Paul Nervy Notes
“Jokes, poems, stories, and a lot of philosophy, psychology, and sociology.”

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Work, sociology.  ---  .This section is about the sociology of work.  ---  1/24/2006

Work, sociology.  ---  (1) Current U.S. work environment.  OSHA laws.  No child labor.  Medical and dental insurance.  Sex harassment laws.  Non-discriminatory hiring.  Mandatory retirement.  Sick leave.  Vacation.  Pensions.  Temporary workers.  Part-time workers.  Women can work.  Glass ceiling.  Inequitable pay between sexes.  Buyers vs. sellers market's where employees are courted or abused.  Blue vs. white-collar.  Service vs. manufacturing vs. agriculture.  Illegal aliens working off the books.  Black market.  Gray market.  Internet commerce.  Sex workers.  (2) Work environment in the other places and times, better and worse.  (A) Better.  Guaranteed employment.  Lifetime employment.  (B) Worse.  Women must stay at home.  No pensions.  Indiscriminate firing.  No vacation.  No sick leave.  Nepotism.  Child labor.  24x7 work week.  No medical or dental insurance.  Slavery.  Indentured servants, sharecropper.  ---  4/15/1998

Work, sociology.  ---  (1) Social aspects of work systems (see business and technology too).  (2) Work system: history of, purposes, structure, and mechanisms.  ---  12/30/1992

Work, sociology.  ---  (1) The most you can reasonably expect from a co-worker is to not bust your chops to your face, and to not backstab you.  (2) You can't really expect them to be your good friend (supporter, confessor, etc.).  (3) And you can't really expect them to believe what you believe ideologically, or to agree with your views.  If you can just get "1" you are doing the best that can be done in the work world.  ---  12/30/1995

Work, sociology.  ---  Areas, careers, job titles, tasks, tools, techniques.  ---  12/30/1992

Work, sociology.  ---  Average citizen in an society.  How many years must they work?  What type of job do they have?  What pay earn?  What conditions work under?  How much leisure do they have?  What leisure choices available?  ---  12/30/1992

Work, sociology.  ---  Gossip.  Beware gossips, who are not team players.  Beware those who covet your present and future power and position.  They may try to get you fired, for whatever reason, whether it be purely machiavellian power grubbing, or actual personal dislike.  Regardless of whether their views against you are true or false, and regardless of whether their actions against you are just or unjust.  Fight them to protect yourself, your turf, and your customers.  ---  10/30/1997

Work, sociology.  ---  Gossip.  Everyone talks about everyone.  ---  12/01/1993

Work, sociology.  ---  Gossip.  Excessive bitching or gossiping or joking about co-workers destroys trust, and communication, and team spirit, and team work, and is not the best or most mature way to do business.  We should be trying to build trust and communication and teamwork.  ---  01/23/1997

Work, sociology.  ---  Gossip.  Teamwork vs. gossip.  (1) Talking about people negatively, behind their backs, destroys group trust, team spirit and team work.  People do it though, because it is fun, and it makes them feel better.  They do it to tear down their enemies, and to grab power by gaining allies.  They do it because they think others are doing it to them, out of paranoia.  (2) Sniping is a similar phenomenon.  The first snipe comes out of playfulness, but it hurts feelings, and causes counterattacks.  Or the first snipe may come from someone who just doesn't like you for a reason you can't control (religion, race, sex, etc.).  Or they may have wrongly taken an accidental incident as an intentional slight.  (3) When people start sniping, don't snipe back.  Sniping back only escalates it, and brings more on you.  Better to defuse the situation with humor, and say something like sarcastic like "What a sense of humor".  Better also to calmly point out your strengths and their weaknesses.  You can get them back later by ignoring them, or not giving them a favor.  ---  10/30/1996

Work, sociology.  ---  Job: total number of people employed at a job, % of population, and growth/decline change.  For every x people in modern american society we need y number of z occupation.  Current number of x's: total, and per x number of people, too many or too few.  Future: number of x jobs being produced.  ---  12/30/1992

Work, sociology.  ---  Office politics, in-fighting, psychological warfare, psy ops.  ---  12/30/1992

Work, sociology.  ---  People don't want to lose position, power and money, at all.  Especially if they think they earned or deserve it.  They are scared and defensive.  ---  09/26/1993

Work, sociology.  ---  People judge you on your worst as well as best.  ---  12/30/1992

Work, sociology.  ---  People: cool, assholes, wimps, noble, morons.  ---  12/30/1992

Work, sociology.  ---  U.S.  (1) US population vs. US population growth rate.  (2) US work force vs. US work force growth rate.  (3) US college grads total, per year.  (4) US high school grads total, per year.  (5) US birth rate, and US death rate.  ---  12/30/1992

Work, sociology.  ---  U.S. work system.  Job name and description, pay, number of individual employed.  % of population, % to subordinates and superiors.  Rates of change: glut or shortage.  ---  12/30/1992

Work, sociology.  ---  U.S..  Modern american society's work system.  (1) Need x amount of any occupation per z people.  (2) Relationship to economic forces, political forces, social forces, technological forces.  (3) Areas: Power, Food, Clothing, Shelter, Transportation, Communication, Insurance, Government, Science, Arts, Ed, Religion, Military.  ---  12/30/1992

Work, sociology.  ---  Work is set up, by and large, in a way that precludes friendship formation.  (1) You are there to work, not chat.  (2) You have to leverage each other in dastardly ways.  Rat out.  Use power plays.  Etc.  So given that real, human relationships are difficult or impossible at work, the normal typologies we group people by and judge people by don't apply.  There exists two kinds of people at work (1) Shit talkers who talk shit about their coworkers for fun, or out of fear, or to gain power, or just plain immature, or just plain mean.  (2) People who don't talk shit about their coworkers, on the principle of teamwork, in order to promote the economic prosperity of the firm, or just for ethical reasons.  ---  02/22/1997

Work, sociology.  ---  Work system = a combonation of technological, economic, political, and social forces.  Work system depends on needs, situation, technology, politics, and economics.  ---  12/30/1992

Work, sociology.  ---  Work system.  Salaries, qualifications.  Number out there, growth rates, and where located.  ---  12/30/1992

Work, sociology.  ---  Work world: conservative, competitive, conformist, fat, contented, consumerist, dogmatic, unthinking, followers, specialists.  ---  12/30/1992

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Paul Nervy Notes. Copyright 1988-2007 by Paul Nervy.