Outline. World History table. By Paul Nervy.

Copyright 2006, Paul Nervy

Subject Category Year (When) Place (Where) Person(s) (Who) Thing, Event, Idea, Word, or Work (What) Description (Why, How, etc.)

World history
c. -100 Rome
-100. Ancient Rome -
World history
c. -1000 Egypt
Egypt. New Kingdom.
World history
c. -2000 Mesopotamia
Mesopotamia. Babylonians. Hammurabi's code. Yeah, baby!
World history
c. -2000 China
World history
c. -2000 India
World history
c. -2000 Egypt
Egypt. Middle Kingdom.
World history
c. -20000

World history
c. -200000

World history
c. -2000000

World history
c. -3000 Mesopotamia
Mesopotamia. The land between the rivers. Between the Tigris and Euphrates. Cradle of civilization. Sumerian civilization. Writing. The wheel.
World history
c. -3000 Egypt
Egypt. Old Kingdom
World history
c. -300000

World history
c. -3000000

World history
c. -4000

World history
c. -40000

World history
c. -400000

World history
c. -4000000

World history
c. -500 Greece
Ancient Greece - advances in philosophy, math, science, literature, art, history, etc.
World history
c. -5000

World history
c. -50000

World history
c. -500000

World history
c. -5000000

World history
c. -6000

World history
c. -60000

World history
c. -600000

World history
c. -6000000

World history
c. -7000

World history
c. -70000

World history
c. -700000

World history
c. -8000

World history
c. -80000

World history
c. -800000

World history
c. -8000000

World history
c. -9000

World history
c. -90000

World history
c. -900000

World history
c. -9000000

World history
c. 0

World history
c. 100

World history
c. 1000 United States Erikson, Leif Vinland, a colony in North America, founded by Leif Erikson.
World history
c. 1000 Europe
Great Schism. Western Rome-based christians vs. Eastern Orthodox christians. Other christians: Coptic, Egyptian, Syrian, Armenian, Nestorians, Russians.
World history
c. 1000 Europe
Charlemagne. Marco Polo. Vikings. English Kings. French Kings
World history
c. 1100 World
1100. The Crusades: religo-military aggression against the neighbors. The Children's Crusade:
World history
c. 1200

World history Crime c. 1300 Europe
The Inquisition: witch burning and torture to entertain the masses, done by christians and catholics.
World history
c. 1400

World history Exploration c. 1492 World
Columbus discovers the new world. Cortez invades South America. Slaughter of new world inhabitants
World history Exploration c. 1500 World
Age of Exploration
World history Religion c. 1500 Europe
Protestant Reformation
World history
c. 1510's United States Leon, Ponce de Florida invaded by Ponce de Leon.
World history
c. 1510's
Balboa, Vasco Nunez de Balboa crosses Panama and discovers Pacific
World history
c. 1520's
Cortes, Herman Cortes invades Mexico and conquers Aztecs.
World history
c. 1520's
Magellan Magellan circumnavigates the globe.
World history
c. 1530's Canada Cartier, Jacque Cartier explores the St. Lawrence.
World history
c. 1530's
De Vaca De Vaca explores from gulf of Mexico to gulf of California.
World history
c. 1540's United States Soto, Ferdinand de De Soto explores the southeastern USA.
World history
c. 1540's United States Coronado Coronado explores the southwestern USA.
World history
c. 1570's
Drake, Francis Drake circles globe.
World history
c. 1580's United States Raleigh, Sir Walter Roanoke Virginia settlement disappears without a trace.
World history
c. 1600 United States
Jamestown, Virginia colony founded. John Smith saved by Pocahontas from Chief Powatan.
World history
c. 1600 Canada Champlain, Samuel de Champlain founds Quebec.
World history Crime c. 1600's World
The taking of slaves from Africa was a major tragedy.
World history
c. 1620 United States
First slaves brought to Americas.
World history
c. 1620 United States
Mayflower brings Pilgrims to Plymouth, Massachusetts.
World history
c. 1620's United States
New Amsterdam, a Dutch colony, will become New York.
World history
c. 1630's United States
Roger Williams expelled from Massachussetts and founds Rhode Island, a colony of dissent.
World history
c. 1640's United States
First American labor unions.
World history
c. 1650's United States
Rhode Island outlaws slavery.
World history
c. 1670's United States
Marquette and Joliet explore the Mississippi.
World history
c. 1690's United States
Salem, Massachusetts hysteria and witch burnings.
World history
c. 1700's United States
Dates that states entered union gives an idea how the US developed.
World history
c. 1700's England
English Revolution
World history
c. 1700's United States
Declaration of Independence. Constitution. Bill of Rights.
World history
c. 1700's France
French Revolution
World history
c. 1710's United States
New York City slave rebellion.
World history
c. 1760's United States
Treaty of Paris. France cedes to Britain in new world.
World history
c. 1765 United States
Stamp Act imposes additional taxes on colonies by Britain.
World history
c. 1773 United States
Tea Act. Boston Tea Party.
World history
c. 1775 United States
Frist battles of American Revolution. Lexington and Concord. Bunker Hill.
World history
c. 1776 United States
American Revolution. People. (1) George Washington. Based out of Virginia. General of Revolutionary Army. First President. (2) Ben Franklin. Based out of Philadelphia. (3) Thomas Jefferson. Was for a rural agricultural society. Wrote Declaration of Independence. Monticello, VA. (4) Alexander Hamilton. Based out of New York City. Killed by Aarron Burr. Wrote Federalist Papers. (5) James Madison. Based out of Boston? (6) Thomas Paine. Wrote "Common Sense".
World history
c. 1776 United States
Independence from Britain in 1776. Genocide of American Indians. Slavery of blacks in south until Civil War, followed by racial segregation until the 1960's.
World history
c. 1776 United States
Amercian Revolution. Revolutionary War. Boston Tea Party. Tea Tax. Stamp Tax. Concord and Lexington. Valley Forge. Paul Revere's Ride. Washington crosses Potomac. How long did the war take? Total deaths.
World history
c. 1776 United States
Continental Congress. Declaration of Independence. Articles of Confederation.
World history
c. 1776 United States
Tom Paine publishes Common Sense.
World history
c. 1783 United States
Treaty of Paris ends American Revolution
World history
c. 1788 United States
US constitution is ratified.
World history
c. 1790 United States
Shay's Rebellion. Whiskey Rebellion.
World history
c. 1800's South America
South American nations gain independence from European powers. Haiti. Chile. Peru. Mexico. Brazil.
World history Colonialism c. 1800's World
European powers Britain, Germany, France, Portugal set up colonies in Africa.
World history Exploration c. 1800's United States
Opening of the West in early 1800's, Daniel Boone, Davy Crocket, Kentucky. 1800, Louisiana Purchase. 1802, Lewis and Clark reach the Pacific, Sacajawea helps them. 1820's and 1830's, Mountain men, hunting and trapping, Kit Carson. 1850's and 1860's, gold rush in California and Yukon, miners in Nevada, Colorado, etc. Ranchers, cattle ranchers vs. sheep ranchers, farmers want to fence in land while herders want no fences. Indian Wars, Treaties, Reservations, Cheyenne, Sioux, Blackfoot, Crow, Sitting Bull, Geronimo. Closing of the West by the late 1800's, Trans-continental railroad, telegraph, automobile.
World history
c. 1800's England
British Empire. South east aisa. Hong Kong. India.
World history War c. 1800's United States
US Civil War. First shot a Fort Sumter. Vicksburg. Gettysburg, Grant (Union) vs. Lee (Confederacy), turning point of war in Unions favor. Sherman's March razed the South. Ironsides, Monitor vs. Merrimac. Emancipation Proclamation, Lincoln frees the slaves. Surrender of South at Appomattox
World history Crime c. 1800's United States
Slavery in the United States. First slaves brought to Americas when. Underground railroad, Harriet Tubman. John Brown, raid on Harper's Ferry. Civil war. Lincoln frees the slaves with the Emancipation Proclamation. Frederick Douglas. Dred Scott. Abolitionists. Jim Crow period, reconstruction after the Civil War. Segregation, separate but equal. The Ku Klux Klan terroizes the south. 1950's and 1960's, civil rights movement. Integration of schools and society. Black Panthers.
World history
c. 1803 United States
Louisiana Purchase. Louis and Clark expedition.
World history
c. 1808 United States
Slave trading ended by act of Congress.
World history War c. 1815 France
Napolean defeated at Waterloo.
World history
c. 1816 Argentina
Independence from Spain in 1816.
World history
c. 1818 Chile
Independence from Spain in 1818.
World history
c. 1821 Brazil
Independence from Portugal in 1821.
World history
c. 1822 United States Denmark, Vesey Denmark Vesey slave rebellion.
World history
c. 1824 Peru
Independence of Peru from Spain. Fujimori dictator recently.
World history
c. 1825 Bolivia
Independence from Spain in 1825.
World history
c. 1830's United States
Erie Canal connects Atlantic to Mississippi via Great Lakes.
World history
c. 1831 United States Turner, Nat Nat Turner slave rebellion.
World history
c. 1837 United States
Panic of 1837. Economic depression.
World history
c. 1846 United States
Mexican War. US takes Texas and southwest.
World history
c. 1849 United States
Gold Rush in California.
World history
c. 1860's United States
Transcontinetnal railroad. Transcontinental telegraph.
World history War c. 1860's United States
1860's. American Civil WarNorth vs South. Battles at Gettysburg. Sherman's march to sea.
World history
c. 1861 United States
American Civil War begins.
World history
c. 1862 United States Lincoln, Abraham Emancipation Proclamation frees the slaves.
World history
c. 1870 United States
Fisk and Gould cause financial panic.
World history
c. 1870's Europe
European nationalism. Germany. France. Italy.
World history
c. 1880's United States
Labor Unions: Knights of Labor. Granger movement. National Farmer's Alliance. American Federation of Labor. Haymarket Riots in Chicago.
World history
c. 1888 United States
Great Blizzard.
World history
c. 1898 United States
Spanish American War. US invades Puerto Rico, Cuba, Guam and Phillipines.
World history
c. 1900's United States
Teddy Roosevelt.
World history
c. 1905 United States
Industrial Workers of the World. Aka, The Wobblies.
World history War c. 1914 Europe
World War I. Somme, Verdun. Machine guns, tanks, poison gas, air war, trench warfare
World history
c. 1914 World
World War I begins.
World history
c. 1917 Russia
Russian Communist Revolution
World history
c. 1917 Russia
Russia had a communist revolution in 1917.
World history
c. 1918 World
World War I ends.
World history
c. 1918 World
Influeza epidemic.
World history
c. 1920's Europe
League of Nations - precursor to U.N.
World history
c. 1920's United States
World history
c. 1923 Nepal
Independence from Britain in 1923. Pressured by communist China.
World history
c. 1925 United States
Scopes Trial over evolution.
World history War c. 1930's Spain
Spanish Civil War
World history
c. 1930's Germany
Hitler rises to power.
World history
c. 1932 United States
Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR) elected president. New Deal.
World history Natural disasters c. 1934 United States
Dust Bowl in US midwest.
World history War c. 1938

Hitler invades Czechoslovakia.
World history
c. 1939 World
World War II begins. Germany invades Poland and Czhechoslovakia.
World history War c. 1939

Hitler invades Poland.
World history War c. 1940's World
World War II. (1) Politics. Allies: American: Roosevelt. British: Churchill. Russian: Stalin. Axis: Germany: Hitler the bastard. Italy: Mussolini. Japan: emperor. (2) Battles. European theater: Battle of Atlantic, U-boats. Battle of Britain. Eastern (Russian) front, Stalilngrad. Africa: Tobruk and El Alamain. Battle of Bulge. D-Day at Normandy. Russia: Stalingrad. Pacific theater: Pearl Harbor. Midway. Okinawa. Iwo Jima. (3) The Holocaust. (4) Atom bomb. Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
World history
c. 1940's Japan
Fought with Axis in WWII. Kamakazis. Remarkable economic recovery.
World history
c. 1945 World
World War II ends.
World history
c. 1947 India
Ghandi led struggle for independence in 1947 from Britain.
World history
c. 1948 Israel
Created by UN in 1948. Palestinians want a homeland.
World history
c. 1948 Europe
Marshall Plan. Berlin Airlift.
World history
c. 1949 Europe
NATO. North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Allies against communist eastern europe.
World history
c. 1950's India
Indian independence - Ghandi
World history
c. 1950's World
Cold War. Stalin the bastard. Iron curtain. Arms race.
World history
c. 1950's China
Sun Yat Sen. Chiang Kai Shek. Mao Ze Dong. Chinese Communist Revolution. Chinese Cultural Revolution - killing all the cultural types. Chinese Famine.
World history
c. 1950's United States
McCarthyism. Red scare. HUAC House Un-American Activities Comittee. Blacklisting.
World history
c. 1950's United States
McCarthyism. Blacklists. Communist witch hunts.
World history
c. 1950's United States
Korean war.
World history War c. 1950's Korea
Korean war.
World history
c. 1950's United States
Civil rights struggle. School desegregation. Freedom riders.
World history
c. 1950's World
Decolonization. India gains independence from Britain. British, French and Portugese colonies in Africa gain independence. France gives up Indochina. African colonies gain independence from European powers. Fanton
World history
c. 1959 United States Brown, John John Brown's anti-slavery raid against Harper's Ferry, Virginia
World history
c. 1959 Cuba Cuba goes communist under Fidel Castro.
World history
c. 1960's Cuba
Cuban Missle Crisis. Bay of Pigs invasion attempt.
World history
c. 1960's Europe
Protests in Paris and Prague
World history War c. 1960's Vietnam
Vietnam war. Vietnam war protests. Anti-war movement. Peace movement.
World history Crime c. 1963 United States
JFK assassinated.
World history Natural disasters c. 1964 United States
Earthquake in Alaska.
World history Crime c. 1965 United States
Malcom X assasinated.
World history Crime c. 1968 United States
Martin Luther King Jr assassinated.
World history
c. 1968 United States
Shirley Chisholm first black woman elected to congress.
World history Crime c. 1968 United States
Robert F Kennedy assassinated.
World history War crime c. 1969 United States
Mai Lai massacare. US troops kill Vietnamese non-combatants.
World history
c. 1970's United States
Hostage crisis
World history
c. 1970's Argentina
Dirty War. The Disappeared.
World history
c. 1970's United States
Nixon impeached. Nixon resigns.
World history
c. 1970's United States
Carter administration.
World history Crime c. 1971 United States
Attica prison riot.
World history
c. 1971 Bangladesh
Independence from Britain in 1971.
World history Crime c. 1971 United States
Manson family killings.
World history War c. 1973 United States
Roe v. Wade decision by Supreme Court makes abortion legal.
World history
c. 1974 United States
Watergate scandal leads to resignation of President Nixon.
World history War c. 1974 United States
US withdraws from Vietnam.
World history
c. 1975 Angola
Independence from Portugal in 1975.
World history Crime c. 1978

Jonestown 1000 mass suicides in Guiana, led by Reverend Jim Jones.
World history Terrorism c. 1979

US hostages taken in Iran.
World history
c. 1979 Iran
American hostage crisis in Iran.
World history Terrorism c. 1980

US hostages in Iran released.
World history
c. 1980 Iceland
Worlds first female president in 1980.
World history War c. 1980 Russia
USSR invades Afghanistan.
World history
c. 1980 United States
US Presidential election, Reagan wins over Carter.
World history
c. 1980's South America
El Salvador, Nicaragua, Panama
World history
c. 1980's Europe
Fall of Communism. Democracy spreading. Russia: Gorbachov, Yeltsin, Putin. Glastnost, perestroika. Lithuania, Ukraine. East Germany. Romania: Ceacescu brutal dictatorship overthrown. Hungary, Bulgaria. Czechoslovakia's splits up
World history
c. 1980's United States
Reagan administration.
World history Natural disasters c. 1980's United States
Volcano erupts on Mount St. Helens.
World history
c. 1980's United States
Iran Contra Scandal
World history
c. 1980's China
Tianamen Square in China
World history
c. 1982 Argentina
Falklands war with Britain in 1982
World history Terrorism c. 1983

Terrorist bombing of Marines in Lebanon.
World history War c. 1983

US invades Grenada.
World history
c. 1984 India
Bhopal chemical accident in 1984.
World history
c. 1984 United States
US Presidential election. Reagan/Bush beats Mondale/Ferraro. Geraldine Ferraro first female US VP candidate.
World history
c. 1986 Russia
Chernobyl nuclear accident in 1986.
World history
c. 1988 United States
Presidential election Bush over Dukakis.
World history Terrorism c. 1988

Pan Am flight 103 shot down over Lockerbie, Scotland.
World history
c. 1989 China
Tianemen Square crackdown in 1989.
World history Natural disasters c. 1989 United States
Earthquake in San Francisco, CA.
World history War c. 1990

Iraq invades Kuwait. USA invades Iraq.
World history
c. 1990 Haiti
Jean Aristide elected president in 1990.
World history
c. 1990's United States
Clinton has an affair. Woop de doo. Invasion of private sex lives begins
World history
c. 1990's Europe
European Union. Single currency and reduced trade barriers. The Euro is the new currency.
World history
c. 1990's United States
Newt Gingrich steps down. Republican congress backfires.
World history War c. 1990's Europe
Serb vs. Croats War
World history Crime c. 1990's Rwanda
Rwanda genocide
World history
c. 1990's Balkans
Balkan war in 1992. Serbian Slobodon Milosovec accussed of war crimes for murdering Muslims in Kosovo.
World history Crime c. 1990's

Unabomber case. Theodore Kazcyinski.
World history
c. 1990's Russia
Russia moving toward democracy. Problems with organized crime.
World history
c. 1990's Russia
Chechnya revolts against Russia
World history
c. 1990's China
China becoming democratic and capitalistic.
World history
c. 1990's Poland
Poland regains independence from Soviet control.
World history Crime c. 1991 United States
Rodney King case. Police brutality.
World history
c. 1992 United States
Clinton beats Bush.
World history
c. 1993 Somalia
Blackhawk down.
World history Crime c. 1993 United States
Waco Texas. Branch Davidians. David Koresh.
World history Natural disasters c. 1993 United States
Perfect storm in north atlantic.
World history
c. 1995 Japan
Subway gas attack by religious cult in 1995.
World history Terrorism c. 1995 United States
Oklahoma City bombing by Timothy McViegh.
World history Crime c. 1995 United States
OJ Simpson murder case. Simpson acquited in criminal case. Simpson found liable and fined in civil case.
World history
c. 1995 Rwanda
Genocide kills 1 million.
World history
c. 1997 China
In 1997 China absorbed Hong Kong from the British.
World history
c. 1997 Indonesia
Asian financial crisis in 1997.
World history
c. 1998 United States
Clinton-Lewinsky scandal.
World history Crime c. 1999 United States
Abner Louima case, where New York City police sexually abuse an innocent man.
World history Crime c. 1999 United States
Amadou Diallo case, where New York City police kill an innocent man.
World history Crime c. 1999 United States
Colombine, Colorado. Student killings.
World history
c. 200

World history
c. 2000 United States
Independent prosecuter clears Clinton's in Whitewater case.
World history Terrorism c. 2000

World Trade Center bombing in 90's. USS Coles. Kenya Hotel. Bali hotel bombing. Spain train bombing. Televised beheadings by terrorists. Bus bombings in Israel.
World history Terrorism c. 2000

USS Cole attack.
World history
c. 2000 United States
The bogus Presidential election.
World history Terrorism c. 2001 United States
9/11 attack on World Trade Center by Al Quaeda and Osama Bin Laden.
World history Terrorism c. 2001 United States
Anthrax attacks appear to be done by someone within the US.
World history
c. 2001 Japan
Junichiro Koizumi elected prime minister in 2001.
World history
c. 2002 Russia
Bombing in theater by Chechnyan terrorists.
World history
c. 2002 Spain
Prestige oil tanker spill off Spanish coast.
World history War c. 2002

US war against Taliban in Afghanistan
World history
c. 2002 United States
Homeland security act
World history War c. 2003 United States
US throws out the Geneva Convention. Prisoner detention center in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.
World history War c. 2003 United States
US invasion of Iraq.
World history War c. 2003

Capture of Saddam Husein. Osama Bin Laden still at large.
World history
c. 2003 Russia
Terror bombing in elementary school by Chechnyan terrorists.
World history
c. 2004 United States
Bush takes Florida and Ohio to win US presedential election.
World history Natural disasters c. 2004 Asia
Tsunami in Indian Ocean
World history
c. 2004 Indonesia
Tsunami in Indonesia kills 250,000 people, December, 2004.
World history
c. 2004 United States
Bush running up a huge deficit. Bush is not a fiscal conservative.
World history Crime c. 2004 Sudan
Sudan genocide.
World history
c. 2004 Haiti
Aristide, president of Hatii, flees.
World history Religion c. 2004 United States
Sexual abuse of children by priests in US.
World history Terrorism c. 2004 Russia
Terror attach in Chechnyan school.
World history
c. 2004 Sudan
Ethnic warfare between muslims and africans kills thousands.
World history Terrorism c. 2004 Spain
Terrorist bombings in Spain
World history War c. 2004 United States
Abu Ghraib prison scandal involving torture of Iraqi civilians by US personel.
World history
c. 2005 United States
Protestors for peace in Texas. Cindy Sheehan leads anti-war protestors outside of Bush ranch.
World history
c. 2005 United States
Bush budget slashes social services.
World history
c. 2005 United States
Bush loses fight to revamp Social Security. That's good he lost.
World history Crime c. 2005 United States
Two NYC cops doing mob hits.
World history
c. 2005 United States
Karl Rove outed CIA agent Valerie Plame. Karl Rove should be fired.
World history
c. 2005 United States
NYT reports US government planting fake reporters and news reports.
World history
c. 2005 Israel
Israel pulls settlers out of the Gaza Strip.
World history
c. 2005 United States
Hurricane Katrina hits New Orleans and kills about 1500 people on August 30, 2005.
World history
c. 2005 World
G8 Meeting in July.
World history Terrorism c. 2005 United Kingdom
London terror bombing.
World history
c. 2005 United Kingdom
Live 8 concert led by Bob Geldorf and Bono. Pink Floyd reunites.
World history Terrorism c. 2005 Egypt
Terror bombing at Egyptian resort in July, 2005.
World history
c. 2005 United States
Identity of Deep Throat revealed. Deep Throat was Mark Felt in the CIA.
World history
c. 2005 United States
Bush appointing Supreme Court Justices to replace O'Connor and Rhenquist. That's a bad thing.
World History
c. 2005 United States
Hurricane Rita hits Texas in late September, 2005.
World History
c. 2005 United States
Peace March in Washington in late September, 2005.

World history
c. 300

World history
c. 400 Rome
Rome Falls
World history
c. 500

World history
c. 600

World history
c. 700

World history
c. 800

World history
c. 900 Europe
The Dark Ages.
World history

Costa Rica
Strong tradition of democracy. No army!
World history

Columbia has a drug problem. Pablo Escobar, the Medin drug cartel and the Cali drug cartel killed their way into government.
World history

Greenland currently is under control of Denmark. Greenland deserves independence.
World history

Taiwan shoud be independent.
World history

Indonesia is 90% Muslim. Many Indonesians want a theocracy of Islamic government and law.
World history

Rainforest being cut down.
World history

Georgia. Armenia. Azerbajan. The Cauuses have oil.
World history

China has a poor human rights record.
World history

Indigenous aborigines. Colonized by England.
World history

East Timor
Invaded by Indonesia in 1976 with thousands killed in genocide. Achieved nationhood in 2002.
World history

Civil war from 1975 to 1990. Hezbollah. 1980 bombings of US embassy.
World history

There is a separatist movement in Quebec. Quebec is French speaking and wants independence.
World history

Invaded by Iraq under Sadam Hussein in early 1990's. Multinational UN force liberates it.
World history

Intervention, liberation, occupation or invasion by US in 1992.
World history

Genocide under Pol Pot. Khmer Rouge kills 1 million. Killing Fields.
World history

Afghanistan is a leading supplier of heroin which is produced from poppy plants.
World history

Pampas provide grain and beef.
World history

Unocal wants to run an oil pipeline through Afghanistan.
World history

In the 1990's Afghanistan was under an oppressive religious fundamentalist regime called the Taliban.
World history

World history

The "Disappeared" were thousands killed by military dictatorship.
World history

Nazi's fled to Argentina after WWII
World history

Ceaucescu dictatorship.
World history

Nassar, Sadat, Mubarak.
World history

India has nuclear weapons.
World history

Republic under Sun Yat Sen and Chiang Kai Shek.
World history

Venezuala produces beauty queens too.
World history

War with Iran in 1980's. Saddam Hussein was Iraq's dictator. Iraq invaded Kuwait in 1990's. US deposed Sadam Hussein in 2003.
World history

China invaded Tibet. Free Tibet.
World history

China does not allow freedom of religion.
World history

Mao Tse Tong. 1950-1975. Millions die from famine.
World history

Venezuala has the most oil of any country is the western hemisphere.
World history

Afghanistan was invaded (occupied or liberated) by the US in 2002
World history

Vietnam war in 1960's and 1970's. North Vietnam, supported by communist China and Russia, fought against South Vietnam, supported by United States. US casualties were 50,000 killed.
World history

China does not have a free press.
World history

China has a huge population. Female infanticide.

World history

China is occupying Tibet.
World history

China was invaded by Japan in WWII.
World history

Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia is a big oil producer. The Saudi governmetn is a repressive theocracy. The 9-11 hijackers were from Saudi Arabia.
World history

Basque separatist movement (ETA). Catalonian region also wants independence.
World history

Invaded by Moors in middle ages.
World history

Inca civilization in Andes mountains was subject to genocide by Spanish conquerors.
World history

Communist under Mao Tse Tung in 1949, followed by Deng Xio Ping and Jiang Zemin.
World history

China makes every product sold in the United States.
World history

Iran fought a war with Iraq in the 1980's.
World history

Russia invaded Afghanistan in 1979. Retreated ten years later.
World history

Gorbachev. Perestroika or restructuring. Glasnost.
World history

South Africa
1980's overthrow of apartheid social policy of racial segregation. Nelson Mandela great leader.
World history

World history

Iran was formerly known as Persia. Iranians are Persians, not Arabs.
World history

The Shah of Iran was overthrown in the 1970's and the Ayatollah Khomeni took his place and installed an Islamic government. Next came Khameni, a conservative. Next was Khatami, a progressive.
World history

Iraq was formerly known as Mesopotamia. Iraq has lots of oil.
World history

President Vincente Fox
World history

Shah of Iran deposed in 1970's. Islamic fundamentalist religious dictatorship set up under Ayatollah Kohmeni. War with Iraq in 1980's.
World history

Russia has big oil reserves.
World history

World history

Recent famines kill thousands.
World history

Fascist dictatorships.
World history

President Hugo Chavez
World history

Spanish civil war in 1930's between left wing coalition of labor and communists and right wing fascist coalition of military, church, entrenched money and power elites led by Franco.
World history

There was a genocide of East Timorese by Indonesia in the 1970's and 1980's.
World history

Saudi Arabia
Vast oil reserves. Poor record of human rights. Islamic fundamentalism.
World history

China cracking down on Falun Gong religious group. China represses dissenters. China does not allow free speech. That is bad.
World history

Stalin Era. Iron Curtain over Eastern Europe. Cold War with United States. Gulag Archipeligo prison camp system kills millions.
World history

Famine. Civil war.
World history

Formerly part of Czechoslovakia
World history

Puerto Rico
Puerto Rico is currently a US colony. Puerto Rico deserves independence.
World history

Israel has nuclear weapons. Occupied territories in West Bank, Gaza Strip and Golan Heights.
World history

World history

United Kingdom
Colonial era.
World history

IRA. Sinn Fein. Gerry Adams.
World history

The Zapatista rebellion of poor southern Mexicans led by subcommander Marcos,
World history

King Hussein.
World history

China wants to keep Taiwan. Free Taiwan.
World history

Economic recovery feuled by cars and electronics.
World history

Mommar Khadaffi is dictator of Libya.
World history

World history

Independence from Britain in 1963.
World history

Shining Path guerillas
World history

Dictatorship under Noriega ended in 1980's.
World history

Dictator Ceaucescu overthrown in early 1990's
World history

Switzerland claimed to be "neutral" in WWII. Profited from all sides during two world wars.
World history

Rapidly modernizing. Oppressive government.
World history

North Korea
Korean war in 1950's between North Korea (backed by China) and South Korea (backed by United States). Repressive communist regime. Famines. Kim Il Sung.
World history

New Zealand
Indigenous Maori. New Zealand raises lots of sheep.
World history

Civil war between Northern Ireland (British, Protestant) and Southern Ireland (Irish, Catholic). Irish Republican Army. IRA. Sinn Fein terror bombings against British.
World history

Arafat died in 2004. PLO. Hammas.
World history

Pakistan is a muslim country. Border disputes with India regarding Kashmir region.
World history

Iraq has Shiites, Sunnis and Kurds.
World history

Dictatorship under Idi Amin.
World history

Malquiladoras are border towns where US companies go for cheap labor and low taxes.
World history

Egyptian dictators: Nassar 54-70. Sadat 70-81. Mubarak 81-present.
World history

Guantanamo Bay is a US military base on Cuba. Why do we have a base on Cuba.
World history

Hamid Kharzai elected president of Afghanistan in 2004.
World history

Jiang Zemin currently leads China.
World history

Communist under Castro since 1950's.
World history

Afghanistan invaded by Russians in 1980's. US backed the Mujahideen to fight the Russians. Russia retreated after 10 years.
World history

India has a border conflict with Pakistan over the Kashmir region.
World history

Communist till 1992.
World history

Military dictatorship of Juan Peron.
World history

India is predominantly Hindu. Pakistan is predominantly Muslim.
World history

United States has an economic embargo against Cuba. Why?
World history

China backed North Korea in the Korean war.
World history

Formerly Serbo-Croatia.
World history

Democratic Republic of Congo.
Formerly known as Zaire.
World history

Dictatorship under Samoza family. Left wing Sandanistas rebel. Right wing Contras retaliate, backed by US trying to protect its own business interests. Iran-Contra scandal hits Regan administration.
World history

Afghanistan invaded by British in 1900's. Afghanistan gained independence from Britain in the year _.
World history

Religious militants in Egypt want Islamic government and law.
World history

The Stan countries are also known as CARS (Central Asian Republics) Tajikistan. Uzbekistan. Turkmenistan. Kyrgyzstan. Kazakstan.
World history

Fidel Castro leads communist revolution in 1950's, throwing out Baptista regime.
World history

Formerly known as Burma.
World history

Czech Republic
Formerly part of Czechoslovakia.
World history

Occupied by Spain. 1898 occupation by United States. Independence in year ? Ferdinand and Imelda Marcos thrown out in 1980's. Corizon Aquino. Gloria Arroyo elected in 2001. Muslim guerilla terrorism. Communist guerilla terrorism.
World history

United Kingdom
Winston Churchill, an FDR clone? Margret Thatcher, a Reagan clone? Tony Blair, a Bush clone?
World history

Fundamentalists Hindus as bad as fundamentalist Muslims and fundamentalist Christians.
World history

Border disputes between India and Pakistan over Kashmir.
World history

High suicide rate.
World history

Drugs. Crime. Kidnappings.
World history

Civil war because Sudan stretches from Muslim north Africa to non-muslim central africa. Famine. Slavery.
World history

Independence from Britain in 1956.
World history

United Kingdom
England, Wales, Scotland and North Ireland.
World history

Turkey is a link between Europe and the Middle East. Ottoman Empire. Ataturk led modern Turkey. Turkey is an Islamic country trying to join the EU. Kurd population in southern Turkey.
World history

Before 1916 Syria included Lebanon, Jordan and Israel.
World history

El Salvador
Military dictatorship supported by US. Sandinista government was a left wing popularly elected government. Contras were US backed, right wing death squads who fought against Sandinistas..
World history

Deng Xio Ping.
World history

WWI. WWII. Hitler. Holocaust. East Germany went under control of USSR. Reunification in late 1980's.
World history

A colony of Dutch, then Japanese. Dictator Sukarno followed by dictator Suharto.
World history

Poppa Doc and Baby Doc Duvalier were dictators from 1957 to 1987.
World history

Sikhs want the Punjab.
World history

India is a democracy.
World history

Serbs and Croats formerly Serbocroatia. Czechs and Slovaks formerly Czechoslovakia. Bosnians and Herzogovinans formerly Bosnia-Herzogovina.
World history

Independence from France in early 1960's.
World history

Dictatorship under Pinochet in 1970's through 1980's. US supported Pinochet.
World history

North Korea
Kim Jong Il is dictator of North Korea. North Korea has a nuclear program. North Korea has many people starving.
World History
c. 2005 Pakistan, India
Earthquake kills 50,000 people in Kashmir on the border of Pakistan and India on October 8, 2005. Thousands more injured. Millions homeless. Winter fast approaching.

World History

African cities. Songhay. Timbuktu. Mali.
World History

Africa, southern
Zulu nation
World History

Africa, northern

World History List of nations

World History List of nations

World History List of nations

World History List of nations

World History List of nations

World History List of nations

World History List of nations

World History List of nations

World History List of nations

World History List of nations

World History List of nations

World History List of nations

World History List of nations

World History List of nations

World History List of nations

World History List of nations

World History List of nations

World History List of nations

World History List of nations

World History List of nations

World History List of nations

World History List of nations

World History List of nations

World History List of nations

World History List of nations

World History List of nations

World History List of nations

World History List of nations

World History List of nations

World History List of nations

World History List of nations

World History List of nations

World History List of nations

World History List of nations

World History List of nations
Cook Islands

World History List of nations
Costa Rica

World History List of nations

World History List of nations

World History List of nations
Czech Republic

World History List of nations

World History List of nations
Dem Rep Congo

World History List of nations

World History List of nations
Dominican Republic

World History List of nations
East Timor

East Timor gain nationhood during the 1990's.
World History List of nations
Easter Island

World History List of nations

World History List of nations

World History List of nations
El Salvador

World History List of nations

World History List of nations

World History List of nations

World History List of nations

World History List of nations

World History List of nations

World History List of nations
French Guyana

World History List of nations

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World History List of nations

World History List of nations

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World History List of nations

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World History List of nations

World History List of nations

World History List of nations

World History List of nations

World History List of nations

World History List of nations

World History List of nations
Marshal Islands

World History List of nations

World History List of nations

World History List of nations

World History List of nations

World History List of nations

World History List of nations

Mongolia and Tibet should be independent nations, not territories of Chinese imperialism.
World History List of nations

World History List of nations

World History List of nations

Formerly known as Burma.
World History List of nations

World History List of nations

World History List of nations

World History List of nations
New Zealand

Lots of sheep.
World History List of nations

World History List of nations

World History List of nations

World History List of nations
North Korea

World History List of nations

World History List of nations

World History List of nations

World History List of nations

Panama Canal handed over to Panama in 1990's.
World History List of nations
Papua New Guinea

World History List of nations

World History List of nations

World History List of nations
Peurto Rico

Puerto Rico, three options: Remain a territory; Become a state; Become an independent nation. Puerto Rico should be an independent nation, not an example of US imperialism.
World History List of nations

World History List of nations

World History List of nations

World History List of nations

World History List of nations

World History List of nations

World History List of nations

World History List of nations
Saudi Arabia

World History List of nations

World History List of nations

World History List of nations

World History List of nations

World History List of nations

World History List of nations
South Africa

World History List of nations
South Korea

World History List of nations

World History List of nations
St. Kitts

World History List of nations
St. Lucia

World History List of nations
St. Thomas

World History List of nations

World History List of nations

World History List of nations

World History List of nations

World History List of nations

World History List of nations

World History List of nations

World History List of nations

Taiwan should be a sovereign nation, independent of China.

World History List of nations

World History List of nations

World History List of nations

World History List of nations

World History List of nations

World History List of nations

World History List of nations

World History List of nations

World History List of nations
United Arab Emirates

World History List of nations
United Kingdom

World History List of nations
United States

World History List of nations

World History List of nations

World History List of nations

World History List of nations

World History List of nations
Virgin Islands

World History List of nations

World History List of nations

World History List of nations

World History List of nations

World History

America, southern
Inca civilization.
World History

America, central
Maya civilization.
World History

America, northern
American Indian cultures
World History

America, central
Toltec civilization.
World History

America, central
Aztec civilization.
World History Exploration

Cortes, Herman

World History Exploration


World History Exploration


World History Exploration


World History Exploration
Portugal Vasco de Gama

World History Exploration
France Marquette

World History Exploration
France Joliette

World History Exploration


World History Exploration


World History Exploration
England Hudson

World History

Persian Empire. Darius was a king. Zoroastrism was the religion.
World History

Israel. Hebrews. Saul, David, Solomon were kings. Judaism was a religion..
World History

Greece. Athens and Sparta in the Peloponesian war.
World History

Macedonia. Alexander the Great.
World History

Roman republic. Roman empire.
World History

Byzantine empire.
World History

Ottoman empire
World History

Ivan the Terrible. Peter the Great. Catherine the Great.
World History

Islam. Mohammed. The Koran. Ummayads. Abbasids.
World History

Dark Ages in Europe.
Economics and business

Economics and business

Economics and business

Economics and business

Stock markets. Wall Street founded in late 1700's.
Economics and business

Economics and business

Monopolies. Robber Barrons. Anti-trust legislation.
Economics and business

Great Depression. New Deal. Social Security. Unemployment insurance.
World History

World History

Renaissance. Humanists like Petrarch and Bocaccio.
World History

Black Plague kills millions in Europe.
Economics and business

Trade routes across the Middle East to China. Marco Polo.

Scientific Revolution in Europe. Copernicus. Galileo. Newton.

Protestant Reformation. Luther. 95 theses.

Spanish Inquisition. Counter-reformation. Witch burning. Torture.
World History

World History

Carolingian empire in Europe.
World History

World History

Universities in Oxford, Paris, etc.
World History
c. -3000 Mesopotamia
Sumer. Sumerians.
World History

Akkad. Akkadians.

World History
c. -2000 Mesopotamia
Babylonians. Hamurabi's code. Nebuchadnezzar.
World History
c. -3000 Egypt
Nile river valley civilizations

c -3000 Egypt
Old Kingdom
World History
c. -2000 Egypt
Middle Kingdom
World History
c. -1000 Egypt
New Kingdom. Akhenaton. Tutankamen. Ramses.
World History

Indus river valley civilization. Hinduism was the religion. Works of literature: Vedas. Brahmanas. Upanishads. Mahabarata. Ramayana.

Buddha. Buddhism.
World History

Mauryan empire.
World History

Gupta empire.
World History

Cannanites in Syria
World History

Hittites in Asia Minor.

Mycenaeans in Crete
World History

Minoans in Crete.



World History

Origins of Chinese civilization in the Yangtze and Yellow River valleys
World History

Xia dyanasty.
World History
c. -1500 to -1000 China
Shang Dynasty - 1500 - 1000 BC

World History
? China
Shwing dynasty.
World History
c. -200 to 0 China
Chin or Qin dynasty
World History
c. 0 to 200 China
Han dynasty
World History
c. 200 to 600 China
Six dynasties
World History
c. 600 to 950 China
Tang dynasty and Five dynasties

World History
c. 950 to 1250 China
Song or Sung dynasty.
World History
c. 1200 to 1350 China
Yuan dynasty
World History
c. 1350 to 1650 China
Ming dynasty.
World History
c. 1650 to 1911 China
Ching dynasty

World History
c. 1200 China
Mongols. Genghis Khan. Kublai Khan.

Confucius. Confucianism is not so much a religion as it is a philosophy. Confucianism focuses on societal ethics.

World History

Ming dynasty.
World History

Industrial Revolution. Steam engine.
World History

Enlightenment. Age of Reason. Voltaire. Diderot. Encyclopedists.
World History

Romanticism in the Arts. Emphasis on sensation and emotion.
World History

Magna Carta. Cromwell. Glorious Revolution.
World History

French Revolution. Estates General. National Assembly. Storming of Bastille. Reign of Terror. Lavoisier executed. Robespierre. Napolean.
World History
2005 Germany
First woman leader of Germany elected.
World History

Harriet Myers withdrawn as nominee for Supreme Court Justice. Alito nominated instead.
World History

Tom Delay indicted for corruption in fund raising. Scooter Libby indicted in outing of CIA agent Valerie Plame.
World History

Riots in France in November 2005 by young Muslims who are angry about discrimination. Many cars burned.
World History

Terror bombings at three hotels on same day in Jordan in November, 2005.
World History

US government planting stories in the press. The mainstream media contains government war propaganda. The mainstream media is not reliable.

World History

December, 2005. British playwright Harold Pinter accepts Nobel Prize in Literature by giving an acceptance speech that criticizes the Bush administration for lying the US into a war in Iraq. Pinter also criticized the Blair adminstration for following Bush on a leash.
World History

December, 2005. Richard Pryor died.
World History

September, 2005. Hurricane Rita
World History

September 25, 2005. 200,000 in anti-war march on Washington.
World History

China puts a man in space, thereby joining the US and Russia as countries that have put people into space.
World History

Music. New Romantics, synth driven, dance beat. Hair metal.
World History

Corporate America is welching on pensions. The workers who gave their lives for a pension are being screwed by the corporations.
World History
2006 United States
January, 2006. Jack Abramov scandal. Joins felow scandal plagued Republicans Tom Delay, Scooter Libby.
World History
2006 United States
January, 2006. Bush admits spying on US citizens without a court order.
World History
2005 World
Bird flu pandemic concerns.
World History
2005 United States
US supreme court. John Roberts nominated. Harriet Myers nomination withdrawn. Sammuel Alito nominated.
World History
2005 Germany
Angela Merkel is the new Chancelor of Germany
World History
2006 United States
Bush authorized spying on US citizens without a warrant.
World History
2006 Chile
Left-wing, liberal woman elected president of Chile
World History
2006 Palestine
Hamas wins election in Palestine.
World History
2006 United States
1/15/2006. Representitive Bob Murtha, a veteran, speaks out agains Iraq war.
World History
2006 United States
1/20/2006. Harry Belafonte, a fine political activist, speaks out against Bush administration.
World History
2006 United States
Spy gate. Bush is spying without a warrant on the American people.
World History
2006 United States
Unitary executive bullshit. Bush is using signing statements to avoid the law.
World History
2006 Egypt
Egyptian ferry disaster kills about 1000.
World History
2005 France
Face transplant.
World History
2006 United States
Massachusetts gay bar shooting.
World History
2006 United States
1/15/2006. US bombs an entire Pakistani village, leaving 20 people dead.
World History

February, 2006. Cartoon riots in the Muslim world. Muslims upset that a Danish newspaper printed cartoons depicting Mohammed.
World History
2006 United States
February, 2006. Dick Cheney shoots his friend in the face with a shotgun. Local police told to stay away. Was Cheney drunk?
World History
2006 United States
February, 2006. Bush approves a plan to have US port security handled by the United Arab Emirates. Another bad idea by Bush.
World History
2006 United States
March, 2006. Riots in France to protest anti-youth labor laws.
World History
2006 United States
April, 2006. Rallies in the U.S. to protest anti-immigration laws.
World History
2006 United States
April, 2006. Gas prices rising above $3 a gallon. Meanwhile oil companies report biggest profits ever.
World History

April, 2006. Iran reports that it has nukes. Is the United States stupid enough to invade Iran?
World History
2006 Palestine
March, 2006. Hamas elected ruling party in Palestine.
World History
2006 World
Glaciers are melting the world over, due to global warming.
World History
2006 Bolivia
Evo Morales elected president of Bolivia. Allies with Hugo Chavez of Venezuela and Fidel Castro of Cuba. Nationalizes the country's oil industry.
World History
2006 Cuba
Fidel Castro is a dictator who does not allow free elections.
World History
2006 Italy
Prodi beats Berlusconi in presidential election.
World History
2006 Nepal
Rebel Maoists causing violence. Why did China invade Tibet but not Nepal?
World History
2006 Sudan
Muslims causing genocide
World History
2006 Canada
Conservative Stephen Harper elected prime minister, that's bad.
World History
2006 Mexico
President Vincente Fox has to deal with Zapatistas
World History
2006 Japan
Japan is coming out of a recession
World History
2006 Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia quashes women's rights.
World History
2006 Turkey
Turkey wants to enter the European Union one minute, and the next minute radical muslims threaten to take over the country.
World History
2006 Russia
Putin is making Russia less democratic.
World History
2006 United States
The NSA has our phone records. The NSA is spying on our phone calls.

World History Cultural anthropology c. -30000

Explosion of human creativity around thirty thousand years ago
World History Cultural anthropology c. -10000

Civilization beginning around ten thousand years ago. Domestication of plants and animals. Enduring settlements, towns, cities, kingdoms.
World History Physical anthropology c. -10000000

When did monkeys split from lemurs? When did apes split from monkeys?
World History Physical anthropology c. -1000000

One million years ago, how widespread were humans, and how many were there?
World History Physical anthropology c. -100000

Modern humans (homo sapiens)
World History Physical anthropology c. -7000000

Human origins around seven million years ago.
World History Sports c. 2005 United States
2005. Hockey season cancelled.
World History Sports c. 2005 United States
2005. Baseball steroid scandal.
World History
c. 1977 United States
1977. Roots is watched by millions on televison.

World History Geology and biology -4,600,000,000

1. Precambrian era. Starts 4.6 billion years ago.
World History Geology and biology

2. Paleozoic era.
World History Geology and biology -570,000,000

2.1. Cambrian period. Starts 570 million years ago.
World History Geology and biology -500,000,000

2.2. Ordovician period. 500 mill
World History Geology and biology -430,000,000

2.3. Silurian period. 430 mill
World History Geology and biology -395,000,000

2.4. Devonian period. 395 mill
World History Geology and biology -345,000,000

2.5. Carboniferous period. 345 mill
World History Geology and biology -280,000,000

2.6. Permian period. 280 mill
World History Geology and biology

3. Mesozoic era.
World History Geology and biology -225,000,000

3.1. Triassic period. 225 million years ago.
World History Geology and biology -195,000,000

3.2. Jurassic period. 195 mill
World History Geology and biology -135,000,000

3.3. Cretaceous period. 135 mill
World History Geology and biology

4. Cenozoic era.
World History Geology and biology

4.1. Tertiary period.
World History Geology and biology -2,000,000

4.2. Quaternary epoch. Starts 2 million years ago.
World History Geology and biology

4.3. Pleistocene epoch.
World History Geology and biology

4.4. Holocene epoch.
World History Geology and biology

Miocene epoch.
World History Geology and biology

Oligocene epoch.
World History Geology and biology -65,000,000

Paleocene and Eocene epoch. Starts 65 million years ago. First mammals.
World History Geology and biology

Pliocene epoch.

World History Geology and biology

First life. First land life. First plants. First animals. First amphibians, reptiles, fish, birds, mammals, humans.