Outline. Psychology, history of. By Paul Nervy.

Copyright 2006, Paul Nervy.

Subject Category Year (When) Place (Where) Person(s) (Who) Thing, Event, Idea, Word, or Work (What) Description (Why, How, etc.)

Psychology Philosophy of mind

Stich, Stephen

Psychology Philosophy of mind

Churchland, Paul
Eliminative materialism.
Psychology Philosophy of mind

McGinn, Colin
Consciousness. Mysterian.
Psychology Philosophy of mind

Searle, John
Intentionalilty. Critique of computational theory of mind.
Psychology Philosophy of mind

Ryle, Gilbert

Psychology Philosophy of mind

Psychology Philosophy of mind

Edelmen, Gerald

Psychology Philosophy of mind

Chalmers, David
Psychology Philosophy of mind

Churchland, Patricia
Psychology Philosophy of mind

Damasio, Antonio

Psychology Philosophy of mind

Lycan, William

Psychology Philosophy of mind

Rosenthal, David

Psychology Philosophy of mind

Nagel, Thomas
Consciousness. Subjectivist.
Psychology Psychologist

Psychology Psychologists
United States Maslow, Abraham
Existentialist psychology / Humanistic psychology. Motivation. Hierarchy of needs.
Psychology Psychologists

Sullivan, Harry Stack

Psychology Psychologists

Kinsey, Alfred
Psychology Psychologists
England Hull, C.

Psychology Psychologists

Kohlberg, Lawrence
Moral psychology, development of
Psychology Psychologists

Johnson-Laird, Philip
Cognitive science.
Psychology Psychologists
United States Rogers, Carl
Existentialist psychology / Humanistic psychology
Psychology Psychologists
Germany Fromm, Erich

Psychology Psychologists
United States Sternberg, Joseph

Psychology Psychologists
France Lacan, Jacques
Freudian psychology
Psychology Psychologists
Russia Luria, A.

Psychology Psychologists

Thorndike, Edward
Behaviorist psychology. Rat lab.
Psychology Psychologists

Piaget, J.
Cognitive development.
Psychology Psychologists

Seligman, Martin
Optimism. Learned helplessness.
Psychology Psychologists

Marr, David
Vision studies.
Psychology Psychologists

Horney, Karen
Freudian psychology
Psychology Psychologists
Germany Freud, Sigmund
Psychoanalysis. Unconscious. Id, ego, superego. Repression, catharsis. Oral, anal, and phallic stages.
Psychology Psychologists
Germany Wundt, Wilhelm
Founder of psychology.
Psychology Psychologists
Canada Pinker, Stephen How the Mind Works Cognitive science. Language acquisition.
Psychology Psychologists
United States Watson, J. B.
Behaviorist psychology
Psychology Psychologists

Tolman, Edward

Psychology Psychologists
United States James, William
Founder of American psychology
Psychology Psychologists
Russia Vgotsky, L.
Psychology Psychologists

Lewin, Kurt
Social psychology. Field theory.
Psychology Psychologists
United States May, Rollo
Existentialist psychology / Humanistic psychology
Psychology Psychologists

Festinger, Leon
Cognitive dissonance
Psychology Psychologists
Germany Adler, Alfred
Individual psychology.
Psychology Psychologists

Frankl, Victor
Existentialist psychology / Humanistic psychology
Psychology Psychologists
United States Beck, Aaron
Cognitive therapy.
Psychology Psychologists

Ebbinghaus, Herman
Psychology Psychologists
Germany Jung, Karl
Psychology Psychologists

Skinner, B. F.
Behaviorist psychology
Psychology Psychologists
United States Dewey, Thomas.
Pragmatist psychology
Psychology Psychologists
Germany Kohler, Wolfgang

Psychology Psychologists

Hebb, Donald

Psychology Psychologists
United States Chomsky, Noam.
Language is innate.
Psychology Psychologists

Gestalt psychology.
Psychology Psychologists

Sperry, Roger
Split brain
Psychology Psychologists
United States Ellis, Albert
Cognitive therapy. Rational emotive therapy (RET).
Psychology Psychologists

Seyle, Hans
Psychology Psychologists
United States Laing, R. D.
Critique of psychiatry.
Psychology Psychologists
Russia Pavlov
Reflexes. Conditioning. Learning.
Psychology Psychologists

Erickson, Erik
Development psychology
Psychology Psychologists

Bandura, Albert
Social learning. Observational learning.
Psychology Psychologists

Milgram, Stanely
Social psychology. Experiments in abuse of power.
Psychology Psychologists

Minsky, Marvin
Cognitive science.
Psychology Psychologists

Wechsler, David
Psychology Psychologists

Eysenck, Hans
Personality theory
Psychology Psychologists
United States Gardener, Howard
Eight types of intelligence.
Psychology Psychologists

Binet, A.
Intelligence testing.
Psychology Psychologists

Trivers, Robert