Outline. Politics, history of. By Paul Nervy.

Copyright 2006, Paul Nervy.

Subject Category Year (When) Place (Where) Person(s) (Who) Thing, Event, Idea, Word, or Work (What) Description (Why, How, etc.)

Politics, philosophy of Philosophy of politics
England Burke, Edmund Treatise on Government Burke was a conservative and a royalist. Burke was a traditionalist, wary of change. Burke was reacting against the violence of the French Revolution.
Politics, philosophy of Philosophy of politics
Italy Gramisci, Antonio. Prison Notebooks Discusses concept of hegemony.
Politics, philosophy of Philosophy of politics
United States Chomsky, Noam. Manufacturing Consent. Hegemony and Survival. Critique of power. Critique of media.
Politics, philosophy of Philosophy of politics
Austria Popper, Karl Open Society and its Enemies
Politics, philosophy of Philosophy of politics

Politics, philosophy of Philosophy of politics
United States Rawls, John Theory of Justice In an ideal situation, people bargain for values without knowing their status. Bargain from a position of uncertainty. "Original position". "Veil of ignorance."
Politics, philosophy of Philosophy of politics
Germany Hegel
Hegel was an idealist. Hegel saw the path of history as progressing toward some kind of ideal. Hegel had a historical view of the world. Hegel describes thesis, countered by antithesis producing a synthesis.
Politics, philosophy of Philosophy of politics
Greece Artistotle. Politics. Nichomean Ethics. Man as a social and political animal. Theory of the State. Monarchy. Democracy.
Politics, philosophy of Philosophy of politics

Politics, philosophy of Philosophy of politics
India Ghandi, Mahatma
Non-violent resistance.
Politics, philosophy of Philosophy of politics
United States Nozick, Robert Anarchy, State, and Utopia Right wing criticism of Rawls.
Politics, philosophy of Philosophy of politics
Greece Socrates.
Philosopher King.
Politics, philosophy of Philosophy of politics

Tocqueville, Alexis de

Politics, philosophy of Philosophy of politics

International politics.
Politics, philosophy of Philosophy of politics
France Montesquie Spirit of the Laws
Politics, philosophy of Philosophy of politics
United States Huntington, Samuel Clash of Civilizations Huntington describes a world of conflict and feuding amongst tribes.
Politics, philosophy of Philosophy of politics
France Foucault, Michael
Critique of power.
Politics, philosophy of Philosophy of politics

Politics, philosophy of Philosophy of politics
England Hobes, Thomas Leviathan Hobbes was a royalist who argued for monarchy. Hobbes see humans as selfish egoists. Hobbes sees the state of nature as bad.
Politics, philosophy of Philosophy of politics
United States Fukuyama, Francis End of History Fukuyama believes democratic capitalism is the inevitable final stage of society.
Politics, philosophy of Philosophy of politics
Switzerland Rousseau, J.J. Social Contract (1762) Rousseau saw nature as pleasant and people as good. Rosseau was a collectivist with notions of a "general will" and a "common good". He was for direct democracy, rather than representitive democracy. He was for majority rule, rather than protecting minority rights. He was a utopianist.
Politics, philosophy of Philosophy of politics
England Locke, John Two Treatises on Government Locke was a proponent of human rights. Locke was for limited government. Locke was anti-royalist. There should be a consent of the governed. There should be a constitution.
Politics, philosophy of Philosophy of politics
Russia Marx, Karl Communist Manifesto Marx's views were historical materialism and economic determinism. Marx saw economic systems as determining society and the path of history. Marxism is a critique of individualism, a critique of capitalism. Marx saw class conflict as a major issue.
Politics, philosophy of Philosophy of politics
Italy Machiavelli. The Prince Machiavelli was an apologist for injustice. Realist politics. Power for powers sake. Secular Politics.
Politics, philosophy of Philosophy of politics
England Mill,John Stuart On Liberty (1859). Utilitarianism. Subjegation of Women. Mill defended liberalism. He believed in protecting individual rights against majorities. He believed in protecting minorities against majorities. Mill was a utilitarian. Mill was for women's rights. Mill rejects paternalism. Mill rejects religious authority. Mill believes in representitive government. Prevention of harm principle.
Politics, philosophy of Philosophy of politics
United States Paine, Tom Rights of Man
Politics, philosophy of Philosophy of politics
England Berlin, Isaiah Positive and negative liberty.