.  Spying by corporations on its employees and customers.  Spying by individuals on individuals.  ---  3/7/2004

Technology, privacy.  ---  Two extremes.  (1) One hundred percent privacy: is it possible for anyone?  For everyone?  (2) One hundred percent lack of privacy; is it possible for anyone?  For everyone?  ---  1/17/2004

Technology, privacy.  ---  Two extremes.  (1) Total secrecy does not work.  (2) Total lack of privacy does not work.  ---  1/28/2004

Technology, privacy.  ---  Two postulates.  (1) Anyone who is anybody is subject to invasion of privacy.  (I.e., Anyone who is worthy of attention is subject to invasion of privacy).  (2) In today's world everybody is somebody.   (I.e., In today's world everyone is famous and thus subject to invasion of privacy).  ---  10/12/2003

Technology, privacy.  ---  Types of lack of privacy.  (1) Government invading the privacy of individuals.  (2) Business invading the privacy of individuals.  (3) Individuals invading the privacy of individuals.  ---  12/15/2002

Technology, privacy.  ---  What is next?  Lack of privacy of thought?  Enabled by technology.  At that point we are less individuals that a global social superorganism.  ---  12/15/2002

Technology, privacy.  ---  When computerized face recognition advances to the point where you can webcam someone and then search a database for their private information, at that point many self-styled psychics are going to make a lot of money because it will appear they have psychic abilities that enable them to obtain information about people, even though its just technology-aided charlatanism.  They may even get their own television shows.  ---  8/20/2002

Technology, privacy.  ---  When privacy is lost.  When spying becomes inexpensive, easy, undetectable and fun, then many people will become spies.  Spying can be a sleazy business.  The sleazy tactics will be (1) Gather dirt on people over a long period of time without them knowing it.  (2) Anonymously post this dirt on the public Internet to embarrass the person.  (3) Use the dirt to blackmail the person by threatening its release.  (4) Sell or swap the dirt to other people who can use the information for character assassination.  (5) Otherwise use the dirt for their own chuckles.  (6) That is an ugly world to live in.  ---  9/28/2002

Technology, privacy.  ---  When the technology of spying becomes inexpensive, easy and fun, America will become a nation of spies much like Stalinist Russia.  This is bad because people will live lives full of suspicion, paranoia and mistrust.  People will gather information on each other and use it to extort each other.  People will sell information about other people for malicious purposes.  In an ideal world a nation of spies would police each other and keep each other in line.  But in the actual world a nation of spies will be repressive, oppressive, unjust, malicious, etc.  People will blackmail each other.  People will frame each other.  Personal privacy, personal freedom, dissent and creativity will suffer.  It will be a McCarthyist society.  A witch hunt society.  ---  9/15/2002

Technology, privacy.  ---  Work place privacy issues.  At work they will cam you, monitor your calls, keystroke record your computer and screen shot your computer.  ---  8/20/2002

Technology, privacy.  ---  Work place privacy issues.  Phone calls recorded for training purposes.  Conversations recorded.  ---  8/25/2004

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Paul Nervy Notes. Copyright 1988-2007 by Paul Nervy.